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Japanese Measures (Shakkan-ho)

Japanese Length Measure

Base (shaku)

Shakkan-ho unit

Customary/Imperial Equivalent

Metric Equivalent

1/100 shaku

1 bu

59/500 inches

2.997 mm (about 3 mm)

1/10 shaku

1 sun (10 bu)

1 & 9/50 inches

2.997 cm (about 3 cm)

1 shaku

1 shaku (10 sun)

11 & 4/5 inches

29.97 cm (about 30 cm)

6 shaku

1 ken

1 & 29/30 yards (5 & 9/10 feet)

1.8 meters (180 cm)

Japanese Area Measure


Shakkan-ho unit

Customary/Imperial Equivalent

Metric Equivalent

6 & 3/10 shaku x 3 & 3/20 shaku

1 tatami*

74 & 17/50 in. x 37 & 17/100 in.

189 cm x 94.5 cm

*The tatami is a thick mat of specific dimensions used to express floor space, particularly in living areas of Japanese homes.

Japanese Volume Measure


Shakkan-ho unit

Customary Equivalent

Imperial Equivalent

Metric Equivalent

1 shaku

1 shaku

61/100 fl. oz.

127/200 fl. oz.

18.04 mL

10 shaku

1 go

953/2 500 pint

1 587/5 000 pint

180.4 mL


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