Newbie Page!
If you wanna join you need to send us some character info first. Our other members characters are listed in the Student Archives so you can read them first if you want to get an idea of the sort of information that we want!
Below is the board for out of character chat and also where you can leave your bio. Or you can send them to either theala_obe@hotmail.com or angel_kitsumi@excite.co.uk Re:Newbie and we will put you up on the members page and send you an e-mail when the RPG starts!
What we need to know!
- Name of your RPG character.
- Description.(Including hair colour, eye colour, height, and other details)
- Clothes. (Well we all sorta wear the same uniform for lessons but we wanna know what your characters wears OUT of lessons!)
- Personality. (Try to keep it simple and no psycho killers please!)
- History. (Where you come from, perents, siblings excetera)
- Pets (If you want one to be kept in your rooms.)
- Played by (Your name. You can use a net name if you don't wanna give out your real one!)
- E-mail address (We won't put this up on the character page if you don't want but we will need some way of contacting you!)
Rules and Regs page
Student Archives
Newbie and OOC board!