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Part 31: Blind

The next day JC and Britney were sitting at the lunch table.

JC had just sat down after getting his lunch.

“How’s Justin?” Britney asked. JC shrugged.

“I haven’t seen him or talked to him since last night when his mom kicked me out.” JC said picking at his fries that were in his plate.

“She kicked you out? What do you mean she kicked you out?”

“She kicked me out. Like literally shoved me out the door.”


“Justin was really sick and she had to go somewhere I guess. So Justin called me, so I went. And we were downstairs on the couch and we...I don’t know...she didn‘t like it. I hate her.”

“But Lynn’s so sweet.”

“That woman? That woman is not sweet, she’s a...I hate her!”

“JC!” Britney laughed. “That’s Justin’s mom.”

“I don’t care. I hate that woman.”

“What’d Justin say about that?”

“She woke him up, he didn’t have much time to say anything because she was being a bitch and screaming at me and pushing me out the door.”

“Why doesn’t she like you?”

“She thinks I’m fucking her son.”

“Well...are you?”

“No! God Brit, how many times do we go through this?” Britney shrugged.

“Hey!” Christina yelled sneaking over to their table.

“Hey!” Britney smiled. “What are you doing here?”

“My gym teacher’s not here.” Christina said sitting down on the other side of Britney.


“Justin still sick?” JC nodded. “Poor baby.” JC nodded again.

“Chris, here’s money. Go buy me a Snapple.”

“Why can’t...? Britney motioned to JC and she nodded.

He was just staring at his food with a blank look on his face.

“What’s wrong?” JC shrugged. “Come on.”


“It’s not nothing.”

“Justin said he loved me.” JC blurted out.


“Yeah, when we were laying on his couch before he went to sleep.” Britney smiled to herself.


“And what?”

“What else?”

“Nothing. He just meant it in a best friend way cause I was helping him cause he was sick and everything.”

“You sure?”

“Yeah. There’s nothing more between us.” JC sighed.

“Sounds like you want there to be more between you two Britney smirked, biting her tongue to tell him that Justin really did like him because that would make a hell of a difference. But she didn’t, she promised Justin she wouldn’t and she didn’t want to break that promise with him.

“I don’t.”

“You sure?”

“Yes. We’re best friends. That’s it!” JC stressed. “And even if I did he doesn’t and just...I’m confused.” She really needed to open her mouth cause they’re both blind. But she didn’t. They both shut up when they saw Christina walking back to the table with two Snapple's in her hands.



Stinks31: hey

Britney122:you feeling better?

Stinks31: a little

Britney122:have you talked to your Joshy today??

Stinks31: he’s not my Joshy

Stinks31: and no...i haven’t

Britney122:you were all he talked about today at school!!

Stinks31: yeah right?

Britney122:you were!

Britney122:he siad you told him you loved him


Stinks31: i did not

Stinks31: i would NOT do that

Britney122:he said you did when you guys were cuddling!


Stinks31: i didn’t tell him i loved him

Stinks31: and shut up!

Britney122:ok but welll...

Britney122:i think he likes you

Stinks31: he doesn’t

Britney122:you didn’t see the way he was talking he was all embarrassed telling me about everything

Britney122:he thinks your moms a bitch by the way

Stinks31: Good!!

Stinks31: she is!

Stinks31: you should hate her too

Britney122:no i love your mommy!

Stinks31: then your on drugs ok

Stinks31: he kept calling me baby and honey


Stinks31: yeah like 4 times

Stinks31: and he kissed my forehead and cheek :D


Stinks31: i really like him Brit!

Britney122:i know!

Britney122:you know your pathetic right

Stinks31: i am not

Stinks31: i just like him

Stinks31: alot

Britney122:i know!!!

Stinks31: you don’t understand!

Britney122:yes i do!

Stinks31: i don’t know

Britney122:you love him, it’s obvious

Stinks31: maybe

Britney122:you do!

Britney122:you’re a clueless moron you know that?

Stinks31: i am not

Britney122:and he is too!

Britney122:he lets you kiss him ALOT at my party

Britney122:you hang all over him at school

Stinks31: i like kissing him!! :)

Britney122:i know!

Stinks31: and he hangs on me too!

Britney122:i know that’s my point!

Britney122:and cuddling with you when you think you’re dying

Britney122:or sick

Stinks31: shut up!

Britney122:NO! it’s the truth!

Stinks31: i gotta go


Stinks31: what?

Britney122:can you promise me something?


Stinks31: what?

Britney122:do you promise

Stinks31: i don’t know

Stinks31: what is it??

Britney122:you HAVE to tell him you like him

Stinks31: no


Stinks31: i don’t know

Britney122:Justin Randall

Stinks31: i said i don’t know

Britney122:come on please!

Stinks31: maybe


Stinks31: fine, i gotta go

Britney122:you better!

Stinks31: bye Britney!!

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