Butterfly Wings

   Hey!   Welcome to my page!  Here is where the magic happens.  So go out and catch you a butterfly!

Flap on over to my RPG Page! Btflymon1.gif (10851 bytes)

Check out my colorful orginals!BtflyFlash.gif (19462 bytes)

Read my own completed fanfictionbtflypur.gif (5200 bytes)

Fly on over to meet the Webmaster Btflymon1.gif (10851 bytes)

Go and see the stories still hatching! BtflyHatch.gif (55466 bytes)

Pollinate  another flower!  Flsp_flower.gif (9488 bytes)


Hey! I have a Yahoo Group that has updates posted there. Come Join!  Butterflywings



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Butterfly in Aja-Gbe (Benin, Togo) is pkolinouhoin

·          Butterflies range in size from a tiny 1/8 inch to a huge almost 12 inches.