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Chapter 17 "Well, I suppose that is kind of an important part to any war" said Lorri. She and Dayna both had plans working in there heads. An attack, on four armies, over one kingdom. Hm...."Who is in the palace right now?" "The Baron Amminadab. The king had he once formed a great alliance, but now he has changed. As if it is no longer him in his body" "So...We should probably attack there first. Who ever holds the palace will be more revered." "True, but how to get in there is the first question that comes to mind. His is the greatest army" "Greatest, or only largest?" He was quiet for a moment. "Another true fact. Tell me, does your mind work this keen always?" She smiled. "No, sir. It is rare indeed that it works properly at all" He laughed. "Watch yourself, Hawkins. You might be out of a job if this young woman jests any better" whispered Striker. Hawkins shrugged. "We can from a duet,” he said, smiling. "Ah, not till I'm done with her mind for war tactics, if you please?" Smiled the Black Fox. Both young men laughed very quietly, for they knew it was not wise counsel to arouse the anger of the Black Fox. "Now, do you have a plan as to how to storm the palace?" "I do not propose we storm it, but to enter quietly, maybe even get invited in" He jerked his head back in surprise. Was this woman mad? "Please, explain yourself." "Simple. When there is a banquet or celebration of some sort, what dose the ruler send for?" The Black Fox nodded. "I see what you mean. And you know for a fact he will have such a celebration?" "If there is to be a wedding he might" "To wed?" AJ smiled, catching on to the plan. "Of course! Word from the inn we have come from is that he is looking for a bride for his son.” Lorri nodded, as Dayna explained the rest of the plan. “You have five young girls hear that could pose as ladies for his choosing. Let us try. And as you and your men enter the castle, you will have one of us in the inside already to help in any way we can." "What you propose is a great danger to any of you girls. You might be found out. Then where would we be?" "You would be no worse off then you already are,” said Safire "and if he dose not chose one of us, you may still be able to enter the palace. Trust us. We can help" There eyes met, and for the first time, she not only fell into his spell, but he under hers. "I will help you in any way I can. And I thank you for taking such a risk" "It is our pleasure"

Chapter 18 The Black Fox had his men bring many dresses for the girls to chose from. "Once we told our ladies of our plans, they were more than willing to give us there extra dresses" "Please thank them all for us" said Lygia, looking over the yards of beautifully sewn garments. She had tried to be a tomboy in her younger years. But deep down, just like every girl, she just loved to play dress up. After much debating and a lot of 'oh, I think that's more your colour' 's, they settled on there dresses. Lygia, a black dress with purple sleeves and silver thread. Dayna, a simple green gown, but her hair and eyes made her a sight most beautiful to behold. Safire, wow, a yellow dress with white sleeves and blue trim. Amy, a light blue dress that AJ had suggested would bring out her radiant eyes. And it did. Oh, if only you could have seen her! And Lorri a midnight blue dress, black and purple striped sleeves, looking very gothic indeed. "Now if only you had your dark purple lipstick!" laughed Dayna as she and Lorri sat in the hut they had used for changing. Lorri smiled and pulled out a small tube of lipstick from a hidden pocket in her dress, carefully applied the dark colour, and smiled again, a flirty look in her eyes creating quite and eerie affect. "Okay, now that is cool" laughed Dayna. "Come, we have not a moment to lose" said Lygia as she entered the hut. "Woah! Lorri? Is that you?" Lorri laughed evilly. "You’re freaking me out" "The so called ruler is evil and will want an evil wife for his son" "Good point. But don't get to wrapped up in that creepy outfit, K?" "Like I would"