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Young Me


These pictures represent how I'm planning to appear during the Millennium.
If there is to be a "restoration of all things" (Doctrine and Covenants 86: 21),
I assume that includes my 21" waistline as well!

Easter Sunday,
March 29, 1959
Friday, February 12, 1960 March 1960 Wednesday, April 27, 1960 July 1960

1309-A 16th Street
 Newport News, VA

Best Friends at 11

Rose Elizabeth Woodard
Carol Randolph Buckley

1309 16th Street
Newport News, VA

En Route to Seventh Grade Valentine Dance at the Y

Age 12


Sharon Denise ("Shari") Dick - born November 15, 1959


Age 12


1309-A 16th Street
 Newport News, VA

My Two First Cousins and Me
Following My Daddy's Funeral

Cheryl White - Age 13
Carol Buckley - Age 12
Jean Atkinson - Age 12

1309 16th Street
Newport News, VA

First Cousins - En Route to
Summer Playground Dance at Magruder School

Jean Atkinson - Age 13
Carol Buckley - Age 12

July 1960 July 1960 September 1960 Fall 1960 February 1961

64 Cedar Lane
Newport News, VA

Shari - Age 8 Months

Carol - Age 12

64 Cedar Lane
Newport News, VA

Carol - Age 12

Newport News High School, Newport News, VA

Eighth Grade

Carol - Age 13

1353 Roanoke Avenue
 Newport News, VA

Carol - Age 13

Newport News High School Junior Band

"Where's my flute?"

1353 Roanoke Avenue
 Newport News, VA

Thirteen - year old Carol
gets a "poochie-poochie"
from her 15 - month old niece, Shari

February 1961 Mother's Day, May 1961 Mother's Day, May 1961 Sunday, June 11, 1961 July 14, 1961

1353 Roanoke Avenue
Newport News, VA

Carol - Age 13
Shari - Age 15 Months

I made the punchwork kittens pillow from a kit given to me by my aunt, Alice Frix Booth

1126 Garden Drive
Newport News, VA

Carol - Age 13

Carol - Age 13
Shari - Age 18 Months
Eleanor - Age 19

Eleanor Made Her Pretty Suit Herself!

Lexington, VA

Clarke's Graduation from VMI

Carolyn Haldeman - Age 20 (?)
Carol - Age 13
Eleanor - Age 19

1353 Roanoke Avenue
Newport News, VA

Carol - Age 13
Rose Woodard - Age 13

Nothing like a pajama party to bring out the goofy behavior!

August 1961 September 1961  May 1962 May 1962  Mother's Day, May 1962

1353 Roanoke Avenue
Newport News, VA

En Route to Summer Band Concert

Almost 14

Newport News High School, Newport News, VA

Freshman Year

Carol - Age 14

Carol - Age 14

Carol - Age 14

Newport News High School Senior Band

"Where IS that flute?!?"


Carol - Age 14


 September 1962 December 1962 Saturday, May 11, 1963 Saturday, May 11, 1963 August 1963

Newport News High School, Newport News, VA

Sophomore Year

Carol - Age 15

Newport News High School, Newport News, VA

Sophomore Home Room 209

I made the green foil elf
door design that year.

Newport News, VA

Katie Haan, Kay Eggleston,
Gayle Bridgeman, Donna Worsham, and Carol Buckley

Newport News, VA

Katie Haan and Carol Buckley

Portsmouth, VA

Carol - Almost 16

Tuesday, September 3, 1963 Tuesday, September 3, 1963 September 1963 December 1963 December 1963

1353 Roanoke Avenue
Newport News, VA

First Day of School - Junior Year

Carol - Age 16

1126 Garden Drive
Newport News, VA

After School - First Day of Carol's Junior Year

Shari - Almost 4
Carol - Age 16

Nachman's Studios
Newport News, VA

Newport News High School, Newport News, VA

Junior Year

Carol - Age 16

1353 Roanoke Avenue
Newport News, VA

En Route to NNHS Senior Band Christmas Concert

Carol - Age 16

1353 Roanoke Avenue
Newport News, VA

En Route to NNHS Senior Band Christmas Concert

Carol - Age 16

"What cannot be cured must be endured."

- Francois Rabelais
(1495 - 1553)


"Regret for the things we did can be tempered by time;
 it is regret for the things we did not do that is inconsolable."
- Sydney J. Harris
(b. 1917)

Courtesy of MOTIVATIONAL QUOTE of the DAY from
Thursday, April 10, 2003

"There is always one moment in childhood when the door opens and lets the future in."

- Graham Greene


You are listening to "Yakkety Sax", because it's goofy like me.

Slightly Older Me

More Enlightened Me

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