Army of Darkness: The Medieval Dead

This movie picks up where Evil Dead 2 Left off, Ash is sucked back in time to medieval England 1300 AD, where he is captured by King Arthur. Arthur has been fighting a bloody war with Duke Henry the Red and is not happy about this, as he is already waging another battle with the deadites (The Evil Dead), and believing Ash to be one of Henry's men, sentences him to death. Ash ends up being thrown into a pit containing deadites, along with some of Duke Henry's men. Fortunately for our hero, his trusty chainsaw saves the day and he manages to escape. Arthurs men then beleive him to be the "chosen one", talked of in the "book of the dead", but Ash isn't really interested and only wants to return to his own time, and so a deal is struck. Ash is told that if he can retrieve the "Necrinomecon" (the Book of the Dead) from the deadites, they can return him to his own time. To do this, he has to recite the magic words "Klaatu Barradda Nikto", before removing the book from its resting place. Unfortunately Ash, who's not the brightest of hero's, gets the words wrong and although he retrives the book he also awakens the army of the dead. Arthurs men prepare to flee for their lives, but Ash convinces them to stay and fight, showing them how to make gunpowder and explosives, and teaching them self defence. As the deadites attack the castle, a hilarious battle ensues, consisting of crudely made explosives being thrown about, with deadites exploding everywhere. There's slapstick sword fights, punch ups and, in a highly amusing twist, we see Ash driving around the castle grounds in a steam powerered car, literally mowing the deadites down.