Age: 18
Sex: Vicious homosexual.
Email: Daisy
Occupation: Currently occupying a dorm room.
Known Accomplices: The Family, members of Colorado's Elusive Ingredient who do not wish to be named; skinny, beautiful people; cannibals, lepers, beggers, and whores.
Known aliases: That kid who ruined my life.
Catch phrase:"Wah wah wah, me me me, there's sand in my clitoris." "Two in the pink, one in the stink; the shocker'll get you as fast as you blink."
Hobbies: acting, industrial music, the making of industrial music, despising HTML writing, majoring in Political Science, porn of any kind played in fast motion to Vivaldi.

Well, alright then. I'm the emcee and Riff-Raff for this little old cast of ours, I was formerly associated with Colorado's Elusive Ingredient, but was forced to leave when I relocated 75 miles away from the theatre. Besides an unhealthy obsession with the music/art/porn/theatre world, I also have a slightly more healthy obsession with the comics on Slave Labor Graphics. I also like warm summer nights, long walks in the park, and vinyl clothing. Oh, and there is a religious organisation on our campus called "Rams for Jesus". No shit. Just thought you should know. You can also visit my webpage here

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