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Slightly Older Me


June 20, 1964

June 20, 1964 September 4, 1964 Saturday, December 26, 1964 St. Patrick's Day,
March 17, 1965

Virgilina, VA

First cousins getting ready
for photo shoot -
OOOPS! - Time's up, girls!

Carol - Age 16
Cheryl - Age 17

Virgilina, VA

There, that's better!
(Except for this oppressive, sweltering heat!)

Cheryl - Age 17
Carol - Age 16

Nachman's Studios
Newport News, VA

Newport News High School, Newport News, VA

Senior Year

Carol - Age 17

3200 Edgewood Avenue
Richmond, VA 23222

Following Cheryl and Don's wedding

Carol with her uncle, Alton Frix, and her first cousin,
Alton Frix, Jr.

NNHS, Beacon Room 108

After School

Image by Chip Clark - probably the best photo ever taken of me by anyone!

Saturday, May 15, 1965 Saturday, May 15, 1965 Thursday, June 3, 1965 July 1965 Fall 1965

1353 Roanoke Avenue
 Newport News, VA 23607

En Route to NNHS Senior Prom

Steve Burns
Carol Buckley


NNHS Senior Prom

Carol Buckley
Steve Burns


NNHS Auditorium

Graduation Rehearsal

Carol - Age 17

Langley Air Force Base

Carol - Almost 18

My First Job - Minimum Wage - $1.25/hour!

I worked in the Small Business Administration Office at NASA.

Old Dominion College
Norfolk, VA

Freshman Year

Carol - Age 18

Oh, sure, wait until AFTER the grueling registration process is done to take the yearbook picture!

Sunday, March 20, 1966 Saturday, July 9, 1966 Saturday, July 9, 1966 Saturday, July 23, 1966 Sunday, August 28, 1966

603 Dellwood Drive
 Denbigh, VA

Kevin's Second Birthday

Shari - Age 6
Eleanor- 24
Kevin - Age 2
Carol - Age 18
Renee - Age 3


Olan Mills Studios
Hampton, VA

Carol - Age 18



Olan Mills Studios
Hampton, VA

Carol - Age 18


Bismarck, ND

Carol - Age 18

Serving punch at Clarke and Nancy's wedding reception

2206 Fourth Avenue
 Richmond, VA

Carol - Age 19

Modeling antique bathing suit

Sunday, September 18, 1966 Saturday, September 24, 1966 Sunday, October 16, 1966 Sunday, October 16, 1966 Sunday, December 18, 1966

Olan Mills Studios
Hampton, VA

Carol - Age 19

Person County, NC

Dedication of Historical Marker honoring Sudie's former
teachers at Bethel Hill Institute

Carol - Age 19
Sudie - Age 81

Person County, NC

Dedication of Historical Marker honoring Sudie's former
 teachers at Bethel Hill Institute

Carol - Age 19

Richmond, VA

Carol - Age 19

Serving punch at Jean and Tom's wedding reception

See how neatly I used to be
able to write when I was only "slightly older"?!?

"Every countenance
That warms and lights the heart
Of the beholder
Shews, clear and true, the signature of pain."

- Alan Porter, "The Signature of Pain"

(1899 - 1942) 

You are listening to "Wild Thing" - for obvious reasons…..

Married Me

More Enlightened Me

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