
“Baby, you ready to go?” He shouted from the bottom of the steps. “No! I’m not going!” “What?!?” He laughed, walking up the flight of stairs to the second story. “You’ve been talking about this party for weeks. You made that beautiful white dress! Now you’re not going to go? Why?” He came to the closed door of their bedroom. “I-I… just don’t feel like it… I look horrid!!” he could hear her begin to cry. “Babe! You looked great when you showed it to me last night!” He opened the door to see her standing there, in her white gown, and she should have looked wonderful… but she was as red as a lobster! “Sweetie!! What happened?!?” He would have laughed if it weren’t for the desperation on her tear staid face. “When we * sniff * were outside today. I got too much sun” She fell into his arms. He wasn’t sure if he should hold her, considering the massive burn covering her body but he slipped his arms lightly around her wait. “Baby, it looks alright. You cant let a little sun burn ruin the party you been planning on for two weeks. Please come?” She sighed. “Alright. But if anyone asks, just call me Sebastian.”