You are the owner of the greatest custard plantation in the history of the universe, secretly located atop the highest pinacle of the plannet zorlg the only way to get to it is by an aincient cable car, howver this cable car can only carry 5 barrels of custard at a time and needs at least one person to operate it. Now you and your aprentice have just come back from the aincient custard mines with 12 half full barrels of raw custard ready for processing in the plantation, but unfortunately you are now surounded by custard bandits who will kill you if one of you is left alone to guard the remaining custard. There is an armed guard in the plantation who can get rid of the custard bandits, but the only way to contact him is by going up the cable car and leaving the raw custard open for the bandits to attack. You have one weapon that could hold off the bandits, but it wont get rid of them, unfortunately this weapon is needed to operate the cable car.

what do you do?
