Wes Craven's New Nightmare

The film basically revolves around Heather Lagencamp who, along with some of the other original cast members, have just started having nightmares about the films character Freddy Kruger. It turns out that director Wes Craven has been working on a new Elm Street movie, based on the images in the nightmares he's been suffering of late. But unfortunately, the nightmares he and the other cast members have been experiencing are more than just dreams and so his new script is quickly becoming a terrifying reality. It turns out that the character of Freddy Kruger is not content with living in the fantasy world of movies and so wishes to break into reality by striking at the original cast members. Heather begins to realise what is happening and tries to convince the others. Wes knows far more than he's letting on, Robert Englund thinks she's mad and the other original cast members, which includes John Saxon and Nick Corri, aren't convinced either. In the meantime the real-life Freddy character, who is now armed with a razor fingered bio-menachical hand as opposed to the old glove, proceeds to start bumping off selected crew members who are either envolved with the new film or had worked on the first one. One of these being Heathers husband Chase Porter, who gets killed in his pickup truck when he falls asleep at the wheel. In the end, fantasy and reality merge into one, as Heather and and some of the other original cast members actually become their original movie characters. Forcing Heather to confront the real-life Freddy character in order to stop him.