Stage Names

Gail Gerber (birthname)
Gale Gerber
Gail Gilmore
Gale Gilmore
Gail Gibson

Film Appearances

Girl Happy (1965)
The Girls on the Beach (1965)
Beach Ball (1965)
The Loved One (1965)
Village of the Giants (1965)
Harum Scarum (1965)
The Magic Christian (1969)
End of the Road (1970)
Lucky Days (2008)
River of Fundament (2014)

Television Appearances

Music '60 Presents The Hit Parade (1960)
The Ed Sullivan Show (1961)
Mr Novak (1964)
My Three Sons (1964)
Perry Mason (1964)
Wagon Train (1964)
The Littlest Hobo (1965)
The Long, Hot Summer (1965)
This is the Life (1966)
The Wayne and Shuster Show (N/A)
The Joan Fairfax Show (N/A)
The Teenager (N/A)

Stage Work

Under The Yum Yum Tree (N/A)
The Terry Southern Show (2000)



(Released April 14, 1965 from MGM; Gail credited as Gale Gilmore)
Rusty Wells (aka Elvis) and his band members are wrapping up another successful night at the club they play at, but that's not as rosy an outlook as their upcoming visit to Ft Lauderdale for Spring Break. However, their boss, Big Frank, wants them to continue playing for another four weeks. Luckily, due to Rusty's smooth-talking, Big Frank puts Rusty and his guys in charge of trying to keep an eye on Frank's daughter, Valerie. Upon finding Valerie in Ft Lauderdale, Rusty thinks the job is going to be easy, until he finds himself trying to keep an eye on Valerie, and romance another girl named Deena at the same time. All goes over well, until Valerie realizes why Rusty has been hanging around her. She decides to indulge a bit in the Ft Lauderdale nightlife, which breaks out in a brawl that sends her and a number of other girls to jail for the night. After Valerie gets out, she finds out that Rusty actually does like her, and in the end she joins him and his band onstage in a reconciliation, with her Father watching close by.


(Released May 12, 1965 from Paramount Pictures; Gail credited as Gale Gerber)
The Alpha Beta Sorority has a problem. The mortgage on their sorority house is due, and the extension has been denied. With only two weeks until the payment is due, the girls of the house set out to raise $10,000. Several of the girls take part in all manner of contests (baking, beauty, puzzle), but none of the contest prizes will come close to covering the loan. While out on the beach, three guys wanting to impress the girls say that they have connections to several big names in show business. The girls fall for the ruse, and grow even more excited when the guys say that they know The Beatles. The guys say they can get the girls the Fab Four, which leads the girls to start selling tickets to the event. However, on the day of the big concert, the guys 'come clean' and tell the truth, and it seems the girls are going to be charged with fraud, until one of them comes up with an idea. With some ingenuity, four of the girls (including Gail) dress up as The Beatles, and perform a tune for the audience. However, they are soon found out, but everyone is having such a good time, it doesn't really matter. The show goes over well, and the Alpha Beta Sorority is saved.


(Released September 29, 1965 from Paramount Pictures; Gail credited as Gail Gilmore)
The film concerns four guys who've dropped out of college, hoping to hit it big with their band. However, due to the California lifestyle, their financial situation is anything but rosy, and the guy who sold them their instruments is planning to repossess them if they don't pay up. The four guys then set out to earn the money, with one of them planning to bilk a college finance committee. The girl on the finance committee falls for the ploy, hook line and sinker. Later in the day, the girl and her three friends (including Gail) decide to stop by and personally deliver the money, only to find that the guys are not planning to use the money for college. After storming off, the girls concoct a plan to try and get the guys to return to college. They shed their bookish college personas and don bathing suits, along with trying to pick up on the current beach lingo. The girls manage to line up a gig for the guys, with the promise that if the guys win, they will reenroll in college. However, on the way to the gig, the guys drive recklessly and lead the police on a high-speed chase to the performance. With the police chasing them around the complex, the guys dress in drag, and take to the stage. Impressing the audience with their music, the guys win, and their promise to the girls is kept.


(Released October 11, 1965 from Filmways Pictures; Gail credited as Gail Gilmore)
Dennis Barlow takes a trip to Los Angeles, and drops in on his Uncle, Sir Francis Hinsley. However, Hinsley's work in a rather 'bumpy' Hollywood idea goes awry, and the poor Englishman soon commits hari-kari. Dennis, being Sir Francis' closest relative, is given the task of seeing to his Uncle's final resting place, at Whispering Glades. While attending to his Uncle's funerary needs, Dennis becomes infatuated with Miss Aimee Thanatogenous, a young woman who works at the funeral home. Dennis takes up employ at a local pet cemetery in order to support himself, but continues to try and woo Miss Thanatogenous. Little does Dennis know, that Aimee has feelings for Whispering Glades' resident embalmer, Mr JoyBoy. JoyBoy soon finds out about Dennis' infatuation, and upon finding out what Dennis' 'day-job' is, sets up a plan to have Dennis humiliated in front of Aimee. However, Mr JoyBoy's plan of launching his mother's dead bird into space via a rocket catches the eye of Whispering Glades' Reverend Wilbur Glenworthy. With the cemetery proving to be a "financial loss," the Reverend figures that he can profit by launching the dead into space for burials in orbit," thus freeing up the cemetery land to be used for more profitable Senior Citizen living quarters. Dennis soon catches wind of this, but Aimee refuses to believe what he says. Seeking the truth, she goes to the Reverend, who confirms what is being planned for the cemetery. Feeling betrayed by all the men in her life, Aimee commits suicide by injecting herself with embalming fluid. When Mr JoyBoy finds out about this, he has no one else to turn to but Dennis. To keep the scandal from getting out, JoyBoy figures that they could secretly bury her at the pet cemetery Dennis works at, but Dennis has a much more interesting idea. Secretly, Aimee's body is put into the casket of a former Astronaut, and then launched into space. As Aimee's body is sent angelically skyward, Dennis takes the next TWA flight home (First Class, courtesy of Mr JoyBoy).


(Released October 20, 1965 from Embassy Pictures; Gail credited as Gail Gilmore)
A group of 8 teenagers crash their car during a landslide. After dancing in the rain, they hike to the nearby town of Hainesville. After breaking into the local theater, they clean up and go to the local go-go club. while there, they encounter 2 giant ducks, which one young man claims are the results of a 'million dollar secret.' The next day, the teens hang out at a barbecue where the giant ducks are served up. While there, they find out that the stuff used is called Goo. Later that night, they manage to steal the stuff, but then get curious as to it's effects. Acting on a dare, they all take it, and grow to be 30 feet tall. Venturing outside, they declare that they plan to take over the town. Within the first 24 hours, they hold the Sheriff's daughter hostage, have all adults turn in their firearms, and are being served fried chicken and Coke. The 'good teens' of the town try to stop them, but to no avail. Finally, the young boy who concocted the Goo manages to make an antidote, shrinking the delinquent teens down to size, which sends them running from the small town. Directed by Bert I Gordon, the film follows many of his former films that dealt with giant or small creatures or people.


(Released November 24, 1965 from MGM; Gail credited as Gail Gilmore)
Movie star Johnny Tyrone (aka Elvis) is sent to the Middle East on a good will tour, but ends up being shanghaied by a gang of assassins who wish him to kill their king. It doesn't help that the king's daughter is also infatuated with Johnny. When she realizes that Johnny is behind a planned assassination, she helps him to escape. Johnny then takes up with a group of thieves, which includes a nimble little person, 3 dancing girls, and 2 children. While in their company, the assassins find Johnny, and threaten to kill his newfound friends, if he does not go through with the mission. He complies for their sake, but the attempt is thwarted, and Johnny ends up in a cell. As his friends were with him, they are considered accomplices as well. With their skill, they help Johnny to escape. Once free, he finds the princess, and explains the situation. Through clues, they deduce that the assassination attempt is being plotted by the king's brother. Working together, Johnny, the princess and the band of thieves manage to capture the king's brother, and the gang all head off to Las Vegas, where Johnny performs the song 'Harem Holiday,' as his friends, the princess and her father, watch from the audience.


(Released December 12, 1969 from Commonwealth United Entertainment; Gail uncredited)
Guy Grand is a man of both extravagant wealth and eccentric tastes. After adopting a young man (who takes the name of Youngman Grand, Esq to be precise), Guy sets out to show Young the way of his life and business world, where all manner of amazing ( and sometimes ludicrous) ideas are put before the public and Guy's acquaintances. Grand's business deals range from super-sized automobiles, to the finest in sea-faring travel, his cruise ship named The Magic Christian.


(Released February 10, 1970 from Allied Artists; Gail credited as Gail Gibson)
After receiving his Masters Degree, Jacob Horner ends up at a railway station, where he has a nervous breakdown. Following this event, he is admitted to a facility called The Institute of Psychic Remobilization (also known as The Farm), where his treatment is overseen by a man known as Doctor D. The therapy at The Farm is highly unusual, with some people playing out their fantasies as therapy, and Jacob himself is subjected to harsh and physical punishments. Eventually, Horner is released, and ends up getting a teaching job at a university, where he befriends another teacher named Joe Morgan. Jacob soon takes an interest in Joe's wife Rennie, with the two engaging in an affair. Sometime afterwards, she confesses that she is pregnant (though it is unknown whether it is Joe, or Jacob's child). Rennie wants an abortion despite Jacob's protests, but he is unable to find anyone who will perform one. This eventually leads him to call upon Doctor D, who performs the abortion, which leads to the death of Rennie. Following this event, Joe is fired from his job, and Jacob finds himself back at The Farm under the care of Doctor D, when a psychological paralysis takes hold of him after the recent events.