Riley's Love Connections
- Buffy Summers- Riley was totally smitten by Buffy when he first met her, but didn't realize it really. But when he realized that Buffy shared his feelings, they had their first date. But when they both found out each other's secret's, Buffy's the slayer and Riley as the commando, things got a little rocky. But they managed to get past it and were back on the road of love. Riley had his whole heart into Buffy, but he thought that she didn't really reciprocate the same feelings. Riley felt like the rebound guy, and wanting to found out why Angel and Dracula had such an entourage with Buffy so he got himself bit, repeatedly. When Buffy found out she was less than happy and ready to call it quits. Riley gave Buffy an ultimatum if she really wanted to work things out, he'd stay or he'd leave to South America. Buffy realized her feelings to late and Riley had left for South America.
- Sam- After Riley left Sunnydale he met Sam. She used to be a member of the Peace Corps, but her entire team were killed and eaten by a demon so she left that and joined Riley's team. They got talking and got married.