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Psychic Vampires

Types of Energy

Everyone has energy. Simply put, a vampire is lacking in that energy. Psychic vampires take the energy by feeding off of a few different kinds of energy.

Pranic energy is also called life energy. This is what composes a person's aura, and is what keeps a person alive. In Japan, a group of scientists put a dying man in an airtight room. They monitored everything, water content of the room, and the person, air quality, how deep his respiration was, his food intake, everything. WHen the man died, there was 45 grams that was unaccounted for. That is pranic energy.

The next type of energy is made from pranic energy. This is called emotional energy. It is the easiest to take from a person, since they are giving it away freely. When a person gets excited(agitated, mad, happy or sad), they give off a lot of energy. This is emotional energy. Usually, people with normal energy levels feel depressed for a few minutes after an outburst because their body is recouperating. This is why people have a tendency to be sleepy after sex. It has nothing to do with physical strain, but with the orgasm. It has been called by many psys the most pure form of energy.

The next type of energy has nothing to do with people at all. This is natural energy. It is taken from natural sources; trees, rivers, lakes, the sun, the moon, etc. It can also be taken from mechanical objects. If a car has a big block, it will give off alot of energy that is easily taken. However, if it has a 4 cylinder, the energy is less, therefore not as easily taken.

Psychic Vampires

Psychic vampires are people who feed off of the three types of energy mentioned above. Some of these classify themselves as sexual vampires, natural vampires, etc. based upon the types of energy that they primarily feed from. They do not drink blood per se, but do enjoy very bloody meat, preferably steak. There are three different types of "Psychic vampires".

The first is a true vampire, but they do not know that they feed. These are typically called leaches and can be quite dangerous. These are the most common.

The second type is an awakened vampire. They can turn their feeding off and on. THis however takes practice, so there are some who know that they leech, but don't really care.

The third type consists of awakened nils. Nil means nothing, so that is what vampires call the general population. They have no real vampiric qualities, hence the name. An awakened nil takes energy for greedy means. They get a high, so they soon get addicted, just like any drug. Anyway, there will probably be more to come, FAQ's, or something like that.