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Molish Behavior - Episode 1


On Pulse-Tightrope challenge, he took 40 minutes to cross both ropes where the other three only took a few minutes apiece to cross one. He had to stop at least four times because his pulse rose over 130. Volunteered to go last for this challenge, knowing he had a high heart rate. When the bags were burned, he was upset over the loss of a photo of his wife and kids; everything else was replaceable.
Many speculate he is the mole because he was the "double-crosser" in the Pulse-Tightrope challenge. Also brought up is the title of this season; The Mole 2: The Next Betrayal (Betray Al). I generally dismiss this argument as it could be used to describe Ali, and I imagine they had the title before Al was cast. That could just be me, tho.


Generally seeming to fly under the radar, Katie quickly approached Heather to form a coalition, claiming she needs a "sounding board." She feels she can trust Heather, noting they’re the same age (25).
During the Burning Bag Challenge, she answered incorrectly.
She seems completely incapable of being the mole, which could be brilliant strategy, or simply her true self.


Is the sighting of ELOM next to her profile pic in the first episode merely a coincidence (people reading too much into it)? Not much of Ali’s personality was shown in this episode, making it hard to gauge probable mole-ness. She was the first to jump in the Swing For Life Challenge, a position she volunteered for.
Ali was also picked for the Burning Bags Challenge, and answered her question incorrectly, losing $40,000 in the process. It is interesting to note that (while probably mere coincidence) Ali was also the first to go in this challenge. Where else was she first? Hers was the first name entered into the computer for execution.


My personal favorite choice for Mole, Bill was quickly chosen to be a leader in the first challenge. He spoke to both Rob and Bob about their physical activities, Rob saying he doesn’t get out of the house much except to work, and Bob saying "I don’t bike. Running is not my forte." However, when Darwin suggested both them and Bribs for the Biathlon challenge, Bill did not bother to bring these issues up. Mole strategizing, or purely a player gauging others?
Bill was not shown much in the rest of the episode, causing many people to develop a ‘flying under the radar’ personality for him. However, a possible hidden clue that could be interpreted as pointing towards Bill as the Mole was the showing (twice) of a painting of Saint Sebastian, who was known for his military background and healing. He is the patron saint of soldiers. Bill is a Retired Rear Admiral and a surgeon. Mere coincidence or a bona fide clue? Only time will tell.


Fast becoming a favorite FOMO, Myra was exceptionally calm during the Pulse-Tightrope challenge. While this may have something to do with her diverse background (military, nurse, now a airline pilot), what people are mainly calling into question is her delay in telling Al to massage the artery in his neck to help bring his pulse down. He had already been up there for well over 20 minutes; time was quickly running down. Did this trick really come to her at the last second? Or was she hoping he would lose this part of the challenge?


Who would pick a cute, young musician for mole? Not many people. There wasn’t a whole lot of time spent on this potential mole; Anderson even blocked our view of her during most of the opening. Selected to participate in the Swing For Life, she decided to do it so she ‘wouldn’t let the team down’ in case $40,000 had been bet on that challenge.
Dorothy was also chosen to be one of the four in the Burning Bags Challenge. She paused between each word while giving the second incorrect answer (Ali’s being the first)
Laying low to avoid suspicion or watching closely to see who the mole is?


The favorite FOMO before the end of the first episode, Bob sadly met a quick end. Many female viewers (and at least a couple of the male ones) will sorely miss him.


A ski instructor from Texas. The perfect oxymoron for mole? Bribs did an excellent job in the biathlon challenge, travelling the hill quickly, and hitting the bullseye with his second arrow. It took him bringing out a can of Force’s Mole Killer for people to start questioning his ‘Mole aptitude.’ It is indeed the perfect gag item for this show…perhaps a bit too perfect. Besides, who would trust a guy with a smile like his?


Here I will note one of my least-favorite FOMO theories. In the opening, when it focuses on the map of Switzerland, and the country name comes across the screen, it is noted that the D at the end has emphasis placed on it. Therefore, Darwin or Dorothy must be the mole, right? I will eat every single note that I take during this series if this turns out to be valid (Hand written AND typed…I’ll print them out).
Other than this, nothing else has really been shown to point to Darwin. Yet. A good deal of that has to do with the fact that after the first 20 minutes or so, Darwin really wasn’t seen.


I don’t think anything major has been brought up in regards to Patrick. I know I sure didn’t observe much. The man is just there, and that’s about it. Unless you want to count him screaming ‘Geronimo!’ at the top of his lungs during SFL, or the fact that he got the fourth (and final) question wrong in the BBC, resulting in the bags being torched, and ABC receiving thousands of angry emails and phone calls. There’s just nothing. Could be the perfect mole.


Yet another favorite FOMO with the masses, the woman looks way too much like Kathryn for me to put any stock in her. Perhaps that’s exactly WHY I shouldn’t dismiss her. I can say this much: the woman has nerves of steel, and must be in fantastic shape. As the first to cross the tightrope in the PTC, her heart rate stayed at an incredible 70/71. I don’t think my resting rate is that low.
As I noted previously, Heather quickly entered an alliance with Katie. Could it be that the rumored coalition Bob entered was with Heather, and he was her first victim? Could Katie be next? Could I ask any more Batman-like questions?
Many have also questioned her Bible story. Why would she have brought something so sentimental with her in the first place? Wouldn’t it have been smarter to have it with her in the ‘overnight’ bag they packed? As a player, she showed the perfect degree of upset over this. As a mole, she could have been weaving a web of deceit.


The woman seems to be a natural-born liar. Not that I would ever judge someone by the way they look, but she just looks like she knows how to deceive people. She took the ultimate cop-out. As a member of the SFL team, she volunteered to go last. As that last jumper, Anderson offered her an exemption if she did not jump, therefore failing that part of the challenge, and losing a potential $40,000 for the group. Whaddaya know, she took it. Was she trying to avoid execution, or avoid suspicion?
Elavia also appeared to have a little problem with honest answers regarding her application. While claiming she’s never had an embarrassing moment, and proclaiming her greatest talent is lying, cheating and flirting, avid mole hunters are quick to note these answers differ from her profile. People thought the Pied Piper would only get rid of rats, too.


Hello Miss Non-Existent. I know Lisa is a player in this show, but for all the time we saw her, she might as well be an extra. Yeah, I know they don’t have extras in this show…leave me alone. We know that she crossed the tightrope successfully in the PTC. We know that she suspects Dorothy and Ali as potential moles. We know that she is eerily similar to Kathryn in the whole 30-yr. old lawyer from Chicago area (ok, I don’t remember how old Kathryn really is…I’m just guessing). What we don’t know is if these are reasons to dismiss her or suspect her.

And finally…(Thank GOD)


Perhaps the most qualified for Mole, Rob is a magician (and a videographer). I don’t think there could be a better job description for a potential Mole. Chosen to be a part of the biathlon, Rob showed quite the weak stomach on his journey back up the hill. Puking is so not a pretty picture. The question is…did he really blow chunks, or was it all a ruse? He seemed to have no problem once he made it back up the hill to hit the bullseye on his first attempt. Me, I would have felt so wretched, I would have passed out and told them to screw the money. But that’s just me. Even Bill noted that Rob would be the perfect mole.
Speaking of Anderson (ok, so I wasn’t, but he’s cute and I like him) at the beginning of the show, he noted it would be a ‘hair raising’ experience. Could he have been referencing Rob’s not-exactly-flat hair? Inquiring minds want to know.