Day of the Dead

Things are looking extremely grim for these last few surivivors as numerous reconisence missions have found no other humans, just hoardes more zombies still hunting for human flesh. Meanwhile their supplies are running low, food, medical equipment and ammunition are almost depleted and both the scientific and military teams are constantly at each others throats, whilst every day more and more zombies amass outside their base. To make matters worse, the military officer in charge, Captain Rhodes, starts threatening the science team that he and his troops will abandon the base and leave them at the mercy of the undead if they don't come up with some results and soon. Things appear to be looking up as Dr Logan, who's affectionately nicknamed Frankenstein by the others, beleives he has a bizzarre solution to the problem. But when it's discovered what Logan has been feeding to his pet zombie Bub, Rhodes prepares to carry out his earlier threat on Sarah and the other scientists. Except that the zombies finally manage to break into the complex and mayhem erupts within.