Tennessee Colored Pension Applications for CSA Service
by Willie L. Robinson
Hello, and welcome to Tennessee Colored Pension Application for CSA Service. The purpose of this website is to provide the names of African-Americans, mostly former slaves, who applied for pensions in Tennessee claiming to have served with the Confederate States of America during the American Civil War. The names were compiled by John V. Brogden using sources at the Tennessee State Library and Archives in Nashville, Tennessee. Additional research has been done by the webmaster.
This information is provided with the hope that it will be helpful to other genealogists in their research. Listed below are the names of the applicants, birth data, organization with which they claimed service, and the disposition of their application. Some names are of persons who applied for the pensions on behalf of others. Additional information is available upon request on most names listed below.
The following notice appeared on the the "Colored Man's Application for Pension":
"The Negros' pension law passed by the Tennessee Legislature, provides that Negros Pensioned by this Act must have been bona fide residents of this State three years if they served with a Tennessee Command, and ten years if they served with a command from any other State. They must have remained with the army until the close of the war, unless legally relieved from service. They must be indigent. Unless you come clearly under the law, it is useless to file an application.
The board meets the second Tuesdays in January, April, July and October."
Following are the names of the applicants available to this researcher at this time:
- Abernathy, Ruff - b. in Giles County, TN in 1845; claimed service with the 3rd Tenn. Inf.; application accepted.
- Akins, John - b. in Bedford County, TN in 1852; claimed service in the 9th Tenn. Cav.; application accepted.
- Allison, Sam - b. in Haywood Co, TN in June 1840; claimed service in the 7th Tenn. Cav.; application rejected.
- Amy, Pete - b. in Hawkins County, TN in August 1844; claimed service with the Supply Train Hoke's Div.; application accepted.
- Anderson, George - b. in Hickman County, TN on July 23, 1842; claimed service with the 9th Tenn. Cav. Co. C; application accepted.
- Anderson, Ike - b. in Stewart County, TN on November 25, 1834; claimed service with the 1st Ky. Cav. Co. A; appliation rejected.
- Arnold, Polk - b. in Bedford County, TN in 1844; claimed service with the Forrest Escort; application accepted. (For more information about Polk Arnold, contact Les Marsh.
- Avant, Alfred Scott - b. in Rutherford County, TN in 1852; applicatiion rejected.
- Averitt, Albert - b. in Rutherford County, TN in 1843; claimed service with the 18th Tenn. Inf. Co. C; application accepted.
- Baker, Jim - b. in Russell County, AL in 1847; application rejected.
- Banks, Peter (Porter) - b. in Kentucky in 1824: claimed service with the 2nd Tenn. Inf.; application accepted.
- Barksdale, Henderson - b. in Virginia; claimed service with the 12th Tenn. Inf.; application rejected.
- Bates, Henry - b. in Bradley County, TN; application rejected.
- Beaumont, Ben - b. Montgomery County, TN in 1848; claimed service with the 10th Tenn. Cav.; application rejected.
- Bell, Charles aka Harris - b. in Dickson County, TN in 1843; claimed service with the 11th Tenn. Inf. Co. K; application accepted.
- Bell, William C. - b. in Robertson County, TN on January 22, 1840; claimed service with 30th Tenn. Inf.; disposition of application unknown.
- Bibb, William - b. in Lownes County, MS in 1840; claimed service with the 12th Alabama Inf. Co. G; application accepted.
- Biles, Jerry
- Biles, William Houston - b. in Water Valley, MS in 1854; organization and disposition of application unknown.
- Blackwell, Abe - b. in Shelby County, TN in 1846; application accepted.
- Bledsoe, William Anthony - b. in Marion County, TN on January 29, 1846; application accepted.
- Bobbit, Carter - b. in Madison County, TN; claimed service with the 14th Tenn. Cav.; application accepted.
- Boyd, George Washington - b. in Christian County, KY; claimed service with the 2nd Ky. Cav.; application disposition unknown.
- Bradley, R. H. - b. in Desoto County, MS in 1849; claimed service with the 29th Miss. Inf. Co. I; application disposition unknown.
- Briggs, John - claimed service with the 4th Tenn. Cav. application disposition unknown.
- Brown, Alfred - b. in Anderson, SC in 1844; organization and application disposition unknown.
- Brown, Anderson - b. in Tuscaloosa, AL in 1939; application rejected.
- Brown, John L. - b. in Davidson County, TN on October 25, 1839; claimed service with the 20th Tenn. Inf. Co. C; application accepted.
- Bryant, Henry - b. in Virginia; claimed service with the Recruting Office; application accepted.
- Buchanan, Henry - b. in Franklin County, TN in March 1845; claimed service with the 12th Tenn. Inf.; allpication disposition unknown.
- Buckner, Wash -
- Buford, William - b. in Williamson County, TN in 1845; claimed service with the 9th Tenn. Inf.; applcation accepted.
- Caldwell, John - b. in Charlotte, Dickson Co., TN; claimed service with the 1st Tenn. Cav.; application rejected.
- Cannon, Charles - b. in Williamson County about 1841; claimed service with the 154th Tenn. Inf.; application accepted.
- Cansler, Hugh Lawson - b. Marion County, TN in 1835; claimed service with the 43rd Tenn. Inf.; application rejected.
- Carter, Bob - b. Prince Edward County, VA; claimed service in Breastworks; application accepted.
- Caruthers, John - b. in Lebanon, Wilson Co., TN about 1835; claimed service with the 48th Tenn. Inf.; disposition of application unknown.
- Cason, Frazier - b. in Henry County, TN in 1837; disposition of application unknown.
- Catlett, Tom - b. in Sevier County, TN; organization and application unknown.
- Chapman, Toney - b. in Marshall County, TN on June 18, 1849; claimed service with the 4th Tenn. Cav. Co. A; application accepted. For more about Toney Chapman, click here.
- Church, Henry - b. in Maury County, TN on June 1, 1845; claimed service with the 48th Tenn. Inf.; application accepted.
- Churchill, John - b. in Louisville, KY on September 15, 1844; claimed serviced with General Thomas Churchill's Hq.; application disposition unknown.
- Clayton, Sam - b. in Rutherford County, TN about 1848; claimed service with the 23rd Tenn. Inf.; application disposition unknown.
- Cleveland, Maurice A. - claimed service with General John Adams' staff; application disposition unknown.
- Clickley, Tom
- Cole, Nat - b. in Madison County, TN in 1838; organization unknown; application accepted.
- Coleman, David B. - b. in Bolivar County, MS in August 1839; claimed service with the 6th Alabama Inf. Co. I; application disposition unknown.
- Coleman, Jacob - b. in Courtland, Lawrence Co., AL in 1839; claimed service with the 11th Alabama Cal. Co. A; application accepted.
- Coleman, Nelse
- Collier, Sam -b. in Madison County, TN in 1839; claimed service with the 51st Tenn. Inf. Co. F; application accepted.
- Conn, George Adams - b. in Williamson County, TN on February 10, 1845; claimed service with the Q. M. Hawes Brigade; application disposition unknown.
- Cotton, Alonzo - b. in Davidson County, TN in 1846; organization unknown; application rejected.
- Crudup, Handy Davis - b. in Wilson County, TN in 1846; claimed service with the 7th Tenn. Inf.; application accepted.
- Crutcher, Jack - b. in Williamson, County, TN in 1835; claimed service with the 20th Tenn. Inf. Co. D; application accepted.
- Cullom, Sam - b. in Maryland; claimed service with the 8th Tenn. Inf. Co. F; application accepted.
- Cunnigham, Osborn - b. in Williamson County, TN; claimed service with the 1st Tenn. Inf. Co. D; application accepted.
- Dabney, Mack - b. in Giles County on Decmber 15, 1845; claimed service with the 3rd tenn. Inf.; application accepted.
- Dance, George - b. in Alabama near Tuscumbia; claimed service with the 8th Tenn. Inf.; application accepted.
- Davis, Ben - b. in Fayette County, TN on March 4, 1836; claimed service with Forrest's Headquarters; application accepted.
- DeGraffenfried, Nathan - b. in Fayette, County, TN; claimed service with the 154th Tenn. Sr. Inf. Co. B; application accepted.
- Dillon, Jim - b. in Sumner County, TN in 1851; claimed service with the 4th Tenn. Inf.; application accepted.
- Dismuke, Abram - b. in Noxubee County, MS; claimed servce as a shoemaker; disposition of application unknown.
- Donnell, William M. - b. in Bedford County, TN in 1844; claimed service with the Commissary Dept.; application accepted.
- Dortch, Charles -b. in Montgomery County, TN; claimed service with the 2nd Ky. Cav. Co. C; application rejected.
- Douglas, Levi - b. in Maury County, TN on May 20, 1823; organization unknown; application rejected.
- Drake, G. W. -b. in Van Buren County, TN; claimed service with the 16th Tenn. Inf.; application accepted.
- Duke, Alfred - b. in Yalobusha County, MS in 1848; claimed service with Forrest's Regt.; rejected.
- Duncan, James - b. in Wayne County, TN in 1849; claimed service with the 1st Tenn. Cav.; application disposition unknown.
- Dunn, James - b. in Smith County, TN in Deceember 1831; claimed service with the 7th Battl. Tenn. Cav.; application rejected.
- Durley, Willis
- Eames, Joe - claimed service with the 4th Tenn. Cav.; application disposition unknown.
- Earle, Turner - b. near Grenada, MS on April 27, 1849; claimed service with the 3rd Tenn. Cav.; application disposition unknown.
- Easley, Edom - b. - in Hickman County, TN on June 10, 1847; claimed service with the 10th Tenn. Ca. Co. I; application accepted.
- Easley, W. M. - b.- in Hickman County, TN in 1848 or 1849; claimed service with the 24th Tenn. Inf. allpication accepted.
- East, George Washington - b. in Davidson County, TN in 1848; claimed service with the Texas Cav. Co. H; application rejected.
- Elder, Hal
- Etherly, William - b. in Wilson County, TN; organization and application disposition unknown.
- Farrington, Joe - b. in Chatham County, NC in March 1835; claimed service with the 5th N. C. Cav.; application accepted.
- Fitzgerald, John Maston - b. in Maury County, TN in 1846; claimed service with the 48th Tenn. Inf. Co. A; application accepted.
- Floyd, Wash
- Forrest, Thornton - b. in Shelby County, Tenn about 1845.; claimed service with Forrest's Hdq.; application accepted.
- Foster, Joe - b. in Hickman County, TN on November 4, 1850; claimed service with the 9th Tenn. Inf.; application accepted.
- Fountain, Willis - b. in Georgia on December 18, 1836; claimed service with the 6th Miss. Inf.; aplication accepted.
- Francis, Edward - b. in Franklin County, TN in 1850; claimed Hospital service; application accepted.
- Fuller, Lee -b. in Madison County, AL on May 22, 1847; claimed service with the 5th Alabama; application rejected.
- Garner, George - b. Winchester, TN in 1847; claimed service with the 1st Tenn. Inf.; application accepted.
- Garrett, George W. - b. in Baton Rouge, LA; claimed service with the 1st Colored Co. S.C.; application rejected.
- Gatewood, Wesley - b. in Marshall County, MS in January 1838; claimed service with the 17th Miss. Inf. application accepted.
- Gentry, James - b. in College Grove, Williamson Co., TN on August 12, 1846; claimed service with the 17th Tenn. Inf.; application accepted.
- Gibson, Robert - b. in Hickman County, TN in 1846.
- Gilliam, Robert - b. in Virginia in 1843 or 1844; application accepted.
- Gober, Silas - b. in Fayette County, TN on July 19, 1842. claimed service with the 3rd Tenn. Cav.; application accepted.
- Gooch, James - b. in Davidson County, TN on June 12, 1847; claimed service with the 4th Tenn. Cav.; application accepted.
- Gooch, James - b. in Davisdon County, TN on June 12, 1847; claimed service with the Starnes Cav.; application accepted.
- Gordon, Nathan - b. in Giles County, TN in 1844; claimes service with the 11th Tenn, Cav.; application accepted.
- Gore, Henry - b. in Jackson County, TN; claimed service with the 8th Cav., application accepted.
- Gray, Albert - b. in Hickman County, TN on June 6, 1846; claimed service with the 24th Tenn, Inf. Co. H; application accepted.
- Gray, Dock - b. in Hickman County, TN on May 31, 1841; claimed service as a Scout; application accepted.
- Green, John - in Stokes County, NC about 1850; claimed service with the North Carolina Unit; application rejected.
- Greer, Jones - b. in Lincoln County, TN in 1844 or 1845; claimes service with the Forrest Escort; application accepted.
- Gregory, Ned - b. in Lincoln County, TN in 1843;claimed service with the 1st Tenn. Inf. Co. C; application accepted.
- Grisby, Thomas A. - b. in Linestone County, AL in 1850: claimed service with the 15th Tenn. Vac.; application rejected.
- Grimes, Dan W. - b. in Dickson County, TN on February 2, 1845; claimed service with the 11th Tenn. Inf. Co. C: application accepted.
- Guffin, Butler -claimed service with the 26th Georgia Inf.; application accepted.
- Hailey, Albert - b. in Bedford County, TN in 1844 or 1845; calimed service with the 41st Tenn. Inf. Co. F; application rejected.
- Hairston, John - b. in Virginia; orgainzation unknown; application rejected.
- Hale, Reuben Grissim - b. in Smith County, TN in 1846 or 1847; claimed service with the 4th Tenn. Co. C; application accepted.
- Hannah, George - b. Cheatham County, TN on September 10, 1847; claimed
service with Forrest's Cav.; application accepted.
- Hannah, Jerry (Perry) - in Biggbyville, Maury Co., TN on December 12, 1840; claimed service with the 18th Inf./9th Battl. Cav.; application accepted.
- Harding, James - in Davidson County, TN in 1849; claimed service with the 9th Tenn. Cav.; application rejected.
- Harris, Charley -
- Harris, Wash - b. in LaGrange, TX in 1836; claimed service with Cheatham's Div.; application rejected.
- Hastings, Alex - in Bedford County, TN; claimed service with the 7th Tenn. Inf. Co A; application accepted.
- Hawthorne, E. D. - b. in Haywood County, TN in 1849. claimed service with the 7th Tenn. Cav. Co. L; application accepted.
- Hayes, Ceasar - b. i Shelby County, TN in 1843; claimed service with the 154th Tenn Inf.; application accepted.
- Haynes, Washington D. - b. in Henry County, TN in 1834; claimed service with the 5th Tenn. Inf.; application disposition unknown.
- Hays, Luke - b. in Williamson County, TN in 1852; organization unknown; application rejected.
- Henderson, Henry C. - b. in Davidson County, NC in 1849; organization unknown; application accepted.
- Henry, West - b. in Sumner County, TN.; claimed service with the 2nd and 21st Tenn. Cav. application accepted.
- Hickerson, Clay - b. in Coffee County, TN on December 25, 1844; claimed service with the 24th Tenn.nf.Co. k; application disposition unknown.
- Hord, Fred R. (Hoard) - Hawkins County, TN in 1844; claimed service with the 2nd Tenn. Cal. Co E; application disposition unknown.
- Hornbeak, Rash - b. in Hickman County, TN on January 1846; claimed service with the 9th Cav. Bn.; application accepted.
- House, Charles - claimed service with the 4th Tenn. Cav.; disposition of applivation unknown.
- Howard, Roach - claimed service with the 3rd Tenn. Cav. ?; application disposition unknown.
- Hunter, Booker - b. in Williamson County, TN in 1846; claimed service with Gen. Preston Smith's Staff; application disposition unknown.
- Hyde, Henry -
- Ivie, Wiley Sutton - b. in Bedford County, TN on August 15, 1842; claimed service with Q. M. Dept.; application disposition unknown.
- Jackson, Henry - b. in Madison County, TN Ffebruary 1847; claimed service with Forrest's Cav.; application accepted.
- Jarnigan, David - b. in McMinn County, TN about 1841; claimed service with the 16th Tenn. Cav.; application accepted.
- Jennings, Joseph - b. in Grainger County, TN in 1843; claimed service with the 12 th Tenn. Cav; application accepted.
- Johnson, George Floyd - b. in Pulaski County, VA in 1843; claimed service with Wilcox Brigade; application accepted.
- Johnson, Peter - b. in Lawrence County, TN on May 10, 1849; organization unknown; application accepted.
- Johnson, Richard - b. in Virginia; claimed service with the 14th Miss. Inf. Co. I; application accepted.
- Johnson, Tom - b. in Robertson County, TN about 1839; claimed service with the 50th Tenn. Inf.; application rejected.
- Johnson, William - b. near Nolensville, TN about 1845; claimed service with White's Battery; application accepted.
- Jones, Bemjamin J. - b. near Vicksburg, MS in 1849; claimed service with the 3rd Tenn. Inf.; application accepted.
- Jones, Jack - b. in Hickman County, TN on October 24, 1847; claimed service with the 24th Tenn Inf.; application accepted.
- Jones, Leroy - b. in Shelby County, TN on March 9, 1838; claimed service with the 4th Tenn. Inf. Co. I; application accepted.
- Jones, Monroe - b. in Warren County, MS in 1847; claimed service with the 1st Miss. Light Arty. Co. A; application accepted.
- Jones, Willie - b. in North Carolina in 1841; claimed service with a North Carolina Unit; application rejected.
- Kennedy, Manuel - b. in Winston County, MS on April 25, 1837; claimed service with the 15th Miss. Inf.; application rejected.
- Kennedy (Kindley), James - b. in Henry County, TN on July 4, 1845; claimed service with the 46th Inf. Co. C; application rejected.
- Kinnard, Taylor - b. in Williamson County, TN in 1843; claimed service with the 54th Tenn. Inf. Co. K; 1st application rejected; 2nd application accepted.
- Kinnon, Taylor - B. in Williamson County, TN in 1844; claimed service with the 54th Tenn. Inf.; application rejected.
- Kirk, Sam - b. in Rutherford County, TN; claimed Hospital service; application accepted.
- Kittrell, Joe -
- Knight, Louis - b. in Franklin County, TN in 1848; claimed service with the 17th Tenn. Inf.; application accepted.
- Lankford, Archie Davis - b. claimed service with the 2nd Tenn. Inf.; application disposition unknown.
- Lawrence, Drucy - application disposition unknown.
- Ledbetter, Ralph - b. in Rutherford County, TN; application disposition unknown.
- Lee, Clark - claimed service with the 1st Ga. Regt. application accepted.
- Lester, Richard - b. in Giles County, TN in 1843; claimed service with the 3rd Tenn. Inf. Co. G; application accepted.
- Lester, Robert - b. in Giles County, TN in 1845; claimed service with the 18th Tenn. Inf. Co. K; application accepted.
- Liggett, R. M. - b. in Roane County, TN on September 25, 1842; claimed service with the 2nd Tenn, Cav. Co. E; application disposition unknown.
- Ligon, Henry - claimed service with the 14th Tenn. Inf. Co. H; application accepted.
- Lipscomb, Thomas - b. in obion County, TN in 1844; claimed service with hte 9th Battalion Tenn. Cav.; application disposition unknown.
- Locke, Alfred - b. in Rhea County, TN on May 24, 1846; claimed service with the 1st Tenn. Cav. Co. D; application is believed to have been accepted.
- Luttrell (Littrell), Charles - b. in Hardeman County, TN about 1848; claimed service with the 14th Tenn Cav. Co A; application accepted.
- Maclin, James - b. in Tipton County, TN in 1840; claimed service with the 7th Tenn. Cav. Co B; application accepted.
- Maney, James - b. Murfreesboro, TN in 1843; claimed service with Gen. Maney's Hq.; application accepted.
- Mason, Plunk - b. b. in Franklin County, TN in 1833; claimed service with a Wagon Train; application accepted.
- Mathes (McFarland), Dall - b. in Haywood County, TN in 1844; claimed service with Gen. Cheatham's Hq.; application accepted.
- Matthewson (Mathison), George - b. in Ballard County, KY abouy 1850; claimed service with Col. Davis' Georgia Troops; application disposition unknown.
- Mayberry, Jim - claimed service with the 24th Tenn. Inf.; application disposition unknown.
- Mayes, Harrison - b. in Maury County, TN in 1842; claimed service with the 1st Tenn. Cav.; application disposition unknown.
- McCarter, William (William C. Carter) - b. in Monroe County, TN in 1844; claimed service with the 62nd Tenn Inf.; application accepted.
- McClaren, Bob - b. in Fayette County, TN on December 25, 1849; claimed service with the 14th Tenn. Cav.; application accepted.
- McCulloch, Ned - b. in Rutherford County, TN; claimed service with the 17th Tenn. Inf.; application accepted.
- McEwen, George W. - b. in Maury County, TN on August 4, 1847; claimed service with the 1st Tenn. Inf. Co. H; application accepted.
- McFarland, Charles L. - b. in 1852.
- McLemore, Daniel - claimed service with the 4th Tenn. Cav.; application disposition unknown.
- McMillian, William - b. in Georgia; claimed service with the 37th Cav.; application rejected.
- McNeel (McNeely), Sam - b. in Bolivar Hardeman County, TN on March 12, 1840; clained service with the 14th Tenn. Ca.; application rejected.
- McNeely, Rush - b. in Henderson, Counrt, TN on August 11, 1824; claimed service with the 27th Tenn. Inf. Co A; application disposition unknown.
- McNeil, Ausburn - b. in Alabama in 1847; claimed service with teamster; application disposition unknown.
- McNeil, Sam (Simpson - b. in Hardeman County, TN in 1840; claimed service with the 7th Tenn. Cav. Co E; application accepted.
- Mickles, Stepney - b. in North Carolina in 1845; claimed service with the 9th Miss. Inf.; application accepted.
- Miller, William - b. in Rutherford County,TN in 1847; claimed service with the 11th Tenn. Cav.; application rejected.
- Minor, Ned - b. in Montgomery County, TN in 1848; claimed service with the 10th Tenn. Inf.; application accepted.
- Moore, Bemjamin - b. in Huntsville, AL in 1833; claimed service with the Alabama Unit; application accepted.
- Moore, Giles - b. in Giles County, TN; claimed service with the 9th Ala. Cav.; application accepted.
- Moore, John - b. in Hickman County, TN in Hickman County, TN on April;
- Morris, Paden - b. in Virginia about 1846; claimed service with th Virginia Unit; application accepted.
- Moses, John - b. in Madison County, TN; claimed service with the 7th Tenn. Cav.; application accepted.
- Murray, Charles - b. in Upson, GA on April 12, 1843; claimed service with Murray's Regt.; application rejected.
- Murray, Branch - b. in Petersburg, VA; claimed service with the 17th Texas Inf. Co. K; application rejected.
- Musgraves, Billie Webster - b. in Marshall County, MS claimed service with the 8th Miss. Cav.; application rejected.
- Muzzall, Lewis - b. in Henry County; claimed service with the 20th Tenn. Cav.; application accepted.
- Neal, Henry - application accepted.
- Nelson, Henry - b. in Rutherford County, TN in 1842; claimed service with the 19th & 20th Tenn. Cav.; application disposition unknown.
- Nelson, Louis Napoleon - b. in Lauderdale County, TN; claimed service with the 7th Tenn. Cav. Co M; application accepted.
- Newsom, Sam - b. in Hickman County, TN on December 19, 1838; organization unknown; application accepted.
- Newsom, Silas - b. in March 1843; claimed service with the 20th Tenn Inf.; application accepted.
- Nicholoson, Isaac A. - b. in Davidson County, TN in 1844; claimed service with the Comm. Dept. Polk's Corps; application accepted.
- Nim, Wilkes - claimed service with Forrest's Hdq; application accepted.
- Nolen,Alex (Alack) - b. in Montgomery County, TN in 1846; claimed service with the 14th Tenn. Inf. Co B; application accepted.
- Norris, Bill - b. in Talapoosa County, AL on June 22, 1843; claimed service with the Alabama Inf. Unit; application rejected.
- Nowell, Smith - b. in Louisiana about 1847; claimed service with the 7th Tenn. Cav. Co. L; application accepted.
- O'Neal, William - b. in Bickins County, AL in 1846; claimed service 12th Miss. Cav. application accepted.
- Officer, Abe -
- Otey, Ephriam - b. in Virginia February 1845; claimed service with the Q. M. Dept.; application accepted.
- Parrish, John - b. in Williamson County, TN; claimed service with the 2nd Tenn, Cav.; application accepted.Cav. Co. F; application rejected.
- Patton, Robert B. - claimed service with the 4th Tenn. Cav. Co F; application rejected.
- Payne, Tillman Price - b. in Smith County, TN in 1847; claimed service with
- Payne, Tink - b. in Franklin County, TN on January 15, 1860; organization unknown; application rejected.
- Pearce, George - claimed service with the 8th Confed. Cav.; application disposition unknown.
- Pearce, Green - claimed service as a Laborer; application disposition unknown.
- Perkins, Chanie -
- Perry, Manson - claimed service with a Virginia Unit; application disposition unknown.
- Phillips, Asa - b. in Franklin County, TN; claimed service with the 1st Tenn. Inf.; application rejected.
- Porter, Alex - b. in Henry County, TN on April 2, 1845; claimed service with the 29th Tenn. Cav.; application accepted.
- Pugh, Dawson - b. in North Carolina in March 1832; claimed service with the 7th Tenn Cav.; application accepted.
- Quarles, Henry (Harvey) - b. in Jackson County, TN on August 1, 1845; claimed service with the 28th Tenn. Inf.; application accepted.
- Ranson, Alexander - b. in Rutherford County, TN in 1840; claimed service with the 24th Tenn. Inf. Co. A; application accepted.
- Read, Henry - b. in Haywood County, TN in 1847; claimed service with the 7th Tenn. Cav. Co. M; application accepted.
- Ready, Albert - b. in Rutherford County, TN in 1848; claimed service with the 23rd Tenn. Inf. application accepted.
- Reeves, James - b. in Wilson County, TN in 1833; claimed service with the 7th Tenn. Inf. Co. F; application rejected.
- Reid, Nathan - b. in Madison County, TN in 1847; claimed service with the 6th Tenn Inf. Co. K; application accepted.
- Rice, Richard - b. in Hawkins County, TN in 1831; claimed service with the 29th Tenn. Inf. Co. F; application rejected.
- Rivers, Matt - b. in Kato Parish, LA on May 16, 1837; claimed service with the 11th Tenn. Cav.; application rejected.
- Robertson, James - organization and application disposition unknown.
- Robertson, William - b. in Maury County, TN in 1847; claimed service with Dunk Cooper's Co.; application rejected.
- Robinson, James - b. in Lincoln County, TN about 1840; claimed service with the Manley's Battery; application accepted.
- Robison, John Oscar - b. in Hardeman County, TN on May 4, 1845; claimed service with Duncan's Cav.; application accepted.
- Rodgers, William - b. in Weakly County, TN in 1847; claimed service with the 31st Tenn. Inf.; application accepted.
- Rowe, Will - b. in Henry County, TN on March 20, 1845; application disposition unknown.
- Rucker, William - b. in Rutherford County, TN in 1842; claimed service with the 2nd Tenn.Inf.; application accepted.
- Russell, Frank - b. in Bedford County, TN; claimed service with Forrest's Escot; application accepted.
- Russell, Peter - b. in Lewis County, TN on October 10, 1845; claimed service with Napier's Regt.; application accepted.
- Sanford, Pete - b. in Tipton County, TN in 1842; claimed service with Looney's Regt.; application accepted.
- Schoolfield, Henry Mathis - b. in Virginia in 1842; claimed service with the 24th Tenn. Cav.; Co. F; application disposition unknown.
- Searcy, Shadrick - claimed service with the the 46th Georgia Inf.; application accepted.
- Seay, Frank M. b. in Rutherford County, TN on January 25, 1843; claimed service with the 24th Tenn. Inf. Co. C; application accepted.
- Seward, Tode - claimed service with the 28th Tenn. Inf.; application disposition unknown.
- Shad, Steven - b. in Carroll County, TN on January 5, 1845; claimed service with the 10th Tenn. Cav.; application accepted.
- Sharpe, Cal - b. in Lewis County, TN on September 12, 1841; claimed service with Forrest's Regt.; application accepted.
- Shelby, Wallace - b. in Davidson County, TN about 1840; claimed service Hospital Service; application rejected.
- Shelton, Charlie - claimed service with the 6th Miss. Inf.; application unknown.
- Smith, J. Wess - b. in Lincoln County, TN on may 2, 1848; claimed service with the 17th Tenn. Inf.; application accepted.
- Smith, Lewis - b. in Tipper County, NC; claimed service with the 16th Tenn. Cav.; application accepted.
- Smith, Presley - b. in Davidson County, TN; claimed service with the 6th Tenn.Inf.; application disposition unknown.
- Starnes, Hardin - b. in Williamson County, TN; claimed service with the 4th Tenn. Cav.; application accepted.
- Stegall, Robert - b. in Bedford County, TN on December 26, 1843; claimed service with Q. M. Dept.; application disposition unknown.
- Stephenson, Monroe - in Maury County, TN; claimed service with the 9th Bttn.; application accepted.
- Stone, Fee - b. in Richmond County, VA on September 17, 1843; claimed Island #10 service; application rejected.
- Stover, Robert - b. in Carter County, TN in 1847; organization unknown; application accepted.
- Swell, George - b. in Fayette County, TN in 1841; claimed service with the 14th Miss. Inf.; application rejected.
- Swift, Aaron - b. in Dyer County, TN in 1843; claimed service with the 12th Tenn. Inf. Co. A; application rejected.
- Tansil, Ed - b. in Weakley County, TN in 1844; claimed service with the 31st Tenn. Inf.; application accepted.
- Terry, John - b. in Bledsoe County, TN in 1826; claimed service with the 2nd Tenn. Cav. Co. F; application accepted.
- Thomas, Add - b. in Lewis County, TN on September 6, 1848; claimed service with Col. W. B. Bates; application accepted.
- Thomas, Ben - b. in Caroline County, VA in 1847; claimed service with the 31st Ala. Inf. Co. A; application rejected.
- Thompson, Marshall - b. in Maury County, TN on April 10, 1852; application accepted.
- Thornton, Edward - b. in Tallahatchie County, MS in 1844; claimed service as teamster; application rejected.
- Tidwell, Marshall - in Hickman County, TN on April 13, 1846; claimed service with the 24th Tenn. Inf.; application accepted.
- Travis, Jack - b. in Christian Co. KY about 1836; claimed service with Co. I, 27th Reg.; application rejected.
- Tuggle, Richard - b. in Haywood County, TN; claimed service with the 13th Tenn. Inf.; application accepted.
- Tullus, Blunt - b. claimed service with the 4th Tenn. Cav; application disposition unknown.
- Turner, Peter - b. in Sumner County in 1840; claimed service with the 30th Tenn. Inf.; application accepted.
- Tyson, Alfred - b. in Haywood County, TN in 1845; claimed service with the 12th Ky. Cav. Co. B; application disposition unknown.
- Ventrees, Peter - b. in Edmondson County, KY in 1846 (or 1840); claimed service with the 6th Ky. Inf. or Cav.; application accepted.
- Walker, Bailey - b. in Dyer County, TN; claimed service with the 13th Tenn. Inf.; application accepted,
- Walker, Isaac L. - b. in Hickman County, TN; organization unknown; application accepted.
- Ward, Mose - b. in Hickman County, TN on November 10, 1934; claimed service with the 24th Tenn. Inf. Co. C; application accepted.
- Ware, Charles - b. in Warren county, TN on March 3, 1846; claimed service with the 16th Tenn. Inf.; application accepted.
- Watkins, Wade - b. in Haywood County, TN; claimed service with the 48th Tenn. Cav.?; application accepted.
- Webb, Charlie - b. in Charleston, SC about 1840; claimed service with the 13th Tenn. Inf.; application accepted.
- Webber, Lee - b. in Shelby County in 1846; claimed service with the 2nd Ky. Cav. Co. F; application accepted.
- Wharton, Frank - b. in Madison County, TN; claimed service with the 14th Tenn. Cav.; application accepted.
- White, Dick - b. in Haywood County, TN about 1841; claimed service with the 6th Tenn. Inf.; application accepted.
- Whitelaw, Wright - b. in Kentucky on December 25, 1836; claimed service with the 16th Tenn Cav.; application rejected.
- Whitelow, Wright - b. in Kentucky in 1835; claimed service with the 7th Tenn. Cav.; application rejected.
- Whiteside, Charley - b. in Williamson County, TN on March 15, 1838; claimed service with the 48th Tenn. Inf; application accepted.
- Whitesides, Charles - organization and application disposition unknown.
- Whorton, Alex (Big Alex) - b. in McNairy County, TN in 1851; claimed service with the 154th Tenn. Inf.; application accepted.
- Whorton, Alex (Little Alex) b. in McNairy County, TN in 1850; claimed service with the 21st Tenn. Cav.; application accepted.
- Wilkerson, Charles - b. in Fayette County, TN on November 18, 1843; claimed service with the 1st Confederate Cav. Co. I; application accepted.
- Williams, George Henry - b. in Wilson County, TN in 1838; claimed service with the 18th Tenn. Inf. Co. I; application accepted.
- Windrow, Wyatt - organization and application disposition unknown.
- Windrow, Wyatt - b. in Rutherford County, TN; organization unknown; application accepted.
- Winfield, Henry - b. in Lynchburg, VA on January 9, 1827; claimed service as Jeff Davis Bodyguard; application accepted.
- Winston, Manuel - b. in Tipton County, TN about 1845; claimed service with the 9th Tenn. Inf. Co. E; application accepted.
- Withers, James W. - b. in Shelby County, TN in 1847; claimed service with the 3rd Miss. Cav. Co. F; application accepted.
- Wood, M. E. - b. in Hamilton County, TN on July 1, 1848; claimed service with Morgan's Cav.; application rejected.
- Woods, John - b. in Lewis County, TN on June 10, 1847; claimed service with Col. Napier's Regt.; application accepted.
- Woods, Smith - b. in Dyer County, TN in 1846; claimed service with the 20th Tenn. Cav. Co. G; application disposition unknown.
- Word, George - b. in Wilson County, TN 1848; claimed service with the 20th Tenn. Cav.; application accepted.
- Wright, Austin - b. in Tipton County, TN on July 9, 1850; claimed service with the 7th Tenn. Cav.; Co. B; application rejected.
- Wyatt, William - b. in Gibson County, TN; claimed service with the 3rd Mo. Cav. application rejected.
- Yancy, George Washington - b. in Houston County, GA on January 1, 1844; claimed service with the 4th Ga. Inf. Co. E; application accepted.
- Youree, Henry - b. in Sumner County, TN on March 18, 1843; claimed service with the 2nd Tenn. Inf.; application accepted.
Did you see the name of an ancestor or other family member? Would you like to have more information about a name that is familiar to you? In addition to the information already provided, other facts may include the master's name, duties during the war, names of other family members and more.
- Index To Tennessee Confederate Pension Applications by Samuel Sistler (Nashville, TN, Sistler & Assoc., 1994)
- Tennessee Confederate Pension Applications (TSL&A microfilm publication, 114 reels)

This page is developed and maintained by Willie L. Robinson.
May 12, 2016
Tennessee Slave Toney CHAPMAN in Service of the CSA
ROBINSON, VARNADO & Other Family Research
Pike County MS Magee-Varnado Heritage
Video of Bicentennial Capitol Mall State Park Construction
Pvt. Edmund Bowie of the 58th Regiment, US Colored Infantry
Email: wlr0819@aol.com