Season 5
Buffy's getting back into college and the slaying, but she's got a little extra person in the family, she's got a younger sister called Dawn. She's 13 years old and appears to have always been in the family. For some reason or another over the past few days Dawn has been getting on Buffy's nerves more than ever before. Joyce, Buffy's mom, suddenly takes a turn for the worst and ends up in hospital after a few head aches and when she passes out for a little while. At the hospital Riley's heartbeat is noticed by a curious Dawn to be far higher than the average, but it doesn't seem to bother Riley as he seems to be stronger than before. But this would have killed him if it had not been treated. Riley hated not being quite as strong as Buffy, and he wanted to stay strong, but it would have killed him. Spike's also still in Sunnydale wanting to get the chip out of his head, but he was fooled by an ex-Initiative doctor and leaves in a huff. That night Spike has a curious dream, a dream where he tells Buffy that he loves her, Spike's none to pleased about this. Joyce isn't getting any better either, Buffy thinks it's something mystical because while at the hospital this is what a crazy person tells her. She casts a spell which reveals all, and what she finds out is that it isn't a spell that's hurting Joyce at all. She finds out that her sister isn't her sister, she's something else altogether. She goes back to a a deserted factory where she first encountered a clue as to what Dawn could be, here a monk is getting tortured by a rather powerful and beautiful young lady. Buffy can't defeat the woman, but grabs the monk and leaves. Just before the monk dies he tells Buffy that Dawn is The Key, something very powerful that has to be looked after, and so the Key was sent to Buffy in the shape of a sister. Buffy only tells Giles, and doesn't tell Dawn. While at hospital Joyce finds out from the doctors that there's a shadow in her head and an operation needs to be done to find out more. She has a brain tumor, which is operated on and removed, much to Buffy's relief. Riley however has felt that he has been blocked out of much of Buffy's life and has been getting consoled elsewhere, at a house full of vampires when humans pay for vampires to feed off them so that they feel the rush. One night Spike tells Buffy about this and sees Riley there and is completely heart broken. Riley is also asked to come back into the army, to fight demons in South America. Riley said that he will only go if Buffy doesn't want him. Buffy, appalled at what Riley had done, at first says its alright for him to go. Xander has a good talk with her and Buffy tries to get Riley back, but it's too late and he's off in a helicopter never to be seen again. Giles decides that they need to know more about the woman that Buffy has been fighting, Glory (who also wants the Key), and so called the Watchers' Council. They give Buffy a whole load of tests, but then she realised that Buffy's the one calling the shots and tells them to back off. Which they do, but first they tell Buffy that Glory is in fact a God. She also meets the Knights of Byzantium who want to see the Key dead so that Glory doesn't get her hands on the Key and cause hell. Buffy and Giles also tell the rest of the gang about Dawn, they can't seem to look at Dawn in the same way, and eventually Dawn finds out on her own and doesn't take it well, but eventually things simmer down. More information is found out about Glory, she feeds on people sanity to help keep hers. Arriving in Sunnydale also, is a new person called Warren. He was running away from a female robot he made to love him, but then he fell in love with a real girl. The robot, April, tries to kill the other girl and Buffy, Warren runs off. April soon dies, as her batteries run out, Spike goes to Warren asking for a robot with Buffy's specs. After Buffy arrives back home one day she finds Joyce on the floor not moving, she's dead. Died of an aneurysm, the funeral is held and Angel comes to visit. Dawn attempts to bring back Joyce but she ends the spell after a talk with Buffy. In this talk Dawn tells Buffy how she's distancing herself from everyone, especially her. So Buffy goes on a "quest" with Giles to find her true path. While she's there Spike's BuffyBot is ready for action and she gets out, and the gang see Spike and Buffy together. They first find it strange and very very weird. Buffy on her "quest" meets the First Slayer for a second time, who tells her death is her gift. Buffy arrives back in Sunnydale to find the BuffyBot and to also find out that Glory and her minions have taken Spike to be The Key and are torturing him, when they find out he's not, to find out who the Key actually is. Spike doesn't tell Glory, much to Buffy's surprise, and the BuffyBot is decommissioned. Glory then suspects it's Tara and feeds off Tara's brain when Tara says it's not her, and Tara's slightly crazy. The day after Glory tracks down who The Key is and the whole gang skid addle out of Sunnydale with Spike's help. Hot on their tails are the Knights of Byzantium who want the Key. They get held up in an abandoned petrol station. Giles is injured and so Ben is called to come and help while Willow sustains a magical barrier to keep the Knights out. But what they don't know is that Ben is Glory and Glory is Ben. Ben morphs into Glory and grabs Dawn and goes. Dawn's blood is to be shed on one night and open all the gates to all the different worlds so that Glory can go home. The Scoobies band together to help stop this, using Olaf's hammer among other things. Willow first restores Tara with a spell and Buffy picks a fight with Glory, only it's not Buffy, but the BuffyBot. Buffy's climbing up the tower to get to Dawn. Glory's minions and crazy people fight off Spike, Giles and Anya for a bit and Glory manages to head off Buffy. Willow makes a way for Spike to get up to Dawn as Buffy's busy with Glory. Using Olaf's hammer Buffy pummels Glory, and then the final hit is with Xander and a demolition ball. Glory reverts to the human Ben while Buffy goes after Dawn, and in human form Giles kills Ben by suffocating him. Up at the top of the tower Dawn's blood is being slowly shed by Doc, a demon who previously helped her, Spike tries to get Dawn down but he's thrown off the tower. Buffy gets up, but the portals open and hell is released into Sunnydale. Buffy realises it's the blood that opened it and only blood will close it, and the monks made Dawn out of her, the same blood. Buffy jumps into the portal and sacrifices her own life to save the world.