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Dracona Warrior Mage Training School

You stand at the top of a green hill, looking down into the valley below you. At the valley bottom spreads a huge lake, its glass-like surface reflecting the blue sky. Just the other side of the lake you can see a town, and in the distance, before the town gives way to a thick forest, are the high walls that surround the castle of Dracona. This is your destination.

As you walk down towards the edge of the lake, an old man hobbles out to meet you from his makeshift shack at the waters edge.

"G'mornin' to ya stranger,?he greets you. 的 s恥ose you値l be wantin ta cross?"

You nod and follow the old man to a large flat ferry moored at the lakeside. As you climb on board, the Ferryman pushes the boat out into the lake with a long pole. Once you out in the open water the boat starts to glide along by itself as if by magic, but then, you are all headed for the greatest Warrior Mage training school in the realm so magic is something you値l start getting used to.

"Yu値l be headed for the school eh?" the old Ferryman asks, leaning against the railings. You nod, still staring in wonder at the magically moving boat. Once you have reached the shore the Ferryman bids you farewell and pushes his boat back out onto the lake.

Your journey through the town seems to take no time at all and soon you find yourself standing at the castle gate. Close up the walls seem even higher than they did from a distance. You knock nervously on the gate and straight away a small hatch slides back revealing a suspicious eye.

"Yes?" a gruff voice asks. 添ou the new student then??

You assure him that you are, and the gate swings inwards, revealing a number of armed guardsmen in crimson and gold uniforms.

Enter the Castle!