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Part 20: Oblivious

Justin walked into school the next morning and went over to the table that they usually sit at when they’re waiting for the bell to ring.

“Where’s Josh?” Justin asked Britney and Christina who were already at the table.

“I don’t think he’s here yet.” Britney said and Christina shook her head.

“Damnit. I need to explain something to him.” Justin complained and then sat down.

“Aww poor Justin.” Christina said talking baby talk to him.

“Bite me!”

“Ooh...first Josh and now you. Don’t I feel loved?”

“Whatever.” Justin said and turned to look by the door and the glanced out the window and noticed that JC and Heather were just getting out of the car.


“So your mom hates me again?” JC laughed as him and Justin walked to Spanish.

“Uh-huh.” Justin sighed nodding.”

“And I’m not allowed over you’re house?” Justin shook his head no and pouted. JC wrapped his arm around Justin’s shoulder. “So can always just come to my house.” Justin smiled.


“Meet me at my locker, I have study.” Justin said.

“ I driving you home?” JC asked as he started to walk away. Justin nodded and turned around and walked to the study hall room that he was in.

When he got there he waited for the teacher to come in and let them have a pass to the library. Justin got a pass and took his books and went to the library.

He got there and noticed that Britney was there. He walked over to the table that where Britney was sitting and sat down.

“What are you doing here?” Justin asked. Britney looked up at him and smiled.

“I knew you’d be here so I faked cramps and got out of gym.” Britney said closing her assignment pad. “I wanted to talk to you.”


“Yeah.” Britney nodded.

“So talk.”

“Why do you think JC got so jealous of me?” Justin made a face and shrugged his shoulders.

“I don’t know.”

“Can I say something?”

“Go right ahead.”

“You said you guys really aren’t going out right?” Justin nodded. “Then why would he care?” Justin shrugged. “Unless he really likes you.” Britney tilted her head to the side and smiled at him.

“He does not like me.”

“Sounds like he does.”

“He doesn’t.”

“Do you like him?”


“Ok, no need to get nasty. Sheesh!” Britney shook her head. “I mean why would he care that much...seriously.”

“Because we’re best friends.”

“Yeah and so are we and didn’t care and get all pissed off when I thought that you and JC were really going out.”

“Britney he doesn’t just stop. I don’t wanna talk about it.”


“Hey you.” JC smiled walking up behind Justin and wrapping his arms around his waist.

“Hey.” Justin said leaning his head on JC’s shoulder and smiling up at him before he leaned up and pushed JC‘s hands off of him. “Are you still mad at Britney?”

“No...I never really was mad at her, I just don’t like her.”

“JC, you don’t even know her. If you’d take the chance to you’d love her.”

“Well yeah I guess I don’t give her a chance.”

“Duh.” Justin shook his head and closed his locker.

“You ready?”

“Yeah.” Justin nodded and they walked towards the stairs.


“Can I drive?” Justin asked.

“No.” JC laughed.



“You’re mean! I almost run over one person and you hold it against me.” Justin sighed crossing his arms over his chest. JC looked over at him and laughed.


Stinks31: hey

Britney122: hey

Stinks31: my brother’s are loud

Britney122: lol....hahaha!

Stinks31: not really i have so much work to do

Britney122: sorry :(

Stinks31: yeah you should be

Britney122: I can’t wait for my party!!!

Stinks31: lol

Britney122: i cant!!

Britney122: it’s killing me

Stinks31: hahahaha :-P

Britney122: your mean

Stinks31: Can JC come?

Britney122: i ivited him

Britney122: *invited

Stinks31: oh ok

Stinks31: i didn’t know that

Britney122: well now you do

Britney122: you have to come like an hour or so early

Stinks31: why?

Britney122: cause you have to help me set up

Stinks31: and why do i have to?

Britney122: cause i said so

Stinks31: i’ll think about it

Britney122: :(

Britney122: meanie

Stinks31: yup

Britney122: JC’s on

Stinks31: yeah i know I’m talking to him

Britney122: why am i not surprised


Britney122: i didn’t say anything

Stinks31: well i know what youre thinking

Britney122: that’s cause you know it’s true

Stinks31: Britney he does not like me

Britney122: do you really think that he’d tell you if he really did?

Stinks31: yes

Britney122: well i highly doubt that

Stinks31: well then doubt it ok

Britney122: so what’s JC saying?

Stinks31: that youre an annoying little brat

Britney122: why am i not surprised????

Stinks31: ?

Britney122: very funny...i g2g i’ll see you 2morrow

Stinks31: ok bye

Britney122: buh-bye! :)

Stinks31: Hey

Leo88: hey

Stinks31: i’m gonna start complaining

Leo88: about?

Stinks31: Jon and Stephen...they are so freaking loud!

Leo88: poor baby

Stinks31: they’re gonna get their asses kicked

Leo88: hahaha

Stinks31: i’m not joking

Leo88: yeah i know

Stinks31: so you going to Brit’s party?

Leo88: :\

Stinks31: come on please?

Leo88: I don’t know

Leo88: I highly doubt she wants me to be there

Stinks31: she does...we were just talking about it

Leo88: i still don’t know

Stinks31: Chris and Joey are going too

Leo88: why?

Stinks31: i don’t know why but i know they are

Leo88: umm ok

Stinks31: so will you please come?

Leo88: i’ll think about it

Stinks31: we can scare people and pretend we’re together

Leo88: lol

Stinks31: please? :(

Leo88: fine

Stinks31: yay! :D

Leo88: you are such a brat

Stinks31: i know :)

Leo88: i g2g my sister needs the computer

Stinks31: fine everyone leave me :(

Leo88: oh stop, i’ll talk to you later

Stinks31: bye :(

Leo88: bye

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