Chris Matthews.....Darrell Hammond
Dick Armey.....Will Ferrell
Pat Caddell.....Jimmy Fallon
Paul Begalia.....Chris Kattan
Chris Matthews: Welcome back to "Hardball", I'm
Chris Matthews. Fighting rages on in the middle East, Yassar
Arafat has locked himself in his paic room, Prime Minister Sharon
has a boner for bulldozers, and the hottest-selling Spring
accessory in the West Bank is a fishing vest that ticks! These
people are nuts! They're Looney Tunes! They say the want peace,
they keep blowing things up, and bush's solution is to head for
Crawford, Texas and play with cows! Should the U.S. intervene, or
should they let the whole middle East turn into an episode of
"Battlebots"! Joining me today, House Majority Leader
Dick Armey!
Dick Armey: Nice to be here, Chris. The thing that strikes
me is -
Chris Matthews: Whoa! The hell do you think you're doing!
It's not the Dick Armey Fun-Time Chat Hour? It's Hardball, zip it!
Also joining us, former Democrat pollster Pat Caddell!
Pat Caddell: [ mumbly ] Hello, Chris. Can I say something
right off the bat?
Chris Matthews: I don't know, can you?
Pat Caddell: Okay, may I?
Chris Matthews: No, you may not! Ha! It's an oldie but a
goodie, but it's still funny! Finally, an old friend of
ours, he moved over to CNN, but we love having him back here!
Always great to have him on the show, former Clinton advisor Paul
Paul Begalia: Thanks, Chris! It's very nice of you to have
me here -
Chris Matthews: Shut your muppet mouth, Begalia! You shut
your mouth, or I swear to God, I'll come over there and beat you
so hard your dog will be retarded!
Paul Begalia: Now, Chris, do we have to start things off so
Chris Matthews: I'm sorry, Begalia, it's a force of habit!
What's the solution to this mess in the Middle East! We're gonna
start with representative Penis Navy!
[ SUPER on Dick Armey: "Penis Navy" ]
Dick Armey: [ stunned ] It's Dick Armey, Chris, you know
Chris Matthews: Whatever! Just talk!
Dick Armey: The Palestinians and Israelis have lost their
moral center. We need to remind the Arab and Jewish worlds of
what's really important - the Bible and Jesus Christ.
Paul Begalia: Chris, that is ludicrous!
Chris Matthews: Jimmy Neutron, you got a comment!
Paul Begalia: Call me crazy -
Chris Matthews: Okay, you're a bonehead!
Paul Begalia: I said call me crazy..
Chris Matthews: I know, but I think you're a bonehead!
Paul Begalia: Hey. Anyway, I don't think studying the New
Testement is gonna solve this problem. It's exactly that kind of
cultural misunderstading that has led to all this trouble.
Chris Matthews: It may be true, Begalia, but take a look at
[ show doctored photo of Paul Begalia in compromising position
with bin laden]
Paul Begalia: Hey, that's not real! Where did you get
Chris Matthews: [ laughing ] That's the Adobe Photoshop! I
also have one of Boba Fet's head on my body, it's awesome! Pat
Caddell, news polls say that the U.S. supports Israel's ight ot
protect itself, but we also want them to back out of the West
Bank! Do you and your irregular beard have a solution that'll
please everyone!
Pat Caddell: Chris, they can't divide up the West Bank, why
don't they award joint
custody? Israel gets it on weekdays,
Palestinians get it on weekends. Of course, Palenstinians will
probably let the West Bank stay up late and eat junk food, so that
the West Bank will think Palenstine is cooler. That's the way it
worked when my parents split up.
Chris Matthews: Why don't you zip it, you bearded freak!
Tell that stuff to your shrink, not to the fifty people who watch
this show! It's time to take an e-mail question! Cam Vincent of
Philadelphia writes: "Dear Chris, please stop shouting. I had
the TV on mute, but you're still so loud you woke up my kid."
Cry me a river, Cam! I'll stop shouting when I wanna stop
shouting! And I don't ever wanna stop shouting! The question
remains: Should the U.S. intervene or what! Weiner Air Force!
Dick Armey: [ outraged ] It's Dick Armey! It's Dick Armey!
Chris, we have to get tough with the Arab world. We have to
institute more prayer in their schools. We have to get them saying
the Pledge of Allegiance every morning. And if that doesn't work,
we simply take over the West Bank and name it America II. We can
use it for storage.
Chris Matthews: What about that, Pat Caddell! Should we
conquer the West Bank and turn it into a huge garage!
Pat Caddell: Chris, these recent polls show that the U.S.
people support Israel, but want them to back out. And they support
U.S. intervention, but oppose U.S. loss of life. So what they want
is a terminally indestructable American cyborgs to patrol an
Israel that can do whatever it wants, and an independent Palestine
without anyone affecting anyone else.
Chris Matthews: [ sighs ] The people have spoken, and
they're morons! Time for final thoughts. Vagina Coast Guard!
Dick Armey: Come on! It's Dick Armey! Look! Chris, there's
only one thing I know about this whole situation - once America II
is up and running, we can start getting people psyched for America
III: The korean Adventure!
Chris Matthews: Paul Begalia, you weird little garden
gnome! Do you have anything left to say!
Paul Begalia: Chris, I agreed -
Chris Matthews: Yeah!
Paul Begalia: - to come back -
Chris Matthews: Yeah!
Paul Begalia: - on this show -
Chris Matthews: Yeah!
Paul Begalia: - and you've been nothing -
Chris Matthews: Yeah!
Paul Begalia: - but hostile -
Chris Matthews: Yeah!
Paul Begalia: - ever since I got here -
Chris Matthews: Yeah, shut up, you're done! If they made a
bobble-headed doll out of you, they'd have to make your head smaller!
When we come back, I'm gonna call that e-mail guy's kid on the
phone and i'm gonna shout at him! You're watching