How to make a levitating woman

How to make a levitating woman or light wieght prop

This prop needs to be very light, so I used a 6" foam matress. First draw the shape of the body with a magic marker onto the foam. Using an electric filet knife, cut out the basic shape you have drawn.

Now draw the profile and cut.

Now use the knife to sculpt a more defined shape. I found that by using my small hand grinder with course sand paper I could get very detailed. Use caution though, as with one false move your dummy could have a big gash in it. The first leg I did was so shapely I decided I should become a plastic surgeon.

After the body parts were cut out I used hog rings to attach them into place. To give her a more shapely figure I actually put a stuffed bra on her. Because they would be partially exposed, I put panty hose on her legs. Then came a garage sale wedding gown, painted foam wig head with hair and a hand (since only one was showing).

To make her "levitate" I attached fishing string to her body in a couple of places, so she balanced well. The string was ran up and through small pullies, then back down to (yep you guessed it) a modified rotissery grill motor.

How to make a light wieght levitating prop.
How to make a coffin room.
How to make a hellivator.
How to make a 3D fireplace.
How to make a gargoyl.
How to make a mirror table.
How to make a standing prop.
How to make a dip'n drape prop.
How to make a swamp thing.
How to make a rocking tunnel.
How to make a skull army.
How to make a skull entrance.
How to make a standing prop 2.
How to make a swamp scene.
How to make a tomb.
How to make a torture table.
How to make a voodoo scene.
How to make a wall dude.
How to make a half bodied rising prop.
How to mold a face.


Tree's by Tracy

If I got you confused, or you have any comments or questions,
don't hesitate to concatact me at