Jason X (2002)

The film starts in the near future, with Jason imprisoned in a research facility at Camp Crystal Lake. David Cronenberg has a cameo as a scientist who wants to prevent Jason from being frozen (they've already tried killing him unsuccessful) so that his body and its amazing regenerative abilities can be studied. Naturally, Jason gets loose and kills a bunch of people. One woman is able to stop him, however, by freezing his body, and unintentionally freezing herself in the process. Flash forward 400 or so years. An expedition of student scientists uncovers the frozen Jason and would-be victim at the facility, take them aboard a spaceship and head off to Earth II, the new habitat for humans (Earth has become unliveable). Once on board the ship, the professor/head of the expedition hoping to preserve Jason for greedful reasons and Doig trying to warn everyone on board about the monster in their midst. Naturally, Jason comes to life, and the crew and 400-year-old girl survivor are forced to battle the monster/psychopath aboard the ship.