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Exact Values for Capacity & Mass

All of the derived values on this page should be exact... unless my arithmetic or my source documents are in error. My source is the Weights and Measures Division of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), a federal agency within the U.S. Commerce Department’s Technology Administration.

–The Management




Master Chart

Unit Name

Exact Volume in Cubic Inches

Exact Fluid Ounce Value

Exact British Fluid Ounce Value/ Exact Mass of Distilled Water at Maximum Density in Avoirdupois Ounces

Exact Metric Capacity/

Volume in Milliliters/ Cubic Centimeters

Exact Metric Mass in Grams

1 milliliter/ cubic centimeter

125 000 /2 048 383

(0.061 0…)

16 000 000/473 176 473

(0.033 8…)

16 000/454 609

(0.035 2…)


45 359 237/45 460 900

(0.997 8…)

1 gram

5 682 612 500 000 /92 913 089 963 771

(0.061 2…)

727 374 400 000 000/21 462 923 781 631 101

(0.033 9…)

1 000 000 000/28 349 523 125

(0.035 3…)

45 460 900 /45 359 237

(1.002 2…)


1 dram/ 1 fluid drachm

56 826 125/262 193 024


454 609 000 /3 785 411 784

(0.120 1…)



3.551 632 812 5

3.543 690 390 625

1 fluid dram

231/1 024




473 176 473/3 636 872 000

(0.130 1…)

3.696 691 195 312 5

21 462 923 781 631 101/5 818 995 200 000 000

(3.688 4…)

1 cubic inch



(0.554 1…)

32 774 128 /56 826 125

(0.576 7…)

16.387 064*

92 913 089 963 771 /5 682 612 500 000

(16.350 4…)

1 avoirdupois ounce/ British fluid ounce

56 826 125 /32 774 128


454 609 000 /473 176 473

(0.960 8…)


28.413 062 5

28.349 523 125**

1 fluid ounce




473 176 473 /454 609 000

(1.040 8…)

29.573 529 562 5

21 462 923 781 631 101 /727 374 400 000 000

(29.507 4…)

1 avoirdupois pound

56 826 125 /2 048 383


7 273 744 000 /473 176 473

(15.372 2…)



453.592 37

1 pint




946 352 946 /56 826 125

(16.653 5…)

473.176 473

343 406 780 506 097 616 /727 374 400 000 000

(472.118 3…)

1 British pint

284 130 625 /8 193 532


9 092 180 000/473 176 473

(19.215 2)…


568.261 25

566.990 462 5

1 quart




15 141 647 136 /454 609 000

(33.307 0…)

946.352 946

686 813 561 012 195 232 /727 374 400 000 000

1 liter/ cubic deciliter

125 000 000/2 048 383

(61.023 7…)

16 000 000 000/473 176 473

(33.814 0…)

16 000 000/454 609

(35.195 1…)

1 000

45 359 237 000/45 460 900

(997.763 7…)

1 kilogram

5 682 612 500 000 000/92 913 089 963 771

(61.160 5…)

727 374 400 000 000 000/21 462 923 781 631 101

(33.889 8…)

1 000 000 000 000/28 349 523 125

(35.274 0…)

45 460 900 000/45 359 237

(1002.241 3…)

1 000

1 British quart

2 273 045 000/32 774 128



18 184 360 000/473 176 473

(38.430 4…)


1 136.522 5

1 133.980 925

1 gallon



7 570 823 568 /56 826 125

(133.227 9…)

3 785.411 784

21 462 923 781 631 101 /5 682 612 500 000

(3 776.946 6…)

1 Imperial gallon

568 261 250 /2 048 383


72 737 440 000/473 176 473

(153.721 6…)


4 546.09****

4 535.923 7

*Derived from value 1 inch = 2.54 centimeters, which is exact according to NIST Document- General Tables of Units of Measurement; available at:

**Exact according to NIST Document- General Tables of Units of Measurement; available at:

***Exact according to NIST Document- General Tables of Units of Measurement; available at:

**** Exact according to NIST Document- NIST Special Publication 811: Guide for the Use of the International System of Units (SI); available at:



Customary Capacity & Volume

Customary Unit

Exact Volume in Cubic Inches

Exact Fluid Ounce Value

Exact British Fluid Ounce Value/ Exact Mass of Distilled Water at Maximum Density in Avoirdupois Ounces

Exact Metric Capacity/

Volume in Milliliters/ Cubic Centimeters

Exact Metric Mass in Grams

1 fluid dram

231/1 024




473 176 473/3 636 872 000

(0.130 1…)

3.696 691 195 312 5

21 462 923 781 631 101/5 818 995 200 000 000

(3.688 4…)

1 cubic inch



(0.554 1…)

32 774 128 /56 826 125

(0.576 7…)

16.387 064*

92 913 089 963 771 /5 682 612 500 000

(16.350 4…)

1 fluid ounce




473 176 473 /454 609 000

(1.040 8…)

29.573 529 562 5

21 462 923 781 631 101 /727 374 400 000 000

(29.507 4…)

1 pint




946 352 946 /56 826 125

(16.653 5…)

473.176 473

343 406 780 506 097 616 /727 374 400 000 000

(472.118 3…)

1 quart




15 141 647 136 /454 609 000

(33.307 0…)

946.352 946

686 813 561 012 195 232 /727 374 400 000 000

1 gallon



7 570 823 568 /56 826 125

(133.227 9…)

3 785.411 784

21 462 923 781 631 101 /5 682 612 500 000

(3 776.946 6…)

56 826 125 gallons

13 126 834 875

7 273 744 000

7 570 823 568

215 110 283 214.057

214 629 237 816.311 01

*Derived from value 1 inch = 2.54 centimeters, which is exact according to NIST Document- General Tables of Units of Measurement; available at:

**Exact according to NIST Document- General Tables of Units of Measurement; available at:

***Exact according to NIST Document- General Tables of Units of Measurement; available at:



Imperial Capacity & Volume

Imperial Unit

Exact Volume in Cubic Inches

Exact British Fluid Ounce Value/ Exact Mass of Distilled Water at Maximum Density in Avoirdupois Ounces

Exact Metric Capacity/

Volume in Milliliters/ Cubic Centimeters

Exact Metric Mass in Grams

1 fluid drachm/ 1 drachm

56 826 125/262 193 024




3.551 632 812 5

3.543 690 390 625

1 cubic inch


32 774 128 /56 826 125

(0.576 7…)

16.387 064*

92 913 089 963 771 /5 682 612 500 000

(16.350 4…)

1 fluid ounce/1 ounce

56 826 125 /32 774 128



28.413 062 5

28.349 523 125**

1 pint

284 130 625 /8 193 532



568.261 25

566.990 462 5

1 quart

2 273 045 000/32 774 128



1 136.522 5

1 133.980 925

1 gallon

568 261 250 /2 048 383



4 546.09***

4 535.923 7

2 048 383 gallons

568 261 250

327 741 280

9 312 133 472.47

9 291 308 996.377 1

*Derived from value 1 inch = 2.54 centimeters, which is exact according to NIST Document- General Tables of Units of Measurement; available at:

**Exact according to NIST Document- General Tables of Units of Measurement; available at:

***Exact according to NIST Document- NIST Special Publication 811: Guide for the Use of the International System of Units (SI); available at:



Customary to Imperial

Customary Unit

Imperial Value

1 fluid dram

473 176 473 /454 609 000 fluid drachms

1 fluid ounce

473 176 473 /454 609 000 fl. oz.

1 pint

473 176 473 /568 261 250 pint

1 quart

473 176 473 /568 261 250 quart

1 gallon

473 176 473 /568 261 250 gallon

Imperial to Customary

Imperial Unit

Customary Value

1 fluid drachm

454 609 000/473 176 473 fluid dram

1 fluid ounce

454 609 000/473 176 473 fluid ounce

1 pint

568 261 250 /473 176 473 pints

1 quart

568 261 250 /473 176 473 quarts

1 gallon

568 261 250 /473 176 473 gallons



Metric Capacity to Mass Table with Customary and Imperial Equivalents


Volume of distilled water at maximum density

Exact Mass of Water at Maximum Density (avoirdupois ounces) (also British fluid ounces)

Customary Fluid Ounces

Volume (Cubic Inches)

1 gram

45 460 900 /45 359 237 mL

1 000 000 000 /28 349 523 125

727 374 400 000 000 /21 462 923 781 631 101

5 682 612 500 000 /92 913 089 963 771

1 kilogram

45 460 900 /45 359 237 L

1 000 000 000 000 /28 349 523 125

727 374 400 000 000 000 /21 462 923 781 631 101

5 682 612 500 000 000 /92 913 089 963 771

Metric Mass to Capacity Table with Customary and Imperial Equivalents

Volume of distilled water at maximum density


Exact Mass of Water at Maximum Density (avoirdupois ounces) (also British fluid ounces)

Customary Fluid Ounces

Volume (Cubic Inches)

1 milliliter

45 359 237 /45 460 900 g

16 000 /454 609

16 000 000 /473 176 473

125 000 /2 048 383

1 liter

45 359 237 /45 460 900 kg

16 000 000 /454 609

16 000 000 000 /473 176 473

125 000 000/2 048 383




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