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Brain Scribbles

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« Brain Scribbles »

Even in modern times, the greatest and most adaptable tool will always be the human mind. Although advanced technology can produce neat facsimiles of art and prose, there is often a vague but tangible feeling of something missing. That human element, the soul of creation, will always be the most important component of any project. I offer you the output of the computer of my mind. Having been wired a bit differently than most, I am in possession of a most unique organic neural machine. My right and left brains vie for attention and produce friction in their opposition. Consequently, I am in possession of large amounts of energy, which I channel into either verbal or artistic expression. I offer for hire, the positive product of this dichotomy. I call these my Brain Scribbles. I offer a custom end product tailored to your wants, needs and desires. In addition, I do so with the utmost integrity. My writing services include: Proofreading, ghost writing, composition, assistance with style, grammar and spelling (for students), reworking and rewording existing documents for maximum effectiveness, custom poetry, song lyrics, website text, band press releases and publicity items, news articles and much more. Send your outline for a free consultation. My wonderful computer of a brain will process the task at top efficiency and spit out a final product, which has been carefully tailored, to your satisfaction. For students: I can assist in your quest to become a better writer. I believe in the old adage about teaching a man to fish and feeding him for a lifetime rather than merely giving him one fish to eat for a day. I do not participate in plagiarism or cheating, but I will tutor and assist the student needing advice or guidance. I will also provide affordable proofreading and editing services at a student discount price. I also offer custom artwork. Some of the art related services I offer are as follows: Keepsake custom gift art Art for children's rooms Custom greeting cards Personalized poetry art Photos converted to artwork Tattoo design Band related artwork E-mail for a consult and a quote, and for samples. Prices are reasonable and per project not by the hour. My Qualifications I have a strong background in art and have been creating since I was old enough to pick up a pencil. I have been the recipient of numerous art awards as a child and adult, and have had my art published in national magazines and on music related products. I am a diverse and adaptable artist and have a wide knowledge of different media and subjects. I have been educated in many upper level art courses to help expand my natural abilities. I am currently involved as a graphic artist for an IT2 grant project being produced at Marist College for the NSF. I have samples of my artwork available for viewing. I have been a hopeless bookworm since I started reading at age two. I have read tens of thousands of books on almost every subject imaginable, and I am a former college English major. I am the daughter of an English teacher and the granddaughter of a professional proofreader and my love of reading and writing and natural ability was fostered from a very young age. I am currently assisting in the composition and editing of grant proposals and science papers at Marist College, where I am a psychology major. My fiction and news articles have also been published in local newspapers and online. I graduated from DCC with honors and a degree in Business. This has given me an excellent grasp of marketing and publicity needs. I am current President of Mid Hudson Mensa. I am a musician and worked in a successful local band for years as a drummer, as well as handled our publicity and all our artwork and design. I have had my art displayed and sold, as well as the honor of my work being tattooed forever on skin. I offer a diversity that is extremely useful and adaptable in our exceedingly eclectic and dynamic world. Art and good writing never go out of style.
