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Molish Behavior Episode 2

Al: For a man so concerned with what the guys at work are going to think, Al sure does wear a corset and panties well. The AlFoMo's didn't get much help this week. About the only thing they got to see Al do was bitch. Maybe it was the time spent with Katie during the CLC...
Then there's the whole Cyborg Al theory. Based on what little I've seen of Al, I think artificial intelligence is probably the only way he would have any.

Heather: That banana-yellow dress sure was ugly. Then again, that could just be me. I didn't really note anything else phenomenal in this episode...except there was Heather complaining about her burnt Bible...there was Heather ecstatic that her Bible wasn't really burnt...there was Heather showing off her Bible to everyone.

Bribs: Mmmmmm...Beer. I wonder if he and Ali really only went to the bar to use the bathroom. Could this have been a ploy on his part to delay as long as possible and possibly miss the train, or was he just trying to make others think he was the mole so he could stay around longer?

Elavia: I'll give you points for calling Katie a liar, especially since it could divert suspicion from you. Is that why Ali bit the big one? Were you really willing to go through with wearing the baby outfit, or did you let it seem like not doing it was all Bill's idea?

Bill: Bill...I love ya, you know that...but you're going to be wearing a diaper soon enough, what's the sense in delaying it?

Katie: Ugh. That's all...just ugh. I don't care if Katie is the Mole or not...I just want her off my TV set.

Rob: I'm beginning to have my suspicions about Rob. He'd make a great mole...and he looks great in cow print. As a magician, he should know a thing or two about counting cards...did he deliberately bet $4,000 with the idea he would lose, or was it the 'Hail Mary pass' of gambling?

Lisa: There's just something about this woman... She's too much like Kathryn. I probably shouldn't discount her for that, but I just can't look at a woman whose bio looks so much like the last mole and seriously consider her. Maybe that will change next week

Ali: Oh how the mighty have fallen. weren't mighty. In fact, you kinda got on my nerves there. I had been rooting for ya. C'est la vie, eh?

Patrick: If there was any molish behavior in this episode, this man in a Speedo was it. Yuck. Oh yeah...and sittin in the potty while talking to Darwin? What, were they afraid that they'd be overheard? Hate to tell you this, but while marble might distort, but it can also amplify.

Myra: Are we sure she wasn't the one that got executed last week? I swear that Bob got more airtime in the scenes from last weeks show than Myra got during the hour. Is this a sign that you're on your way out? Do they not want to let the audience get too attatched to you? Somehow, I'm doubting it.

Darwin: Ya know, Darwin...if you keep pointing that damned finger at people, someone is going to break it. May I also suggest going to the nearest drugstore and buying some Noxema?
I'm not sure if Darwin is trying to divert suspicion, or cry 'Mole' at everyone to make him look like the bad guy...but about the only thing he's succeeding at is making a royal ass out of himself.

Dorothy: Did she really think that it was the last piece of dessert eaten that made the difference, or did she know it was all about blueberries? I'm not sure about Dorothy...anyone who would become friends with Katie definitely has mole-like qualities.

Bob: Oh wait...Bob got executed last week. Damn.