
“Okay! Now, each team must run through the sand, to the volley ball net, then back!” shouted AJ as he and Nick duct taped the two teams together. At least once a year, all the Backstreet boys would meet for a big party at one of their houses. This time, it was Nicks house. “First team who makes it back, wins this game…and…. GO!!!” the ‘Knights who say Nee’ team (consisting of Brian, Kevin, Howie, and Nick’s dear friend Brent) just bout tripped with the first step. However, the ‘Purple People eaters” (Cassi, Leighanne, Kristen, AJ’s mother Denise, and Howie’s girlfriend Celosia) were off to a great start. “Slow and steady wins the race,” said Denise, almost tripping with her laughter. “Purple people eaters half way to the net!!” AJ cried in excitement. “You’re supposed to be on our side!” Nick rolled his eyes. AJ stuck his tongue out at him and cheered on the chicks. The girls passed the ‘Knights who say Nee’ as they just made it to the net. The boys were all groaning, trying to turn around. But everyone laughed as Cassi fell through the duck tape. It wouldn’t have been so funny, if it hadn’t been for the fact that her shirt was still taped. It came completely off, exposing her bright red bra.