The shack was built catty-corner between two walls. The front was made out of 3 pieces of paneling which were over lapped and screwed together. The old door was just screwed onto the paneling. A hole was cut for the window so I could have a light shining out from behind. Old shutters were added to either side for a more "homey" appearance. Next I added some old pallets for a porch and old carpet rolls for the porch posts. Card board was spanned across the top for a roof (which later collapsed and had to be reinforced with a 1x2). Using black, gray and brown spray paint the whole facade was given a 'rustic' appearance.

The swamp: since I was working in a barn there was plenty of hay on the floor. I simply racked it into a big ring, draped a cheap brown plastic tarp over it and filled it with water. Being that a hole was never dug the water was only a few inches deep, but with the dim lighting and ambience it could have been 6' deep for all anyone knew.

The bridge was built with two 12' long 4x4's, 8' landscape timbers would work for a shorter bridge. I put concrete blocks at either end to set the 4x4's up on. Then I screwed two foot wide strips of 3/4" plywood down the length. I didn't put any rails, for the sheer joy of watching people look into the murky depths fearful that they would fall in and drown.

Sonny the fisherman who appears to be up sh*t creek without a paddle, is a flexible prop made mainly out of large gauge wire and padding. His gnarled flesh stripped leg is actually a cow femor bone bloodied up with spray paint. The boat is made from vinel house siding screwed to 1x2"'s to keep it together. Note: this "boat" is nothing more than a bottomless shell. The 1x8" seat works as a spreader and the triangle plywood on the nose keeps people from seeing the ground through the boat.

The alligator was sculpted from several 1" pieces of foam insulation glued together. His eyes were made of those left over glass grapes from the 60s that seem to pop up often at garage sales. Using a piece of wire I hooked the alligator's tail with one end and ran the other to (you guessed it!) a rotisserie grill motor to make it "swim" back and forth under the bridge.

Swamp Thing aka The Plumber stood in the corner.

The finishing touches were tree branches, cut cane, foilage, and rubber snakes. On the porch was an old rocking chair and grama.


The Plumber


Witch doctor

How to make a light wieght levitating prop.
How to make a coffin room.
How to make a hellivator.
How to make a 3D fireplace.
How to make a gargoyl.
How to make a mirror table.
How to make a standing prop.
How to make a dip'n drape prop.
How to make a swamp thing.
How to make a rocking tunnel.
How to make a skull army.
How to make a skull entrance.
How to make a standing prop 2.
How to make a swamp scene.
How to make a tomb.
How to make a torture table.
How to make a voodoo scene.
How to make a wall dude.
How to make a half bodied rising prop.
How to mold a face.

Tree's by Tracy

If I got you confused, or you have any comments or questions,
don't hesitate to concatact me at