Accept Jesus As Lord...

We dare not allow you to leave this site and not offer to those who are outside of the arch of safety an opportunity to turn their lives over to God. You are here and you are not saved, you have never said, “Yes” to God. This is your chance and this is your opportunity to get right with God. The bible says that “if any man be in Christ he is a new creature, old things are passed away and behold all things have become new. You are here on this page not by accident or coincidence but God orchestrated for this to be your time to get you FRESH START with him as your Lord and Savior.

Try Christ, He will never let you down. If you try Him and don’t like it – the enemy will always take you back. The bible says, “What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and to lose his soul.” Now I can’t lie and tell you that living for Christ is peaches and cream or everyday you will wake up on a bed of roses – NO! Because once you say yes to Christ the enemy is coming after you with everything that he has. But the good thing about it is that once you say, “yes” you then fall under the scriptures that stated, “No weapon formed against me shall prosper…” and “the battle is not your but it’s the Lords.” He will fight for you.

Because God is so much of a gentleman He will never force himself on you – but he said, “I set before you life and death, choose life…” On this day harden not your heart, but hear and yield to the voice of God calling you into a right relationship with the master. When you accept Him – today becomes the first day of the rest of your life. The worst is behind you… press toward the mark of the higher calling which is in Christ Jesus.

Maybe you are here and you had a relationship with Jesus but you walked away - He never left you, but you strayed away from Him, the bible calls you a backslider and God in his word proclaimed that He is married to the backslider and He will never give you a bill of divorce. Come back home and take your rightful place in the kingdom of God. God is standing at your door knocking – all you have to do is open it and He promises to come in and to sup with you or commune with you.

Lastly, maybe you are visiting this site but you don’t have a church home. If you are in or near the Baltimore, Maryland area I extend to you open arms of fellowship on behalf of my pastor Bishop Oscar E. Brown and my home church, 1st Mount Olive Freewill Baptist Church. If this is not the place feasible for you then you let us know and we can recommend some ministries near you or send you to the church of your choice as long as it is a bible believing and teaching church. But most importantly we want you to be in biblical order and that is to say that you need a spiritual covering. So many people say, “I can worship at home,” “I watch church on television.” But the word of God instructs us to come together as a body to worship one with another as brothers and sisters. There are some revelations and blessings that God only releases to a corporate body. Don’t miss what is due to you – find rest in a ministry. So say that they won’t join a church because church is full of nothing but hypocrites and phony people, but when Jesus cracks the sky and you stand before Christ in judgment He will not ask you about other people – but he will ask you about you life and your relationship with Him.

Don’t miss this opportunity for a better life! Choose Life and LIVE the best life ever!

Now Playing..."You Can Change" by Tye Tribbett & G.A. - Compliments of: ATLGospel
