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Evil Beasties

Aw, it's Kiwi when she was a baby...

And here's grown up Kiwi, but she's still my baby.

And here's Cassie and Amy at Crater Lake. That's my dad, btw.

And here's Kiwi again, she's yawning, lol.

"Why'd you take that picture???"

Amy! This didn't scan very well, it looks really cute usually. *shrugs*

Cassie's prison photo.

This is my gerbil, Jake. He died a while ago, and I still miss him. He was so smart and cute! I put him on my little radio controlled motorcycle;doesn't he look just like Ralph? (from The Mouse and the Motorcycle)

And here's Kiwi again ^_^

And my baby Kiwi...

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