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Nipsy the Monkey Fansite (Nipsy's Playground)
Nipsy decided that Nipsy should ad some fun stuff to Nipsy's Site. Here is the fun stuff you can find. This is under major construction but Nipsy's men are working on it.
Submarine Adventure!
Nipsy has always wanted to swim but Nipsy is afraid of water. So Nipsy likes this game. Nipsy can swim all day long. Nipsy is happy!
Sabrina's World!
Weird Woman. All nipsy has to say!
The Lego Minimizer!
Now everyone can be a LEGO!
Spank the Monkey Game!
The monkey's been bad. Wanna spank it!
Mr_E_Man's Boring Life!
Nipsy like Mr_E_Man! Nipsy thinks Mr_E_Man has a boring life. You decide!
The Butler from John Fanzine!
Nipsy is MAD! Nipsy no like the butler! The Butler hates Nipsy and Nipsy's friends. The Butler once killed Nipsy's cousin!
Gorillaz Game!
Gorillaz drive! Gorillaz fast! Gorillaz have fun! Nipsy likes Gorillaz music and you should too!
Nipsy thought some of Nipsy's Friends might want to see some of Nipsy's favorite sites! Well click above to see some of Nipsy's favorite site!(or sites Mr_E_Man and Puttyman might find interesting!