Damsels in Distress

Chapter 43 Safire had found herself out in the courtyard that night. The cold did not bother her so much as the loneliness. Why did she have to feel this way? Why did she have to be the only one without someone? Even Lorri had Striker. She sighed. She thought she had someone. But the Black Fox was hardly in love with her. She looked up into the dark, starlit sky. So many thoughts rushed through her head. What if they could not save her and Lorri when the time came on the wedding day? What would happen if they had to marry them? Azor was sweet, but she felt no love for him. “To many thoughts have made you weary” said a voice from behind. She glanced behind her, not feeling much fear. She often ran into servants and attendants in her late night wonderings. “I can not help it,” she told the tall young man before her. Boy, he was nice looking. “Is there any way I can help you, my lady?” he seemed so humble, acted so lowly, but the way he carried himself, the way he walked told he was a great noble of great importance. “No. But thank you for your concern. What is thy name? So in case I am in need of someone to poor my heart out to, I know whom to speak to.” He smiled, eager to help her in any way he knew how. “I am called Kenaz. I am at your service” he took her hand, bowed low, and kissed it. She loved that part of introductions best. “And I am Safire. I am glad you have found me tonight. I shall not trouble you with my problems, but might I trouble you to walk through the garden with me a little while?” He nodded, very pleased indeed. “That I will.” The night wore on and the two became fast friends. Well, perhaps even more. “Answer me this, young lady” “Anything, sir.” “Did it hurt?” “Did what hurt?” she laughed. “When you fell from heaven, my angel” She smiled. “Sir, I am hardly an angel. And to tell you the truth I must warn you I do not believe in love at first site,” “Neither do I.” He took her hand and they continued their walk. She smiled. Oh, well. It was fun to play like she had someone, even if it was only a servant.

Chapter 44 The day of the weddings came. Safire had not seen her mystifying visitor, and much to her surprise, she cared. She cared a great deal for him. “It’s just like the Black Fox. It will pass,” she told herself. “You ought not talk to yourself,” laughed a voice from behind. Safire smiled and ran to Lorri. “Today justice shall be done in this kingdom,” The younger whispered into the elder’s ear. “I know. I can’t believe we are part of it!” Both looked radiant in there gowns. But both hoped they would not be brides that evening.
Meanwhile, the troops of the Black Fox grumbled to their leader of his plan of entry. “Now, this is a perfectly wonderful plan and frankly the only one we have. Please, just get into costume!!” Hawkins laughed. “I suppose you think you do not have to do as the others do?” Asked the Fox, annoyed with everyone over the past week. “Sire, You must calm down. We are about to win! What is there to fear?” asked Lygia. “One small slip up and everything could go wrong. I can’t have anyone disobeying orders now please, you men get into costume as well!”
Amy and Striker entered the palace with great ease. There were so many other guests that they were hardly noticed at all. “Striker, you seem less then enthused. We have almost one!” He nodded. “It’s… Lorri. She seemed so distant last night. I think she has chosen whom she loves… and it is not me.”
Once the troops were ready, dressed and armed, they ended up with four groups, each riding in wagons. The rest of the men would wait in the forest to attack when the signal was given. The men grumbled all the way to the palace. The Black Fox road in the back, under all the men, so his costume of black would go unnoticed.
Lorri and Safire were completely at ease. They say the carts coming from afar and though they did not realize who it was at first, they soon understood. “I never thought in a million years they would go for your plan, Lorri,” laughed Safire as the troops approached. “Why not? It was a good plan!” She defended herself, half mocking. “Yeah, but there all dressed like girls!!!” “True. But Hawkins does really make a pretty girl…” they looked out the window and spotted the cart he was in just going through the gate. They both laughed.
Amy stared, jaw touching the ground, as she saw her beloved AJ ride in on the wagon. “They Really did it?!? They did Lorri’s plan?” “Hey, I helped too” said Dayna from behind. The two girls greeted each other and then laughed at their lovers. “Well, they’re handsome men, but strange ladies!” laughed Dayna. “Well, I don’t know. Hawkins doesn’t look to bad,” admitted Amy.
“Mawage! Mawage is what bwings us together…today” Safire and Lorri both had a heard time not laughing at this guys voice. It was just like ‘Princess Bride’. (another movie that if you have not seen, GET IT!!!) “Mawage, that blessed awangement” Oh, I hope those girls…er, guys decide to crash this party soon or I’m gonna die laughing!! Thought Lorri, but keeping a strait face.
“Each of you make your way behind a guard. Striker?” “Yes, my lord?” “You come with me” Striker followed the black clad bandit up the stairs to the utmost top of the cathedral.
“Have you the wing?” “Not so fast!!” Everyone turned to the voice coming from the rafters atop. The crowed gasped as the two men swung down and picked up the brides and swung to the other side in safety. Lorri kissed Nick. “My hero” He smiled and helped the girls down to their friends while The Black Fox spoke with Baron Amminadab. “Your rein is over, Baron. You must move aside for the real king” “I would gladly, but where can this man be found? The king’s line ended long ago. You know that as well as I. Unless you count on all the old legend and such.” “I count on what I feel in my heart. A king will come but until then, the people have asked me to lead them. If I have to, I shall take them up on that offer.” “Oh, by all means. I cannot take this any longer. If I would have had to be visited by Moza one more time I… I…” Moza? Could this be the dark man? Then it was not the baron who ruled ruthlessly after all!! The Fox was relived to finally know the old king’s greatest friend had in no way betrayed him. The Black Fox took the rope and came back down, never fearing it was a trap, for his ‘Ladies’ were everywhere. “I hand the crown to you” said the baron, looking very pleasant indeed, even to Safire. As he handed the crown over, lightning, thunder, and wind stirred in the whole place and shook both men to the ground. The crown fell to the floor and rolled quite a ways. But it stopped. It stopped at the feet of another man clothed in black. But his darkness went deeper. This figures heart was as black as his boots and more disgusting. He bent down, picked up the crown, and placed it on his hooded head. “ I think this belongs to me”

Chapter 45 The people ran screaming from the building, making confusion, disorder, and chaos. But the troop stood firm and brave, even in their costumes. All but Hawkins, AJ, and Zaaman. They took there’s off as soon as Striker and the Black Fox had saved the girls. Now they all stood, all ten, together, ready to fight this dark man. “Oh, now isn’t this a pretty sight? The fox, his pack, and their mates. How touching. Tell me, are any of you planning on having pups some day?” His tone beat and bruised them, as if he had some power over there hearts. “Ignore him. We have already won,” said The Fox, fighting to believe it himself. “ I think your leader is having second thoughts,” He laughed. “Well, I’m not” Shouted Lygia, proudly. She knew there was nothing this guy could do but try to frighten them. “YOU WERE NOT ASKED!!!” Lightning seemed to protrude from his hand and just barely missed her, but knocking her to her back. “Now your toast!!” Striker charged. There was no way he was going to do that to any of his dear friends. But Moza just laughed. Striker stopped short. “I would not do that if I were you, baby Fox” A long, malformed finger pointed behind him and a guard, three times larger than Striker was about to tackle him, and more followed to get the others. But before the guard even reached Striker, let alone squish him completely, it fell to the ground. As it did, it reviled Lorri, gun smoking in her hand. He smiled, thinking of earlier in their adventure, when she had declined. “When your right, mercenary… your right” He hoped she would never stop calling him that. This is when the real battle for the kingdom of Poema began.

Chapter 46 I hate when I do this. Battles are so hard to explain in stories such as these. Moza had control of the guards of the baron while half of the Fox’s troops where in the structure and the other half being signaled for. The prince offered his and his best friends (Asa, Josiah, and Mahalaleal, who looked an awful lot like Chris) offered assistance. I wish I could explain who each person was standing, how they felt and why they felt it, but I have taken to much time in just getting hear. Besides, everything was really a blur to everyone. That is, until……

Striker looked up from fighting fiercely. He looked up to see Moza holding Lorri by the throat. “NNOOO!!!!” Above everything else, his shout of fear was heard. All stopped, and looked to him. “Let her go!!” said Azor, standing beside Striker. “No way. This decides it all. If your men fight, I kill her. You can’t let her die, can you?” he laughed. Lorri would have shouted ‘Go on and fight!’ but the grip around her neck made that impossible “Take me instead” Striker said calmly. None could believe what they had just heard. Striker? Giving himself up to save someone else? The Fox sighed. He was now certain who he was, though he really felt it all along had known it all along. Moza had not been expecting this. But it could work to his advantage…… “FINE!!” He shoved Lorri away, then took Striker. “Run out of tricks, little Fox?” Striker smiled, and shook his head. He kicked behind, pulling Moza’a legs from under him, sat on top of his stomach and what looked to be a stick of dynamite, but had little fuse. This made it go offer in a split second. “Striker!!” Screamed Lorri, running through the smoke. There lie two forms in the haze, neither moving.
She rushed to the aid of her beloved. “Striker? No. You can’t do this to me. You can’t!!” He sputtered giving signs of life, even if it was weak. “But you don’t even know if you love me” he laughed. Azor stepped out of the smog. Striker smiled. “Well, at least I won out to a very handsome man.” He laughed again, but gasped with pain. “Oh, Striker! No. Last night, when you came, I was so miserable! I had decided and was going to tell you that…… I chose you” He smiled, his blue eyes still shining, still dancing. “Then I guess I better get better, hu damsel?” She laughed, tears falling from her cheeks to his. “That’s right. We have to live happily ever after.” But just moments latter, he had left the world……