note: this is only funny if throughout the whole thing you keep reminding yourself that they are just tennisballs with marker on them.


Let me introduce to you the one and only Gregory and Steven!!!!

this is the tale of Gregory and Steven. The two brothers grew up together in a quiet little cabin in the woods, and this suited Steven just fine....

....However, Gregory was miserable.


upon seeing his dear brother's sadness, Steven told Gregory to leave and see the world, in the hopes that he will find a more suitable life for himself.


And so Gregory set off. Steven bid a heartfelt goodbye to his twin as the two of them parted ways, not knowing when and if they would ever see eachother again.


His brother now gone, Steven finds himself alone and begins getting dangerously selfconcious of his weight.


meanwhile, Gregory becomes enchanted by the lights of the big city, Las Vagas....


thus becoming a compulsive gambler.


Steven, on the other hand, now falling into a deep depression, decides to turn things positive and throws himself into his studies.


Gregory is now falling on hard times.


Steven tries to find some inner peace through the anceint arts of Zen.


now, my friends i know that you are excited about the fact that this story will soon come to a dramatic conclusion and i bet most of you are wanting this ending to happen....

Steven misses his brother terribly and decides to sail away and find his long lost twin.


after sailing half way around the world, he finds Gregory on the shores, who appeared to be getting ready to fling himself into the ocean and kill himself.


the twins take a good look at eachother for the first time in years...


and hug.


they proceed to lie down, gazing at the stars and remincising their past. All is right with the world and its a happy ending, right?


this is not how our Tennisball tale ends.Oh, sure it would be EASY to say that they reconciled and found one another, then perhaps found the loves of their lies, had 2.5 kids, got great jobs at an investment firm, both lived in little houses with white picket fences and had little dogs named "Tuna" and "Fish" BUT IT WOULD BE A LIE!!!!! this is NOT how the story goes and to make sure that the Tennisball twins' legacy is remembered correctly, i will tell you the unedited ending to the tale, the honest truth as to what occured next.


Gregory becomes increasingly angry with the world and God who seems to have foresakened him and soon finds himself committing acts of senseless destruction.


His acts of senseless destruction turn homicidal as he attacks innocent people out of blind rage.


He spends the rest of his days in a straight-jacket, locked away in a correctional facility, undergoing therapy that ultimately is pointless, for he is too far gone.


Meanwhile, assuming his brother is dead after all these years, Steven retreats to a hermit life in the mountains, growing to be a bitter, bitter lonely old man. He eventually dies a long, slow painful death of a rabid goat bite.


this, friends, is the REAL story of the Tennisball Twins. Dont let anyone else tell you otherwise. Dont let The Tennisball twins' death go in vain. remember them and their story, and they shall live on forever. Thankyou.

***all pictures were taken in my basement with MY digital camera, please do not try to take them as your own. I will kill you***