The Hitcher

Whilst travelling through the desert on route to San Diego, Jim Halsey decides to pick up a hitch-hiker who appears to be stuck out in the rain. Unfortunately, his good-deed turns out to be not such a good idea and soon wishes he'd heeded his mothers advice about picking up strangers. The mysterious hitch-hiker turns out to be a psychotic killer, who promptly puts a knife against his throat. Although Jim manages to succesfully eject the would-be killer from his car, he soon discovers his troubles are far from over. As what follows is a deadly cat and mouse game through the desert highways as the hitcher returns to wreak murder and mayhem at every turn. To make matters worse, the police seem to think that Jim is the one responsible for the slew of brutal killings. Hooking up with a young waitress named Nash, who knows he's innocent, they attempt to make it to the next county so he can turn himself in and sort matters out. But that proves no easy task, as the state police want him behind bars, the local sheriff wants him dead and the mysterious Hitcher continues to stalk him and stir up matters with the police all along the desert highway.