
“Let me help you with that.” Nick took the packet of ketchup from his wife. “I would have gotten it.” She pouted, crossing her arms over her chest. He tore the package open easily. He was sick of her pouting lately, and knew he was being a butthead by acting so cocky. But both had so much pride when they knew they were wrong. “You want it on your fries?” he asked, smiling his half smile as he saw the fire behind her blue eyes. He squeezed it hard, expecting it to go on the fries. But instead he and Cassi both ended up wearing it. Both sat there, mouths wide open. Just as they were about to start yelling, blaming each other for the mess, Brian started laughing. They both looked over to him. He wiped a small tear that had come to his eye from laughing so hard as he explained, “You two both really needed that!!” Nick looked to Cassi as she looked to him. All the anger and petty fighting they had done over the week… vanished. “Nick?” “Yeah baby?” “I love you.” He smiled, hugging her, getting the ketchup even more smeared. But neither cared. “I love you too. Merry Christmas.”