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1.) What time is it?: 2:32 in English 2! it BLOWS!
2.) What's the date?: 4-12-04
3.) Are you siked about filling out this survey?: OF course...I have nothing better to do in school!


4.) Full name: Lindsi Rae Matyi
5.) If you could change your name, what would you change it to?: Im not sure at the moment!
6.) Age: 15
7.) If you could be any other age, what age would you be?: 21
8.) Height: 5'7"
9.) Weight: I aint tellin u!
10.) Shoe Size: 8-9
11.) Hair Color: Brown
12.) Eye Color: Hazel
13.) Where do you live?: Mulkeytown
14.) Do you like it there?: It's pretty good!
15.) Why/why not?: I can ride my fourwheeler where i want, when i want!
16.) What's one thing that makes you unique?: I'm a weirdo!
17.) What are your best features? (on your face): I'm NOT conceited...I do not know!
18.) Worst features?: My nose, I got my daddies nose
19.) What about your body are you most confident about?: My itty bitty titties
20.) Most self-conscious about?: My tig o bitties


21.) What would it be called?: Read MY Lips
22.) Who would play you?: A porn star
23.) Who would play your leading man?: Ron Jeremy
24.) Who would play your arch enemy?: Katie Lefler
25.) Who would play your parents?: Steve and Sara Matyi
26.) Any other characters?: my sister would be portrayed by Helen Keller
27.) What would it be rated?: PG-13
28.) What kind of movie would it be? (ex: action, romance, comedy..): Porno


29.) Hangouts: Mall, with Andy, with friends, my room :)
30.) Websites: haha
31.) Movies: American Wedding, and Happy Gilmore
32.) Songs: Anything Kenny Chesney
33.) Sports: Softball and Golf
34.) Sports Teams: Chicago Cubbies :D
35.) Fashion Designers/Brands: Abercrombie, Hollister, AE, and anything from the Buckle
36.) Stores: read the last one dippy!


37.) Bands/Groups: Justin Timberlake
38.) Songs: Take my breath away-Jessica Simpson
39.) TV Shows: Taildaters
40.) Movies: Lord of the Rings
41.) Sports Teams: ST. Louis Cardinals
42.) Foods: Mcdonnalds


43.) Siblings: 1, Sister, 12
44.) Parents: 2.
45.) Are your parents divorced/married/re-married/in rehab?: Married
46.) Do you like your family?: Sometimes!
47.) Why/why not?: Dad's never home, mom likes my sister, and my sisters annoying
48.) What's the best things about your dad?: He's allways working in the mines, but he did buy me my car :)
49.) The worst?: He beats me...j/j
50.) What's the best things about your mom?: She is really nice and understanding!
51.) The worst?: She likes my sister more :(

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52.) Like your appearance?: Sometimes!
53.) Like your personality?: Of Course!
54.) Think you're funny?: Not very often!
55.) Have a lot of friends?: Yes!
56.) Usually go out on Friday nights?: Yeah...with ANDY!
57.) Believe in aliens?: Yeah they crawl into my bedroom at night!
58.) Believe in love at first sight?: Never...
59.) Believe in astrology?: Ms. Cleo never predicted that I was under 18 when i called so..NOPE!
60.) Have a boy/girl friend? Yeah...Andy Fisher! Some hick from royalton :D


61.) About how many friends do you have?: My only friend is Rachel, and my Dildo...Franz
62.) Who's your best friend(s)?: Katie, Ami, and Brooke, Tiffany
63.) Who can make you smile, no matter what mood you are in?: Andy, Katie, Ami, Brooke, TIFF, all of my friends!
64.) Which person do you PRETEND to be friends with but secretly hate?: Amanda Fann :D
65.) Do any of your friends just piss you off?: Oh...NEVER EVER!! yeah..sometimes
66.) Do you get sick of your friends easily?: Only Amanda, but she's a douche bag!
67.) Which friend do you secretly LOVE?: All of them!
68.) If you could have 5 friends stranded on an island with you, who would you pick?: AndY, Tiffany, Brooke, Ami, and Katie!
69.) Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you are comfortable enough with to talk about almost anything? If so, who?: Guys SUCK!


70.) Are you in love?: Not Yet!
71.) If not, have you ever been in love?: I was...
72.) Have you ever wished it was more "socially acceptable" for a girl to ask a guy out?: Who gives a flying rip!
73.) Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone physically unattractive?: YEAH, but my views changed and I eventually started to love matter what anyone said!
74.) Would you be willing to give up sex in exchange for an emotional commitment you knew would last?: YES! SEX IS NOT IMPORTANT!
75.) What's more important, love or sex?: Love of course
76.) Would you still carry out a relationship if you family absolutely hated the person you were dating? (See "Meet the Parents"): Im not sure...if their parents hated me, they most likely would hate me too!


77.) A one-way ticket to Italy?: I hate WHOPS!
78.) An ice-cream sundae?: Yes, I would love to swim in a bath of ice cream on sunday! not really...
79.) Aretha Franklin's attitude and her tell-you-off voice?: Yes...I want to be a HUGE powerful black woman who wants nothing more than R-E-S-P-E-C-T!
80.) A trip around the world with nothing but the clothes on your back?: never! Id need more clothes that that!
81.) Your brother/sister go away somewhere for a really long time?: Can she leave foreer?
82.) The lyrics to "Muskrat Love" permanently deleted from your memory?: WHAT? MUSKRATS MAKING LOVE?!
83.) Your mother's legs?: NEVER!
84.) John Cusack?: Who?
85.) An easy bake oven?: I have one in my kitchen downstairs and I still bake the cookies :D

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86.) Drank?: Of course...I drink at the KC Hall!
87.) Smoked?: NEVER
88.) Done drugs?: I dont like to go and pick weeds
89.) Had sex?: I'm not having sex...its against my Catholic Faith
90.) Grinded with a complete stranger?: Can't say I have
91.) Danced around the house wearing nothing but a towel?: bathroom upstairs!
92.) Told someone you loved them?: Yeah...I told Elliott I loved him...he told me first though!
93.) Needed to tell somebody something but were afraid you couldn't trust them?: Plenty of times!
94.) Cut class?: Cant say that I have!
95.) Got in a fight?: Heheheehe...
96.) Felt suicidle?: Nope! cuz then my parents would find out and make me go to a shrink!


97.) Listening to: people talk in class
98.) Watching: i wish tv!
99.) Wearing: zrc basketball shirt, ae jeans, and my etnies :D
100.) Eating: chewing gum..
101.) Thinking: I want to go to practice...NOT
102.) Talking to: Erin
103.) Feeling: bored and ready to go home


104.) What is the craziest thing you've done in the past?: I'm kind of boring!
105.) If you could change one thing you have done in the last 24 hours, what would it be?: went to bed later
106.) If you could've been born at any point in time, when would you pick?: I would of loved to been born in like the late 70' I could have grew up in the 80's!
107.) List all the places you've visited in the past: Too Many!
108.) Right now, what is your biggest regret? Too Much..
109.) List some things you want to do before you turn 18: Oh name it I wanna do it!
110.) Do you want to get married?: Maybe...
111.) If so, at what age?: 25
112.) Who do you want to marry?: I can't say at the moment!
113.) How will he propose to you?: Walking along the beach in florida at night, and him dropping to one knee..
114.) What song will be played at your wedding?: What a Beautiful Day-Chris Cagle
115.) How many guests will you have?: All my family and his family, and my good friends
116.) Do you want to have kids?: MAYBE
117.) If so, how many?: One boy, one girl
118.) What are you going to name your kids?: Give me a little time...
119.) If you found out you were going to die tomorrow, is there anything you would want to say or do?: Good Bye!
120.) What do you think would be the worst way to die?: Drowning in your car after you drove off a bridge when you were pissed at your boyfriend
121.) Best way to die?: Sleeping, or in a bed, with all your family around to say goodbye
122.) Write your own gravestone engraving: I aint sure yet!
123.) What song will be played at your funeral?: One More Day With You-Diamond Rio
124.) Do you wish you could be alive when the world was ending, just to experience it?: I dont really wanna have to experience that chaos!
125.) If you had the choice to either go BACK 100 years or go FORWARD 100 years, which would you choose?: Go FORWARD!

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126.) I had...: 1966 Candy Apple Red Mustang Convertible GT
127.) I didn't have...: Crack Head Neighbors with a Meth Lab
128.) My life were more...: dull
129.) My life were less...: exciting
130.) I could...: get out of christopher!
131.) My family...: nicer to each other
132.) My best friend...: is the one who will allways be there for me no matter what
133.) My crush...: KENNY CHESNEY...SIGH...

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134.) If you could plan your own birthday party, and money was no object, what would you do?: Go to Vegas and hit the slots!
135.) What was your most embarassing moment ever?: Probablly when...well..there's too many
136.) If your house suddenly caught on fire and you could save 3 things, what would you save?: Pictures, BOOGIE BOARD, and Kenny Chesney CD'S!
137.) What would you throw into the fire?: My sisters dog!
138.) Is there something that you totally oppose? (Ex. Abortion, gays, biracial dating etc): Jr. High bull sh!t going on in High School!
139.) If you got pregnant when you were really young, like 14, would you have an abortion?: HELL NO!
140.) Who would you risk your life for?: My Family, or close friends
141.) Have you ever owned a pair of pants that made you feel like you could do anything when you put them on?: Nope...thats just CWAZY!
142.) What's your favorite inside joke?: "I did f!U!C!K your mom, TWICE!" I love ya tiffie!
143.) How easy is it to make you laugh?: Just look at me and I'll probablly laugh!
144.) Do you laugh when you hear the number 69? (hehehehe!): I bust out laughing!
145.) Would you like to be cloned? (I'm not offering, I'm just asking): That would be too cool!