Resident Evil (2002)

It takes place in the future, where a huge multinational corporation is conducting scientific experiments in an underground laboratory. When the corporation's main computer seems to go insane, locking the firm's employees underground and killing them by flooding their offices, a paramilitary team is sent in to shut the computer down. Jovovich plays one of the agents, who is suffering from amnesia and can't remember who she is. But her paramilitary team members assure her that she is one of their number and she goes along with them, learning about the mission as she goes. It isn't long before the military tough guys run into an army of flesh-eating zombies. Seems a deadly virus was unleashed, forcing the computer system to try to seal up the facility so that it wouldn't spread to the outside world. The paramilitary grunts try to survive as flesh-eating zombies come at them from every direction. Some of the zombies are even blood-thirsty dobermans. To make matters worse, a CGI-animated monster is also on the loose. And the corporations mainframe computer is trying to kill them as well.