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P.O. Box 7041, Harmonstown, Dublin 5, Ireland.

E-mail -
International Phone +353 87 2144009 (Ireland 087 2144009) - 10am to 10pm - Monday to Sunday


UPRI was formed in November, 1998. It Constitutes an 'umbrella' group and it is an amalgamation of individuals who pursue their own avenues or fields of research into Unidentified Flying Objects and the Paranormal in general.  All of the UPRI coordinators are former members of other U.F.O. & Paranormal research bodies, who, together, pool their knowledge, experience and resources.

Newsletter: UPRI produce a quarterly newsletter, and for interested parties the annual subscription is 30 x 30p Irish postage stamps (no cash or cheques), and these should be sent by registered post to:-

P.O. Box 7041, Harmonstown, Dublin 5, Ireland.

At the core of UPRI's existance is the fact that all of its coordinators have a purely open-minded and totally objective outlook on UFOs and other paranormal phenomena. The assumption is NEVER made that any UFO is categorically extraterrestrial in origin.

Witness reports and stories are welcome, and UPRI will consider publishing any reports or articles submitted.
From past experience in dealing with certain Irish authorities, however, it should be remembered that resolutions to "unusaul lights in the sky" may be simply not be forthcoming. in the absence of relevant assistance (or even comment) from these authorities, UPRI will not make promises to witnesses.
That said, however, UFO witness reports will be kept on file for reference purposes, and if possible, UPRI will pursue particular cases vigorously. The identities of all witnesses will be protected at all times, and their experiences will not be reported in UPRI's publications without the witness giving permission.

UPRI will document and record all unusual and unexplained phenomena in an unbiased and objective manner. It is a policy of UPRI that while we fully acknowledge the rights of all persons and/or associations to express whatever views they wish regarding the origins of UFO's, UPRI do not have any dealings whatsoever with cults of any kind.

Your interest in UFO & Paranormal Research Ireland is very much appreciated.

Founder Members Carl Nally and Dermot Butler.
Web page by Rob Gahan.



2001 by UPRI.