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the Defiler

Commander: Emperor Xentrius Byrin

Original Designer: Byne-Terran Exploratories

Crew: 200 Terrans, 150 Byne, 50 La' Tur

Fighter Compliment: 100 Crows, 50 Shrikes

Type: Pirate Ship

Propulsion: 8 Ion Engines, 18 Ion Thrusters, 8 Ion Drives, Micro-Space Needle

Powerplant: 22 Recycling Fusion Reactors, 4 Increased Capacity Matter/Anti-Matter Core

Shielding: Tele-Shielding, Laser to Laser(L2L), Last Line of Defense (LLD) Energy Field

Special Features: Sectional Cloaking Device, Ship to Ship (S2S) Hacking Suite, Dispersal Modules, Extra-Space Storage System

Weapons: 2 GravCannons, 10 Heavy Anti-Matter Cannons, 30 Light Anti-Matter Anti-Starfighter Emplacements(ASF), 4 Tactical Launch Tubes


    Originally a ship of exploration, this obsolete ship was stolen out of a museum on NeoTerra by the illustrious yet mysterious space pirate, Xentrius Byrin. Upon forming the Pirate's Brigade and declaring himself Emperor, Xentrius made this old ship, his first pirate ship, the flagship of his raiding fleet. This ship has undergone heavy modifications to everything from its power distribution system to its overpowered weapons array. Its lack of cargo holds is unlike most pirate vessels but it does its job very well.

Tech Descriptions

Ion Engines/Thrusters/Drives: Uses obsolete ion propulsion technology to propel a ship through space at sub-light speeds.

Micro-Space Needle: Opens a rift into a region of space that is smaller than normal space allowing ships to travel longer distances in normal space while traveling short distances in micro-space. Similar to wormholes but without the need for singularity.

Tele-shielding: Using Transporter Technology, all oncoming weapons fire is beamed from its original trajectory to a trajectory concurrent with the vessel that fired the weapon. Its maximum capacity is around 100 individual shots per second.

L2L: The ships scanners target oncoming weapons fire and hit it with an energy dispersal beam. The beam reduces the damage quotient to around 5% of original damage. The beam can be used to destroy oncoming projectiles but lacks sufficient power to take down sturdy projectiles.

LLD: This shield emits a field of excited energy that can destroy projectiles and diffuse energy.

Sectional Cloaking Device: Cloaks a ship in sections to allow it to fire while predominantly cloaked. 

S2S Hacking Suite: Using enemy comm systems, a team of La' Tur Hackers penetrates an enemy unit's computer system allowing them to either seize control of or cripple it.

Dispersal Modules: The ship has the ability to separate into individual modules allowing it to attack more voraciously.

Extra-Space Storage Systems: Using incredibly experimental Extra-Space Technology, the ship opens a rift into a realm of space that while it has boundaries can hold an innumerable amount of cargo.

GravCannon: Creates a massive Gravimetric Distortion at the center of a target ship that will compact and compress anything caught within it into a 1x1x1 nanometer sphere.

Heavy Anti-Matter Cannon: Electro-Magnetically directs a Matter/Anti-Matter explosion yielding 4.3 Teratons of damage causing energy at a target.

Light Anti-Matter Anti-Starfighter Emplacement: Electro-Magnetically directs a Matter/Anti-Matter explosion yielding 856 Gigatons of damage causing energy at a target.

Tactical Launch Tube: A standard missile launcher used to fire Anti-Matter Torpedoes, Anti-Matter Rain Missiles, or Needler Cluster Missiles at a target.

Anti-Matter Torpedo: Creates a Matter/Anti-Matter explosion yielding a 10 Teratons of damage causing energy upon impact with a target.

Anti-Matter Rain Missile: Gravimetrically sprays a Matter/Anti-Matter explosion yielding 2 Teratons of damage causing energy over a 10 kilometer area towards a gravity source.

Needler Cluster Missiles: Holding 40 Anti-Starfighter 'Needler' missiles, this missile releases them at starfighters and small assault craft.


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