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12th February 2004

Free-to-air television is becoming more and more shit each day I turn it on. Reality T.V has gone too far. No one cares about stupid, lame-ass couples building a $2million "dream" home (Hot House, I'm looking at you here). That doesn't even make sense. If there are 14 couples (28 people) all building one house, then how is it any one persons dream home? There is no way that all of those people have an identical dream home. That's just plain stupid. The only way that it could be anyone’s dream home would be if YOU got to build it yourself without some stupid fake, yuppie asshole and his ditzy blond girlfriend having there say on how many bathrooms there should be or whether or not you should have slate or carpet in the one of the numerous lounge rooms you would find through out the house. Why not give us some entertaining reality TV. We need more violence based shows. Put 12 ordinary people in a cage with a brief case that they think contains $1million, give them an ample supply of weapons such as chainsaws, hammers, crowbars, old people etc., and watch them beat the shit out of each other. Then when there is only one person left, give them the brief case and watch them open it expectantly and then breakdown in tears when they realise they've just killed 11 strangers for nothing. Now that's what I call reality TV.


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