
“Baby, you’re acting ridiculous!” she wanted to laugh over how childish they were both acting. “I wasn’t the one who started all this.” “No, but you were the one who took it the wrong way!” “I don’t even want to get into this right now!” he said, looking back at her as he headed for the door. As soon as he looked where he was going, it was too late and he collided with the closed door. “Baby!!” she rushed to help him, but he just laughed, a little dazed, sitting there on the floor. “Um… what were we fighting about?” she had her arms under his, trying to help him up, but at this she stopped. “Oh my gosh… I don’t remember!” He pulled her down on to his lap and kissed her. “Then lets stop and do something fun. I promised weeks ago I would take you to that new laser tag place in the mall.”