You Are An Indescribable Gift...

KDB Ministries

All the people listed below has in some way or another influenced my life. Each of them are very close and dear to my heart - words could not fully elucidate how much they mean to me, especially my mother, mentors and Best Friends. I thank God for allowing our paths to cross.


4| | |ELIZABETH L. BOLDEN,| | |3


-Your dedication to the cause of Christ has caused me to pursue the things of God and the supernatural-predestined purpose for my being. Although we seldom see eye to eye on some things and I may express how I feel to you or the truth in a harsh manner at times - I thank you for your prayers, your advice, your discipline, your praise and your relationship with Christ. It is solely because of those things that I am who I am today and carry the anointing that I now bear to bless the nation.


4| | | PASTOR CHARLES A. HALL JR.,| | |3

Pastor of Kingdom Harvest Christian Center - Owings Mills, MD

- What words can possible express the major influence and impact that you have on my life? You have taught me the wisdom of life and of ministry - you have taught me how to identify with the struggles of the people, connect that to the word for biblical foundation and to produce an awesome message to spread across the land. Thank you Pastor Hall for being my pastor, mentor, father and friend - only God knows how much you mean to me…. I've learned so much from your ministry, your walk with Christ and your advice. No matter where God takes us both in our ministries - I shall always and forever be in your debt - you are my mentor and I love you unconditionally. Much success as you transition to Greater Things!


Associate Minister of First Mount Olive Freewill Baptist Church - Baltimore, MD

Over the past few years you have been such a great encouragement to me. Your words of ministry and prophecy have strengthened my faith in Christ, confirmed my assignment in the kingdom and caused me to seek God all the more. It takes a lot for a person to be able to read me without me verbalizing my emotions - I thank you Min. Barnes for not allowing me to die in the mess that I was in. I trust that God keeps us connected as we both seek to do the will of God for our lives.

4| | |ELDER PHILIP DEAL,| | |3

Bethlehem Church of God In Christ

In the little bit of time that we have known one another, your spiritual walk alone has encouraged me to continue to pursue ministry. It not too often that I attach myself to people with out second thought - but when I met you and got a chance to talk to you, I like your spirit. God spoke to me and told me that he was sending people into my life that would help me to mature in ministry and also stay grounded…and I thank him for allowing our paths to cross. Hope to have a productive relationship with you.

4| | |Preachers that inspire me and have impact my life:| | |3

· Prophetess Juanita Bynum

· Pastor Kevin Harris

· Bishop Noel Jones

· Elder William Murphy, III

· Reverend Felicia “Faye” Long

· Dr. James Woodson

· Bishop Liston Paige

· Co-Pastor Susie Owens


4| | |BRYANT W. THOMPSON,| | |3

Best Friend

What words can elucidate the love that we share for each other as friends and brothers. Both of us have endured so much for the faith. The word instructs us to “contend for the faith” and we both know what it is like to be tried in the fire. I thank you for your words of encouragement and humorous persona. I enjoy praising God along side you in church and also worshipping God as I see the growth in your life. I thank you for recognizing and submitting to the anointing on my life and allowing me to speak into your spirit. I always tell you that I see GREAT THINGS in store for you in days to come. I love you “B,” Stay focused and committed to the Will of God for your life.

4| | |SHAKEYA ROUSE,| | |3

Lil' Sister

No words on the human language can express the love that I hold in my heart for you Rouse. We have both been through a lot over the years, but it is all worth it because we understand that the “Latter Shall Be Greater.” Who would have thought that two kids who once didn’t like one another would grow to be inseparable. Thank you for so much advice and for so much laughter - so much that God has for you in the spirit realm. We are going to break that hold that the enemy has on your praise and worship. You shall progress in the Kingdom of God. Remember Rouse, no matter what/who comes or what/who goes - “You are not an Incomplete Puzzle!”

4| | |NIA GREEN,| | |3

Best Friend

I watch so many young people as they grow and prosper in the things of God, but you are one that sticks out to me, God has charged me to tell you that you have been picked out for a Uniquely Designed Destiny. So much power in your tongue and in your hands, please do not allow yourself to get caught up in the things of this world….."What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and to lose his very soul." I thank God daily for your life and for your friendship. God allowed you to experience his manifest presence in Arizona in that hotel room the way that he did because there is about to be a supernatural move in the heavens in your favor. What should have taken you 10 - 20 years to acquire, God is going to speed up the process. Nia, my prophet - I love you with all of my being and pray that we do great things together for the advancement of the kingdom.


4| | |GAIL BRYANT,| | |3


Anybody can come into your life, but few people come into your life and make a difference - makes a mark on your life and constantly is an encouragement to your life and your spiritual walk with Christ towards your destiny. Godmother, you have been more for me in the length of time that we have known each other than most people that I a have know for years. Your constant ability to talk to me in a way that helps me to see things clearer and understand things much better is awesome. I thank you for submitting to the voice of God and caring for me as a prophet of God - I thank you for trusting in my gifts and anointing and allowing the spirit of God to utilize me to minister to you on a personal, spiritual and emotional level. Thank you for your friendship and I anticipate many more years of tremendous things happening in the supernatural realm and being made evident in the natural. I pray that your transition to Kingdom Harvest is a smooth one and that you would grow all the more…. It has been a joy working with you in ministry, but I do pray that our friendship and bond grows stronger.

4| | |TRINA BROWN,| | |3

Big Sister

Trinnie, what can I say about me and you. All I can say is we are in this thing together for the long haul. I thank you for the many words of encouragement and chastisement- it has helped me to become the man that I am and helping me to become the man that God is calling me to be. Remember, they that suffer with him shall rein with him. I love you!


Truly I believe that out paths have crossed for a reason. God has sent me into your life as "Anointed Help" to assist you to getting to your destiny. I thank you for trusting in my anointing and allowing me to speak into your life. Never forget that, "The Intensity of your struggle is because of the Magnitude of your Anointing." This is your season of "Do-It-In-An-Instant" only if you stay focused on the plan and path of Christ. I love you!

4| | |KIARA "WISDOM" PAYTON,| | |3

Godsister & Daughter

Words cannot fully cultivate how much you mean to me sweetums. Over the past couple of years you have grown closer and closer to my heart and I love you as if you were my own sister. I thank you for allowing the anointing on my life and mandate over my life to flow and for allowing me to speak into your life. I know that no matter where I go in ministry I can always count on you to keep me level headed and down to earth. People say that we are alike in so many ways and I count it a privileged to be compared to you - such a radiant young lady seeking the betterment of self through the pathway of the kingdom of God. I love you so much and remember, “You are no destroyed, because you have knowledge beyond your years.”



Sweetie, so much that God continues to show me concerning you. You shall not die a potential put live to fulfill what he has promised you. I thank you so much for allowing me to pour into your life and trusting me enough to entrust me with your deepest thoughts and emotions. Greatness is yours for the taking, just remain focused and committed - and please don’t lose sight of where you come from, who helped you get there and who genuinely loves you in spite of your flaws. God wants more of you - so that he can present to you more of him. I love you girl and remember that “To whom much is given, much is required.”

4| | |TIERRA "GRACE" BROWN,| | |3


What can I say about my grace child, so much that God has blocked from your path and extended immeasurable grace towards you. I don’t care what you go through or how you may feel - just begin to think about the Grace of God over your life and I guarantee that things will look awhole lot brighter to you. Know that I love you with all my heart; I thank you for allowing me to be used by God to speak into your life over these past couple of months. So much God has for you and in spite of what people say or think about you or what you think about yourself - he is proud of you. Remember that, it could have been the other way but tell the devil you “CHANGED YOUR MIND!”

4| | |NAKIA "LIFE" HENSON,| | |3


I was not quite sure why God would connect our paths together, but now I understand. Nakia, know that I have grown to love you as a daughter over these past couple of months that we have known one another. I want you to know that you can talk to me about anything…I know that the first time you experience me in the spirit was very overwhelming, but your time is coming - I have a lot I need to talk to you about, there is a reason that I call you “life.” Know that you hold a special place in my heart.

4| | |MICHELLE ABSON,| | |3

Big Sister

I have seen so much growth over these past few months and I am so very proud of you. I thank you for trusting and believing in the anointing that God has on my life and for allowing me to speak into your life. Though much of was very challenging - it was growth oriented for the most part. I thank you for how you sacrifice for me in so many ways and God blesses those who take care of his prophet. I thank you for your friendship - know that I love you with all my heart. Keep seeking God and remember, “For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.”

4| | |RHONDA DORSEY,| | |3

Thank you for believing in my ministry and my anointing. I thank you for allowing me to minister to you and speak into your life. Your words of encouragement are helping me to progress spiritually till this day. You are an asset to the kingdom of God. Keep trusting him and praising him for what shall be - soon what shall be will be (Don’t miss that)!

4| | |NIKKI "FAVOR" NEWSOME,| | |3

Lil' Mother

All I can say is, “To whom much is given, much is required!” I love you for your spirit and for your words of wisdom. I thank you for allowing me to pour into your life. What can we say about the first time we met in Trina’s house - bet you didn’t know that a small young man like me had so much power? I see Great Things in store for you; souls are waiting for your ministry. Stay humble and remain Strengthened!



I thank you man for allowing me understand that “I do not have to live like this!” Your ministry has encouraged me so much over these past couple of years and I have seen you mature so much. I look forward to a fruitful friendship and awesome ministry as we venture together to do the things of God.

4| | |STEPHANIE RIDDICK,| | |3 Thank you for the encouragement and your warm-heartful friendship.

4| | |JESSICA BELFORD,| | |3 -Sista -I thank you sista for so much that you have deposited in my life.

4| | |KEVIN B. NOCK,| | |3

Close Friend

I have watched you grow so much over the years and mature in the things of God. Who would have known that two boys who played church in the basement would be operating in ministry to the magnitude in which each of us does? I want you to know that no matter where you go in life, you will be an asset to the ministry you call home. I love you man!

4| | |MINISTER MARLENE JOHNSON,| | |3 - Your an awesome woman of God, keep trusting HIM no matter what!

4| | |CHAVONNE "the evangelist" GLOVER,| | |3

First Lady

Wassup first lady, I thank you for the many many years for friendship. I thank you for your encouragement and for your love and support. So many young ladies watch you in ministry, which is way you should always put your best foot forward - generations are being molded as you live day to day. I love you!

4| | |DION "The Psalmist" DICKENS,| | |3

What can I say about my singing buddy, so much that God wants to do for you and through you for the kingdom. I thank you for the many years of friendship. I have seen you grow from a short chubby young man with a soprano’s voice to an awesome instrument of praise for the edification of the body of Christ. Remember to Live Until Your Enemies Can’t Identify You! God is going to bless you - and make your enemies out of a liar. Stay in his will and he shall not let you die a potential, but allow you to live to fulfill the promise.


4| | |BRITTANY,| | |3 - God-daughter - I love you as my own daughter and I pray that the anointing over my life flows into yours. You are very gifted and I pray that you seek understanding and guidance from God!



Now Playing..."When You Need A Friend" by Natalie Wilson & S.O.P. - Compliments of: ATLGospel