The Markings of:

Youth In A High Pursuit Newsletter

It Started With A Dream...


In 1998 a dream was brought to reality, a vision was set and the foundation was established. Kion D. Bolden had a dream about an organization with many aspects that will impact the lives of the youth and young adult generation. Spunned from this vision came a paper that would allow the youth and yougn adult generation to be heard and accpeted. After seeking advice and cousel form personal advisors and family members, it began. The project began with no name and no mission until the middle of year 2000, where “The Markings of Youth In A High Pursuit” was established as the title of the upcoming project. The committe consisted of four young people who were committed to encouraging other young people. Based sporadically throughout the city of Baltimore, the committee worked hard and was able to release the first issue of The Markings project in Novmeber 2002.

The first issue of the newsletter was relased and was only expected to reach and get feedback from young people in Baltimore, Maryland, but it received loads of feedback from young people all across the Mid- Atlantic Region. Young people writing in and sending in their work to be featured in the project.

Overlwhelmed by the number of letters and emails, the committee went to work days later working to put together a second issue. Unfortunately, after the first issue hit the press the projects opreations were shutdown due to personal matters with the visionary. During that time period emails were received asking about the status of the newlstter, once young people were informed of the newsletters cancellation, letters and emails came encouraging Kion to continue with the project. After much consideration and prayer, in 2003 the newsletter was back in effect. With many changes to be made, Kion terminated everything put into place, in an effort to start fresh. In 2003 a new logo, vision, mission and slogan was put into place. Project staff positons are being fulled as you read this historical background of the project.

Under Construction...


At this point, the projects foundation is being rebuild and reinforced. Kion and his current buisness partners are in the process of etsablishing and strengthening the administrative structure of the project, recruiting qualified and dedicated persons to assist with the newsletter. With several positions already occupied and others still in the process of negotiation, Kion is hoping to have the second volume and first issue of The Markings out in September of 2004.

Join Us


If you wish to have your work featured in this project, join our mailing list to receive this project at your home on a monthly basis or to apply for a position with us, please email us the following:

(**We do have positions for person who are in other parts of the country or throughtout the world, so please inqure accordingly**)

*Full Name


*City, State and Zip Code


*Your Reason for the email
