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Atomic gravity field structure: nuclei and particles revealed

As a gravity field, the atom is very dynamic and, of course, life giving to all that is made of and thinks with atoms. The atom's chemistry in sharing orbiting electrons and its causal nucleus of particles have provoked a detailed theoretical model. Though the model is still recognized by experts such as Richard Feynman to be incomplete, it technically explains a huge amount of scientific knowledge accumulated about its dynamics as fundamental building block of visible matter.

Because the atom as mass pt and gravity field must obey Kepler's universal harmony (UH), one may use Eq.(3), as the equation of motion and field equation in an orbital sense, as long as close attention is paid to how the variables are tied to one another. As explained below, parameter close coupling makes measurement consistency and math modeling easy at macroscopic levels but very tricky at the small "local" levels where dark matter mass pts are contiguously touching one another and transporting energy that effects the energy states of nearby atoms.

A planar view of the orbital (circular) motion of a dark matter, G-size, Higgs particle, unit mass pt in all gravity fields, including the atom, is given by

Eq.(3) GxMmax = Moment of energy (MOE) for the field = rv2, where

r is the radial distance to the center of the gravity field, v is the speed of orbital motion, Mmax = 1/(h-squared) and Gx is the G-size Higgs particle radius as it packs and defines the outer surface of the maximum density center of gravity (MDCOG) whose mass is the given finite absolute maximum. One thereby models the intuitively held visualization of the MDCOG acting as a stirring paddle for the absolute motion of dark matter that structures the particular field in terms of energy density gradient and force application in the unified force, energy curvature form, e/G.

Eq.(3) is also the Equation of Motion and the Field Equation for a visible mass pt said to be freely falling in the field, and for any "rigidly bound" aggregate or ensemble of visible mass pts such as a planet, satellite or asteroid which is freely falling (in equilibrium) in the field. The simple mechanical reason is that the dark matter Higgs particle mass pt circular flow is the carrier of gravity force, and as long as the binding energy of the c-boundary (visible boundary) of the visible matter object is not changed "significantly" for experiment measurement purposes, gravity acting on any one constituent unit mass pt has the same orbital translation effect as on the entire object as a whole. The terms "rigidly bound" and "significantly" includes all visible matter objects whose deformations in its ground state or rest mass state of the outer surface, can be ignored without measurable injury to numerical results.

The process of Universal Harmony (UH) is such that all measurable parameters are tied to one another in a way that crude averages as seen at the local level of physical reality, can give results considered very precise as long as objects and distances between them are macroscopic compared to the contiguously touching, local mass pt level.

To fully understand how the parameters are tied, one must see the parameter v as the average speed not only of orbital motion, but of the spin of the visible mass pt along orbit, and of the circulating dark matter Higgs particle mass pts as they pass over and literally define the surface of the visible mass pt. In other words, the field background of circulating dark matter Higgs particles is prime causal and any visible mass pt moving freely in the field must do it in synch with the flow of dark matter. This means that the visible boundary of a field is the "c-boundary" or "event horizon"; a boundary where an electron quantum of energy in orbit must have a consistently measured speed of c.

The speed of c is the linear speed along helix centerline of Higgs particle (G-size mass pt dark matter) movement in defining the R-size visible mass pt, whose finite R-size mass pt = math pt location is a single-event-residency address in spacetime. The Higgs particles are constantly being stirred by the maximum density finite radius stirring paddle called an MDCOG, and their measurable movement as opposed to the vast immeasurable majority of them, is only when they geometrically define in a wavelike manner, the sloughing off movement of an orbit ring of them as they pass over the R-size mass pt - to give it dynamic definition about one axis, and thereby impose the local force of gravity.

The "event" here is the suddenly sped up mass pt already at maximum speed of rotation having no choice but to pass on the one turn pulse of energy, h, to the R-size mass pt next door in the direction of instantaneous max spin orientation (the re-radiation mass pt chaining process previously described). An electron- shell ring quantum of energy is literally defined and dynamically placed into orbit per Eq.(3). As a result of the closed loop, high frequency of rotation Higgs particle flow in a helical path around the R-size mass pts, those mass pts are actually bound; forming a solid (max density) beaded (3-D) line and defining what "tangible" means. The binding energy is the strong force nuclear kind when a given mass pt in a given shell ring is online in a precisely phased 3 dimensional binding flow; which binding energy level only happens within the atom's black hole MDCOG.

The mass pt vision of radiation as binding energy and expansion mode supergravity, as described in detail earlier [please read book excerpt ], is critical to detailed mechanical understanding of what follows. The profound implications of the Supergravity herein described are why physics must start over. One takes time to carefully explain why.

In Richard Feynman's "Lecture Series", Volume I, Heading 7-8 "Gravity and relativity", he states, "In spite of all the excitement it created, Newton's law of gravity is not correct! It is modified by Einstein to take into account the theory of relativity. According to Newton, the gravitational effect is instantaneous, that is, if we were to move a mass, we would at once feel a new force because of the new position of that mass; by such means we could send signals at infinite speed. Einstein advanced arguments that suggest we cannot send signals faster than the speed of light, so the law of gravitation must be wrong. By correcting it to take the delays into account, we have a new law, called Einstein's law of gravitation".

This author strives to be as technically lucid as Richard Feynman, yet sometimes if rarely, finds him pompously mistaken or too sure of himself on fundamentals. As long as science is the mess he says it is, humility as well as neatness still counts. The reason why Quantum Electrodynamics (QED) also works but is equally false as scientific truth is in the above very rich nutshell of plain language by Feynman. It allows one to more quickly explain where and how things went fundamentally wrong in science during the 20th Century; not only because of Einstein's immense success but because of those who fashioned QED in the shadow of that success.

Newton was far more correct than either Einstein or Feynman. Max Planck was intuitively correct in his interpretation of Newton's legacy; but he did not properly model his Principle that declared everything in the universe to be intimately connected. Bell's Inequality Theorem now touches upon that same intimate connectivity. The energy density gradient structure of the gravity field as replicated continuously in real time by the absolute motion of dark matter not only mechanically delivers gravity force directly at every mass pt location in space, it delivers all measurable force, and it does it as a matter of instantaneous radial location in the given field!

Newton's location-specific gravity force gradient applies mass pt by mass pt all the way to the Inner Grain (IG) of the atom's maximum density center of gravity (MDCOG); at which point, one simply arrives at a local mass pt end of dark matter rotational motion and all motion is back and forth or in-out vibration.

The energy transport of gravity is in the shrinking of radius and increase in spin as a means of absorbing and storing the energy input without loosing identity as a mass pt. As long as there is room for such absorption and storage, energy transfer is locally instantaneous at the interfaces between mass pts as individual gravity fields. When rate of spin in three dimensions reaches maximum for atomic matter, at the outer surface of the inevitable nuclear MDCOG, shrinkage-absorption is no longer available in terms of spin increase, and spin energy is reflected back outward as radiation that can only travel through a string of live mass pts in a maximum density helical path whose centerline measurably extends at the speed of c.

Because radiation itself has mass, there is a zone outside the atomic MDCOG that captures it to closed loop orbits that can eventually fully populate and bind a shell in two dimensions so that it becomes a solid Proton Shell. If the energy exchange environment is right, the Proton Shell can become rigidly bound to the MDCOG by closed loop, in-out-oriented ring energy absorption. The Proton Shell then becomes a Neutron Shell and extends the radius of the maximum density center of gravity (MDCOG). The atomic MDCOG is thus dynamic in radius and grows to fill the Periodic Table of the Elements. The hidden energy transport of shrinking mode gravity turns to the expansion mode of gravity; as radiation and QED. Again, this is the universal dynamic that Einstein unsuccessfully sought with his Cosmological Constant. In not revealing how gravity works inside the atom, Einstein was not able to stop the silly implications of either Quantum Mechanics or Particle Theory before they became useful tool sets, and he thus failed to develop his theory to its natural completeness as supergravity – he came close, but No Cigar

The fundamental misdirection of science happened because classical physics point masses were not given the simple "live" property of instantaneously adjusting radius and spin to mark energy density ambience for the space being occupied. Had experimental scientists guided by intuition been able to "see" that space was alive in this manner, one would have been able to see that the atom, the stuff of which we are made and with which we function, is an especially live mass pt and gravity field that has an embedded population of equally-live electrons that are closed loop beaded strings of live mass pts. It will here be shown that the Periodic Table is periodic in a manner that can be more simply and accurately expressed using the universal harmony (UH). The atomic variations as volatile mass pt gravity fields, also exhibit the Unified Force that indeed acts continually on every mass pt of radius, R, that makes up the electrons shells of the atom.

Unified Force acts within the atom at each of the G-size math pts forming the surface of the visible mass pt of radius, R, that makes up the shells. Each shell is dividable into 1/h rings, or closed loops of R-size mass pts, which may then become rigidly bound by electron helical path flow as previously described. It then takes 1/h such bound rings to form a solid (rigidly bound) shell; but for the shell to become solidly bound by closed loop electron energy flow, each of the R-size mass pts of the shell must be being pulsed, in a precisely phased manner, in two directions at right angles. When each R-size mass pt comprising a solid shell are being pulsed with precise phasing in three directions at right angles, the shell is solidly bound to the next inward shell. One has just defined the Proton Shell and the Neutron shell, and nuclear binding force.

The atom is that unique holism whose causal maximum density center of gravity (MDCOG) grows from the level of 1/h rigidly bound neutron shells at the visible outer edge of the cosmos, to 1/h9/4 at the outer surface of the cosmic MDCOG. That is, the total range of neutron shells making up the atomic MDCOG from Hydrogen to the unnamed maximum density atom whose radius is given by Newton's Gravity Constant, runs from ten to the 26 to ten to the 58. The difference, or growth in maximum density shell number, is ten to the 32 or 1/h5/4 using the cgs system of units . As one shall see, atoms as given in the periodic table lie in the beginning 1/5 of that huge range of MDCOG growth. By the time the neutron shell growth reaches a factor of 1/Öh or 1/h1/2, all of the familiar atomic elements are covered. The range of MDCOG radius growth apparent in the periodic table tells of the radial environment of planet Earth in its orbit, near the outer visible edges of both the Milky Way and the cosmos. The presence of fractional exponents of h strongly hints at the required rhythm for the periodicity of the Periodic Table and the atomic spectra.

Atomic Periodicity as c-Boundary Mass pt Two-Set Dynamics

In medium rich energy density environments which permit atom-made organic life to remain stable as a set of patterns of energy-change dynamics, MDCOG growth is limited to about the square root of 6pvmax, or on the order of ten to the 7 shells which then produces an MDCOG radius change from about ten to the minus 14 cm to a radius of ten to the minus 12 cm. The relationship between number of shells added to the MDCOG and its radius is on the order of the cube root. That is, if the number of shells added to the MDCOG is A, then the cube root of A multiplied times the original MDCOG radius yields the expanded radius. If one then assumes that the Atomic weight is the cube root of the A as just defined, then it is easy to rationalize a precise set of MDCOG radii corresponding to the ground energy state for each element in the Periodic table. The MDCOG radius, in turn, determines the radius of the c-boundary of the given atom as a gravity field.

The c-boundary is defined by Eq.(3) when the G value used is the radius of the outermost proton shell and v is set to c. That is,

r(v=c) = GxMmax/c2 = MOE/c2 = c-boundary of the field where the dark

matter mass pts or Higgs particles are orbiting at an average linear speed of c. Any visible matter at the boundary, such as an orbiting electron, is defined in a nested sense by the circulating dark matter and is therefore also measured as traveling at c. The definition applies to all gravity fields, and radiation energy (or light) traveling from one mass pt field to another in spacetime always travels along c-boundaries where they cooperative touch one another with compatible spin direction. The line-connection of mass pt c-boundaries is the gravity-neutral track and universal light window that allows the night sky to appear dark; except where a star's image shines faithfully through.

The interstice space dark matter mass pt whose outer surface is its c-boundary, not only conveniently keep atoms from canceling as their c-boundaries touch, but provides immediate passage for light energy from one atom to the next so as to combine and form molecules. The dark matter mass pts as particles are likewise in support of one another due to interstice-space-filling smaller dark matter mass pts without size or nesting limits. Canceling Anti-particles as Anti-matter are mathematical fantasies that are as false as false can get; no matter how workable in for consistent interpretation experiment derived data.

The atom's c-boundary is an undulating/vibrating 3-D shell-surface of R-size mass pts capable of being populated and thereby bound in two dimensions by orbiting electrons. The dynamic modes of undulation/vibration of the atom's c-boundary may be used to define its unique energy-character as it influences and is influenced by its surroundings. Mysterious quantum numbers are not needed. The measurable energy states of the atomic holism as a gravity field, are then a function of how the given field as a whole dynamically absorbs and emits energy at its c-boundary, in going from one relatively stable state to another. Energy crossing into the c-boundary of the atomic field can occur in increments of h; or one visiting mass point pulsing into one of the R-size mass points forming the dynamic c-boundary shell. Measurable energy going in and out must occur in a multiple of h as given by the energy of an electron = heavy photon, hf, where f is the frequency of mass pt pulsing of the closed loop ring-binding energy involved. The range of f within the atomic envelope is roughly ten to the twenty to an absolute maximum of ten to the twenty six, or precisely 1/h at the MDCOG.

As measured outside the atom, the electron frequencies will of course be reduced (redshifted) according to the outward difference in average distance from the atomic and molecular MDCOGs involved. At the outer surface of a molecule whose radius is ten to the minus 6, the frequency of a detected electron energy emission would drop to ten to the 18. If the laboratory instrumentation used to measure actually "sees" a milieu of atomic radiation at say ten to the minus 2 or 3 centimeters on the average from the radiating atomic MDCOGs, then f is further reduced to about ten to the fourteen or fifteen cycles per second.

The coming and going of electrons as energy packets and how they shift in net hf energy within the dynamic depth of the outer shell of the atom is what the periodic table is all about. Once again, the dynamics of the mass pt Two-Set defining the outer surface of the gravity field holism tells us all we need to know about what must go on inside all the way to infinity in the direction of small. While meaningful numbers as measured by experiment are nicely limited to just those obtained from the change in Pre-geometry of the mass pt Two-Set, UH allows us to intuitively see in a mechanical way, as far in the direction of small as we are willing to spend the effort, to fully visualize and understand holistically; what, why, how, when, and where. Fantasizing about the inside dynamics to get a formal model that will reveal the limited real set of numbers while hiding the real and beautifully simple mechanics, only serves to reserve reality for the mathematical elite.

One is reminded that Erwin Schrödinger as a most elite mathematician with the fine gut level feel of an experimental physicist, said the following to Bohr, after realizing how his quantum wave mechanics equation was being interpreted. "You surely must understand, Bohr, that the whole idea of quantum jumps leads to nonsense... If we are still going to have to put up with these damn quantum jumps, I am sorry that I ever had anything to do with quantum theory." Einstein was equally upset by the theory. No one, including Bohr, could visualize the necessary mechanics inside the atomic envelope. Mechanical causality had to be declared dead!

For visualization, one must keep in mind that strict spherical symmetry applies only to the underlying absolute motion of the G-size dark matter as stirred by the MDCOG. The shell ring level of mass pt binding by electron energy is an orbital plane symmetry as given by Eq.(3) and allows one to keep math simple and still nicely explain all; as long as one respects the UH-tied intuitive extrapolation essential to mechanical level understanding.

The key here in allowing one to abandon quantum mechanics is the realization that forcing c to remain constant inside the atomic envelope leads to electrons changing orbit without changing orbit speed. Conservation of energy and momentum laws thus go to hell, and then Shrödinger's unconstrained math genius too cleverly let electron kinetic and potential energies differ in a stochastic manner. The resulting mind liberating, proliferating chance then allowed him to explain the emission frequency (energy state) changes revealed in hydrogen spectra as "eigenvalues". That is, chance solutions that fit the real world data with nothing other than chance to explain how and why. Shrödinger and Einstein then correctly presumed that some kind of mechanical undulation of the metric field was involved, but neither came up with reality as opposed to math abstraction! The reflective symmetry of UH allows such ingenious probability to be used to predict anything without ever bothering to understand it!

What is meant by the often repeated phrase, "the reflective symmetry of UH"? A lot, without end equally in the directions of both small and big. It means universal harmony insists on the absolute rule of mechanical determinism while permitting its magic to be also predictable using only probabilities. It means that while it provides a Cosmic Sensor of Singularity, it allows its predictable rhythm to be successfully modeled as having a central Cosmic Grantor of Singularity. It means cause and effect can look at each other in a mirror image way and correctly call each other by their own name. It is Newton's "for every action, there an equal and opposite reaction". It is the particle physicist' proclamation that "for every particle, there is an anti-particle". It is "particles must have the property of waves, and vice versa". It is the dynamic pregeometry of a real and superclear fluid something, abstractly modeled with predictive success as a false and fuzzy, light-bearing nothing.

Two things in defense of the great scientific minds that managed to develop the standard model: (1) UH made it possible but not easy, and (2) if something that works so admirably had not been developed in great detail, clearly exposing all the hard to swallow illogic required, the much more simple but tricky truth might not have ever been revealed.

The much harder to find but infinitely rewarding scientific truth says the moving around of electron orbits must happen deterministically as dictated by UH, whereby the gravity field of the atom as a whole acts as a mass pt to mark ambient energy density for the space it occupies. Thus one can if they choose, correctly visualize in a mechanical way, the energy states of the atom; in two equally true ways. First by seeing a change in energy density environment such that the atom simply and compulsively adjusts to always present itself to the outside world as an energy density marking holism. Second, by seeing that the atom is causing its external environment to reflect changes in its internal energy environment; that is, burping electron energy when it has a temporary overload beyond what the total environment allows.

In being able to see in this always mechanical, mirror image reflective way, one sees Unified Force and local curvature within the atomic field as it acts on a given mass pt of radius, R, as those mass pts form the shells. That is, one is able to intuitively see a 4-D level of dynamics where the fourth spatial dimension is an onion layer type manifestation of the spherical-like, concentric shells of the field surrounding the atomic MDCOG and continuing inward to the Inner Grain (IG). Such stored time is perception-registered only if the shell is occupied by the pulsing, closed-loop energy of one or more electrons. One must take time here to visualize this more clearly.

Outside the MDCOG, the speed of the electron energy must change to match the orbit radius and vice versa, else reflective symmetry and UH are absent in the field of absolute motion dark matter surrounding the MDCOG. Inside the MDCOG, the orbit-captured, strong force binding electrons have constant absolute maximum speed but their helix and orbit radii change to fully compensate for the lack of speed change. Conservation of energy and angular momentum internal to maximum density is moment arm change only.

Outside the Inner Grain (IG) of the atom, one sees the average circular speed of dark matter as (1) constant and maximum at 236c everywhere within the MDCOG, and (2) ranging from 236c to c from the outer surface of the MDCOG to the c-boundary. Electrons populating the shells must conform with respect to speed. The atom's changing MDCOG radius and attending Periodic Table entry means a change in the dark matter speed and size as it circulates though the interstice spaces between the R-size mass pts to impart the force of gravity.

When one manipulates visible matter, regardless of which technical discipline one uses, one literally changes the size of the atomic maximum density center of gravity (MDCOG) stirring paddle so that the Higgs particle absolute motion is changed, and therefore the local curvature and force application is changed; in real time, as a function of location, r, as measured by Eq.(3).

In understanding the current Periodic Table of the elements as shown in Figure 5-11, one begins to understand the dynamics of the visible matter gravity field at the local level inside the atom and why Newton insisted that gravity force application is instantaneous as a function of location, r. When the deepest meaning of "local" is understood mechanically as a mass pt = math pt, one appreciates Newton's viewpoint about gravity, and why real estate and successful business people re-invented it in defining the three secrets to success; location, location and location.

Intimately nested mass pts = mass pts is pre-reality and a sense of mechanical being as a holism anywhere, must precede its mechanical consciousness; as a dynamic biological multiple processor model. That organic multiple processor model is here seen as us, both individually and collectively. The total-system oriented software engineer/scientist can see that organic model as continually executing a dual (double helix) stream of genetically preprogrammed Operating System (OS) instructions; emanating from feelings and thoughts which are ever emergent in real time.

Back to why Newton was more right than Einstein or Feynman

Returning now to Feynman's statement about why Newton was wrong and Einstein was right; because as he pompously but wrongly states, one or nature cannot send signals that travel faster than the speed of light. The application of force within a given spherically symmetric dark matter field does not have to travel; it is continuous in both time and space, by definition of the field structure itself. The Earth's dark matter field accounts for Newton's gravity. Dark matter fields contiguously fill all space. Only the transfer of energy between visible matter fields is restricted to traveling as radiation at the speed of light. The speeds c and Vmax are end points of motion only for measurement by cognizance made of atoms. Motion is layered (nested) on top of motion and energy without limit. Dark matter knows no speed or size limit, and we are neither capable nor at liberty to impose it; only UH (as everyone's God) rules!

To see and feel what instantaneous means in a logical and very real sense, imagine a gravity radial made up of cog-interlocked mechanical gear wheels; each wheel representing a fluid space mass pt. The mass pt gear wheel at the field boundary is huge and the wheel at the center of the field is extremely small. One turns the outermost wheel one cog (mass pt) width to give energy input to the field boundary. As the biggest wheel thus turns one cog, the necessary rhythm of the cog and wheel (mass pt Two-Set) sizes to achieve least friction, causes the smallest wheel at the center to turn furiously in synch with the one-cog movement of the largest gear wheel. The contiguous dark matter mass pts as live entities do just that for every radial of every gravity field to achieve perfect dynamic spherical symmetry! And they do it in a size (scalar) regime that allows them to literally and smoothly immerse the gigantic bits of visible matter that may be present.

One may rightfully question the above statement by suggesting that there must be a maximum speed related lag or cog-slippage in the transmission of energy from one mass pt gear wheel to the next in line. It is certainly vital to see the individual mass pt "gears" as dynamic in an infinitely nested way and continually adjusting radius and spin to mark ambient energy density for the space occupied. But one cannot rationally dismiss the huge difference in mass pt gear size and spin rate that literally structures the gravity field as a measurable steady state pattern common to all gravity fields.

For a cognizant collective of visible mass pts completely immersed in and feeling gravity force by touching circulating dark matter mass pts, "instantaneous" is synonymous with "live" and "real time". Perhaps for physics and related math modeling purposes, it is better to say that "live" in this context means meaningful maximum speed nesting. That is, we experience a pre-existing physical reality via a maximum speed modulation of its self-generating pattern, which replication process is proceeding with nested maximum speed without nested limit. The result is the Bell Theorem and Max Planck synchronicity, and Newton's instantaneous; as real as real can get when it comes to unified force as gravity.

The nested changing of radius and spin of both and dark matter visible matter mass pts in a given field causes perturbation of that field, but the perturbation immediately reflects back locally to the visible matter. The changes in energy density and radius of a given dark matter field due to visible matter transfers is being continually mitigated, synchronously in real time by the touching contiguity of all dark matter via the mass pt = math pt live feature of radius and spin modification to mark energy density ambience. Thus the live fabric of space sweeps all dark matter field changes and its energy transport under an invisible rug. But once one knows what is going on, one can visualize it all just as one can see infinity in the endless sequence of images in the mirrors surrounding the Barber's chair.

It is difficult for many human egos to accept, but we are all forced by UH to (1) arise, if at all, by deterministic chance, (2) conditionally grow, and (3) ultimately think with and according to an underlying order that is much larger and more important than ourselves. Formal science is not free to insist that the living nested infinity of dark and visible matter interchange be useable as a means of signaling, but the intuitive part of Holistic Science, including the collective human will, can!

Because gravity is force felt by every cell of one's body simultaneously. Newton's "instantaneous" is as real as real can get. The need for delay in the transmission of signals from one individual to another as visible matter objects is also real. Individuals cannot consciously experience in a direct way the synchronicity of the whole of humanity, but collective social consciousness as embedded in our genes can and does just that for each of us at the unconscious level. We are unmistakably able to feel synchronicity or the lack of it as culture, through every evolution-contiguous cell of our bodies.

Black hole finite mass, spinning MDCOGs for every ponderable mass pt = math pt in spacetime was not ready to be seen in the twentieth century, but it will be seen in the 21st. The unfettered mechanical genius of thought-oriented youth guarantees it, once exposed to the basics of this theory!

Because of the Universal Harmony (UH one can hold mass at maximum in Eq.(3), and allow the other parameters to reflect the required synchronicity of visible matter motion within the given field. Contrary to modern quantum electrodynamics findings, one here shows that tiny particles as constituents of mass can explain gravity and therefore nuclear and electrical forces as modes of the described unified force process as Supergravity.

The radius of the atomic MDCOG, like all those of visible matter fields, changes and that means the G-size embedded object that fully packs and defines the outer surface of the growing MDCOG must change also. The ZEO radius previously derived of ten to the minus 40 centimeters is for the steady state MDCOG of ten to the minus 14 cm radius that goes with the hydrogen atom, and remains constantly at the center of all other atoms. The electron, proton and neutron populations given by the Periodic Table of the Elements, are all designed to differentiate the level of atomic MDCOG growth beyond that of the hydrogen nucleus in terms of potential for dynamic interchange allowing the known stable combining with other atoms to form molecules.

By finding the proper rhythms of change in the value G of Eq.(3) along with the radius, r, of the object ("particle") and its apparent orbital speed of motion, v, within the gravity field, one redefines and completes the atomic model. The concept of positive and negatively charged particles is then no longer needed, and a lot of fuzziness goes away.

One is again reminded of Richard Feynman in Volume I, Heading 2-4 "Nuclei and particles", after candid groping using the QED concepts, he concludes in the last paragraph, "This then, is the horrible condition of physics today."

The fine scale structural fantasies we know as Workable QED can be beneficially replaced by a dynamic version of the old mechanical, mass pt physics. One thereby avoids abstract invention that seeks to define fine grain coordinate level order, and simply recognizes and models (as Unified Theory) its pre-existence. That pre-existence turns out to be subjective to us in a scalar sense; as a cognizant life form located on planet Earth.

One now concentrates on visualizing what the electron, proton and neutron are as measured linear "particle" tracks in the lab, and shows how those entities must be identified with counterparts at the spherically symmetric level of the nucleus.

Since one knows that the electron has a varying orbit radius within atoms and at the surface of the molecule, so too must the speed of orbit translation, v, vary; in precise compensation at the level of its square. An electron orbiting at the outer surface of an MDCOG must have a speed of vmax = Ö(1/3h), by previously derived modeling of the atomic nucleus. This is where one must brace themselves for electron orbital speed to go beyond the speed of light when orbiting at radii less than ten to the minus 8 centimeters; and reduce to speeds below c at larger radii. The standard electron that is assumed to be traveling at c must here be temporarily abandoned. One will come back to a fixed mass for the electron, but it will have to be slightly modified.

A dimensionless approach to a new Periodic Table  

One here uses the atomic nuclei examples that Feynman used in Volume II, Heading 8-4; Boron and an isotope of Carbon, with a net total, A, of eleven nuclei with B11 having 5 protons and 6 neutrons and C11 having 6 protons and 5 neutrons. Per QED theory via Feynman's outstanding analysis, they both should have the same nuclear radius of about,

r = 5/6(3.12x 10-13) = 2.6x 10-13 cm. One will here calculate

this radius based on numbers in the Periodic Table in a much simpler and more understandable way.

Fluid space theory says protons located in the nucleus are spherical shells surrounding the MDCOG, whose R-size mass pts have filled 2 out of 3 degrees of electron storage freedom, while the neutron has filled all 3. Only the neutron is fixed with respect to all the other 1/h-plus inward shells of the MDCOG and therefore extends the MDCOG radius. To be consistent with the fluid space original "core" black hole MDCOG of radius = 2.243928162x ten to the minus 14 cm for hydrogen, and the radius number given above for Boron and Carbon, one looks for a Periodic Table entry that provides the needed correlation.

Atomic Weights clearly provide a basis for assigning a relative "ground state" mass and therefore energy level to each atomic element. One then guesses that Atomic Weight is also the simplest possible numerical factor that corresponds to the added growth of the MDCOG radius above the Hydrogen level.

One finds that by taking the average atomic weight for Boron and Carbon by combining the values given in the Periodic Table to get an average of 11.4109, and multiplying that number times the MDCOG Radius for Hydrogen leads to the Feynman radius,

r = (11.4109)(2.243928162x 10-14) » 2.6x 10-13 cm!

Using atomic weight in this way, one can calculate the precise MDCOG radius for the ground state for all the elements in the table; providing an experiment verified, and now understood MDCOG radius range from ten to the minus 14 for hydrogen to ten to the minus 12 centimeters for the heaviest of elements.

To prove both the efficacy as well as correctness of the assumption about the Atomic Weight number, one derives an equation for determining the precise relative mass of a given element using the Atomic Weight as a multiplying factor.

Per previous discussion, the maximum density atom, as G-sized mass pt at the outer surface of the Cosmic MDCOG, has experienced a growth of 1/h to form a "core" of 1/(h-squared) neutron shells that are rigidly interlocked (bound) by in-out oriented electrons orbiting a speed of vmax » 236c.

One calculates a next lower nesting level G radius for the embedded object (EO) that fully packs and defines the outer surface of the maximum density atom.

Gax = (6.67259x 10-8)h = 4.421308512x 10-34 cm, the G-size mass pt radius for maximum growth of the atomic MDCOG.

The subscript, x, is the number of added shells of growth that gets one to a final MDCOG radius for the atom of 6.67259x 10-8 cm. x is found to be on the order of 1/h(h)2/3, or about ten to the 44 shells of growth at an average G-size for the growth shells of ten to the minus 37 cm. The average is half way between the ZEO radius of ten to the minus 40, and the final G-size of ten to the minus 34 as calculated. The final number of rigidly bound shells for the atom is an astounding 7/8(80) = 70 powers of ten, or a total concentric rigidly bound shell count of ten to the 70; a musical 10 octaves to the base 10!

The calculated final G-size radius for the maximum density atom's outer surface Two-Set, represents a standard unit mass and a maximum atomic weight under earth's gravity. Its inverse is the Unified Force acting on the maximum density atom in the cosmic gravity field due to the absolute motion circular flow of dark matter Higgs particles of the calculated G-size radius.

At the opposite end of the atomic weight scale, the ZEO embedded object (EO) of radius 1.486843742x ten to the minus 40 cm as derived earlier, is the G-size mass pt of the outer surface of the Hydrogen atom's MDCOG. One now has a musical basis for establishing an absolute mass scale for the atomic elements.

One stays clear of the approximations of experimental data and the dimensional homogeneity problems attending the use of existing maintained physical constants and systems of units, and go dimensionless to derive a precise set of scalar values for relative mass. One therefore defines an Atomic Mass, man, where n is the element number in the Periodic Table.

Eq.(4) man = Gan/Ga(1/h). In plain language, this dimensionless

ratio formula says that the mass of the given atom in the Periodic Table is a fraction of unity, where 1/Gax may be said to numerically represent that unity as a Unified Force and measure of local G-size mass pt curvature for the maximum density atom.

One now defines the average G-size mass pt radius as it defines the outer boundary of the Hydrogen atom in its ground state; using Hydrogen's atomic weight multiplied by the G-size mass pt average radius at the surface of the original MDCOG,

Ga1 = (1.00794)(1.48684374x 10-40) = 1.498649279x 10-40 cm

The theoretical mass of the Hydrogen atom is then,

ma1 = Ga1/Ga(1/h) = (1.498649279x 10-40)/(4.421308512x 10-34) =

3.38960575x 10-7 grams.

One then assumes that the Atomic Weights given in the Periodic Table are accurate multiplying factors for determining the heavier masses of the rest of the elements as compared to Hydrogen. The result is a mass range on the order of ten to the minus 7 for Hydrogen to ten to the minus 5 grams for the heaviest atom.

Using Eq.(3) within the envelope of a given atom, one determines electron-driven energy state variations,

GanMmax/rei = (vei)2, where rei is the average radius of the given

electron and vei is the orbit speed. The orbit speed must be c or greater, up to an absolute maximum speed of vmax = Ö(1/3h) » 236c at the MDCOG.

Now one takes full advantage of the dynamic reflective symmetry and isomorphism of universal harmony (UH) in focusing on the atom's mass pt Two-Set pregeometry at its tangible outer shell surface. To allow for the required electron degrees of orbital freedom in visiting (and binding) individual R-size mass pts making up the continuously undulating outer shell surface, one lets r and v modulate in real time to reflect overall atom energy state. Since the average strength of shell binding is directly proportional to the re-visit rate at the average R-size mass pt location, one assumes that the re-visit rate by a given elliptically orbiting electron depends directly on its average speed along the orbit. The minimum speed, for the perfectly circular electron continuously visiting the same ring of mass pts, is c. The maximum speed possible is and average between 236c and c, or about 118c. In this way, one mechanically visualizes what is really going on in real time as determined by experiment while providing a much simpler math model for periodic table numbers.

The angular momentum a given electron is rv and the ground state angular momentum for a given element is ranven, where ran and ven are average values for the nth element in the Periodic Table. The electrons involved in the average are of course those that are regularly visiting the outer shell of the atom and thereby subject to mechanical and chemical interaction with adjacent atoms.

Bohr's Correspondence Principle is flat out wrong as to the underlying cause for the change in angular momentum on the part of the electron or any other nuclear particle in orbit around the nucleus of the atom. It is not just the change in radius, r, of the electron or proton but the change in speed, v, at levels above c! If you do not let v be greater than c within the atomic envelope, you may build a consistent system of scalar measurement, but you cloud the visualization of the necessary machinery to the point of no real mechanical understanding of the atom at all! 

If one wants to know how to get started building a successful but complicated scientific fantasy, look at Bohr's clever and highly successful leap of illogic as he tried to account for the well defined frequencies of absorption and emission of hydrogen while holding onto c inside the atom; he declares with conviction that "radiation frequency must differ from the frequency of the oscillator"! UH clearly lets one confuse tightly coupled radius and speed and get by with it for prediction purposes as long as you never have to confront the actual radius and speed values, just the resulting angular momentum and energy. Oh, but the awful penalty to human understanding! f = v/2pr, then and now! The satellite electron does not change orbit without changing speed!

This freedom inside the atom for electron speed to increase by two orders of magnitude is precisely why their are two orders of magnitude as a range for nuclear core radius and for atomic weights. The same two orders of magnitude explains Yukawa's findings. The needed much heavier particles for the strong force of atomic nucleus are much faster electrons. Mesons are an unnecessary fantasy. The 30 years that shook physics should never have happened, or at least had a much simpler outcome where most everyone visualized truth without the aid of abstruse math.

One is now prepared to re-do the periodic table, but first for purposes of convincing the reader, one explores a bit further.

Location of the energy involved in state changes

Feynman's extraordinary genius and innate insistence on looking for underlying mechanics are what led him to see much more clearly than anyone else precisely where QED was inadequate. His insight on the necessity to mechanically "locate" the energy one is talking about was right on from this author's viewpoint. And yes, one here has shown that the energy of electrostatics is indeed in the electric field. It is there by a change in both wavelength and frequency in the along-path vertical plane of the electron's helical path.

In the kinetic terms of Higgs particle helical path movement, the measurable change in energy is due to both the number of Higgs particles in a sine or cosine wavelength and the vertical, up and down distances of particle movement per wavelength. The particle-wave duality is real but must be mechanically viewed as a dynamic Mass Pt Two-Set Pregeometry and the wave side of it seen as a helical path around the Mass pt of larger radius, R, with both the G (Higgs dark matter) and R (visible) mass pts intimately entangled to define a three-dimensional energy surface that perceptually persists as a relative mass count number.

Other aspects of energy "locality" must be visualized also. Speed v, whether viewed as translation of particles or as mass pt rotation inside the envelope of the Atom (inside the atom's gravity field) is inversely proportional to distance, r, from the MDCOG. That is they are tightly coupled and neither can be said to be independent of the other in a mathematical sense. This consistent tightly coupling per Universal Harmony (UH) and the symmetries it imparts for dark and visible matter is what allowed the abstract groping of SRT and QED to find a workable set of math tools. Einstein was onto the underlying symmetries in an intuitive (little finger) way far beyond other scientists of his day; explaining to this author why he was less wrong and far more right in a predictive sense than all the others.

Finally, one must also see that the energy being pursued is conveniently restricted to the gyrations of just those relatively few electrons whose orbit takes them to the atom's outer surface. As experimental data has determined, the pertinent electron sets have been identified but not understood in a mechanical way. The quantum electrodynamics fantasy of 7 shells and the Pauli Exclusion Principle, though workable, are not required; nor is the ever confusing but workable Heisenburg Uncertainty Principle.

One must eventually see that dark matter offers absolute motion spherical-elastic symmetry without scalar limit and that includes inside the atom. And visible matter offers spherical(elliptical), circular planar and line eccentric, elastic asymmetry; with definite measurability limits in the directions of both visible small and visible large. Within the atomic gravity field, one may for electrostatic purposes safely assume spherical symmetry at the level of the nucleus, but not for magnetic purposes.

One is happy to agree with Feynman's speculation about the single proton difference, when he writes that when the proton is added to the core, it "revolves around on the outside to make a new spherical nucleus, rather than be absorbed." Ah yes, Professor Feynman, but at what radius? The difference in proton shell radius makes a lot of difference in the above-c value of v-squared, and therefore its energy tends to increase with decreased radius from the center. The same is true for the individual electron orbit!

Using Feynman-like language, one here shows(1) that the neutron is also a spherical shell of mass pts and is absorbed by the MDCOG; and is thus neutral and rigid with the black hole MDCOG core, (2) a given electron orbit radius, re is synchronously tied to the location, rp of its dance-partner proton shell. It is this electron/proton dance involving just the more volatile, elliptical orbit electrons that visit the outer shell of the atom that accounts for chemistry and the Periodic Table.

Before leaving Feynman's discussion under Volume II, 8-4, one summarizes several of his vivid realizations that tend strongly to confirm Universal Harmony (UH) and this unified force theory.

In the third paragraph, he mentions observed larger distance attraction between protons as opposed to just repulsion because of their like-charge. This is of course because conventional gravity is attractive and always present, and the appearance of repulsion at closer distances is fantasy brought on by the fact that any "particle", as a bit of visible matter, necessarily has spin and the mutual orientation of spin, or relative polarity of outer surface motion, demands "wavelike" interference treatment when the outer surfaces are at or very near contact. A spinning particle cannot maintain its identity and be either combined or cancelled via interference. That is why the fantasy of charge demands infinitesimal (ultimately undefined) smallness and central use of a statistical wave function to get anywhere at all.

In paragraph 4, Feynman wrestles with why the force of repulsion is dependent on relative spin orientation! In the next paragraph, he asks why it is dependent on the non-relativistic (slower) speeds of the particle. Then in paragraphs 6,7 and 8, he concludes that speed, direction and distance apart are all interdependent as they effect nuclear electrostatic force; for all of the particles in whatever combination. At the end, he writes, "To this day, we do not know the machinery behind these (electrostatic) forces - that is to say, any simple way of understanding them."

To this author, it is amazing that the concept of charge and the foundations of quantum mechanics ever developed into a practical tool; but after a lot of tedious research, he finally knows why it happened and a good bit of the how it managed to work. But as Einstein once upon a time wrote and John Wheeler consistently did, truth has to be simpler than that to ever be fully accepted.

Nuclear electrostatic proof of the new atomic model

As particles of mass within a given atom's gravity field, the electron and it corresponding proton shell must have radius and orbital speed combinations that equal the Moment of Energy (MOE) of the field. If one believes the m(c-squared) energies of the electron and proton but not the assigned masses and c-squared, then one can calculate values for mass and orbital speed consistent with derived energy state data, but the orbit radii are grossly wrong. And it turns out, the measured mass of the electron and the proton are also wrong.

One here proves that the masses of the electron and proton are indeed constant but that the long recorded ratio of 1836.15275, is really a ratio of kinetic energies and not of masses. One assigns a standard electron mass equal to Planck's Constant. Note that the newly assigned value is larger by the factor,

h/(9.1093897x10-28) = 1.097768383. This means that the square of

the speed of the electron mass in orbiting around the MDCOG must decrease from c-squared by an offsetting amount. The new electron speed-squared multiplies the new mass to give the measured energy of the standard electron. Assuming the proton is the released ring energy of a proton shell and that it is really two standard electron rings released in tandem to form a continuous helical string of 2h Higgs particles, let

Ee = me(ve)2 = h(1.23558978x1020) = 8.187111168x10-7 erg,

Ep = mp[2(vp)2] = (2h)(vp)2 = 1.503278673x10-3 erg

En = mn[3(vn)2] = (3h)(vn)2 = 1.505350753x10-3 erg; that is

let the masses be h multiplied by the number of axes with which the electron energy is being symmetrically stored in the shells surrounding the atomic nucleus. That means there is only one particle mass and it is that of the electron, and the proton as measured is a helical string of two electrons traveling at a faster speed and shorter average radius. The neutron as measured is then a helical string of 3 electrons traveling at a radius and speed in harmony with Eq.(3). The proton and neutron energies as measured signal the existence of the concentric spherical shells, but are due to the release of the binding, electron closed loop energy stored in just one out of the 1/h rings!

The correct speed of the electron lets it's mass be equal to h. This imposes an average orbital radius from the MDCOG at which the electron is measured for standard lab purposes outside the atomic envelop. That outside radius is estimated using Eq.(3) for the Boron atom field independent of the UH-balanced population of electrons that are within the atomic envelop and traveling at speeds of c or greater, and points to an electron radius of

re = MOEb/(ve)2 = (3.291294892x1013)/(1.23558978x1020)

= 2.663744024x10-7 cm. This radius is here assumed to be in

the atomic field-outlining, neutral gravity zone that is common average boundary between atomic fields, where the electrons swarm to define the typical molecule boundary. The boundary of the molecule is defined by shared-atomic-orbit figure-8's and s-turns of the helix of Higgs particles; particles that ultimately convert and conserve the energy for a purely kinetic local dark matter view. In terms of a standard electron local pregeometry, it is a helix of 1/h traveling Higgs particles, the helix having an average radius as given above and that radius as an R-size mass pt is that of a standard molecule. Note that the standard electron defining the surface of the standard molecule has a speed well below the speed of light,

ve = Ö(1.23558978x1020) = 1.111570861x1010 cm/sec

The measured proton and neutron in the above context have the harmonic speed-squared and radius values as follows; consistent with the well established ratios in terms of kinetic energy,

(vp)2 = (1.503278673x10-3)/2h = 1.134365789x1023 (cm/sec)2

(vn)2 = (1.505350753x10-3)/3h = .757286246x1023 (cm/sec)2. The

slower speed of the neutron is almost entirely due to the additional mass. The required average orbit radius for the proton as measured, using the MOE of the Boron atom gravity field, is,

rp = MOEb/(vp)2 = 2.901440544x10-10 cm, a value which is very

close to the measured speed of light in open space! But remember, the proton here is merely two electrons traveling in tandem as a string of Higgs particles, and this radius is the average width of the helical string, as the proton energy is being measured in the laboratory. Its average speed of,

vp = Ö(11.34365789x1022) = 3.368034722x1011 cm/sec is well above

the speed of light. Similar calculations pertinent to the neutron as measured are,

rn = MOEb/(vn)2 = (3.291291294892x1013)/(.757286246x1023)

= 4.346165418x10-10 cm, just a little closer to the MDCOG on

the average with a slightly higher speed,

vn = Ö(7.57286246x1022) = 2.751883439x1011 cm/sec

The neutron as structural component within the atomic black hole MDCOG nucleus is a spherical shell whose mass pts have three h-quantums of energy moving though them in the 3 dimensional directions at 90 degree angle from one another. That is, the number of dimensional degrees available from a 3-D space. The third and lastly occurring electron closed loop going through each mass pt of the shell is the in-out electron that binds the neutron shell to all the other 1/h-plus shells that form the finite radius black hole MDCOG in every atom. A released single shell-ring, 3-electron string of Higgs particle kinetic energy travels in helical orbit whose along-centerline average radius is on the order ten to the minus ten cm.

With the concentric shell structure of the atomic nucleus in place as a growing MDCOG consistent with electrostatic data on the atomic nucleus, one addresses Coulomb's Law as gravity.

Coulomb's Law as supergravity within the atom

As part of the slowly changing structure of the atomic nucleus, the proton is a shell whose entire population of mass pts have 2 orthogonal h-quantums of energy passing through them; binding them tightly to form a rigid two-dimensional surface. As such, the proton shell has the same mass as the outer surface of the MDCOG, but it is not yet tied vertically to the other concentric shells currently forming the MDCOG. So for gravity force purposes near or at the MDCOG outer surface, the mass of the proton is 1/(h-squared); quite sufficient to provide in a very mechanical way, the nuclear strong force as supergravity!

One calculates the gravity force between an electron in an orbit equal to the square root of the standard atomic MDCOG radius in dimensionless terms; i.e., re = Ö(1/2pvmax). The proton shell as a maximum density surface just outside that MDCOG is spinning and the electron the proton shell's mass has captured must orbit in synch. Using Eq.(3), the dimensionless standard gravity constant for the atomic gravity field is then G = h/2pvmax, the mass of the electron is h and the mass of the proton shell is 1/(h-squared), and re is the stated radius of the electron.

Fatom = Gmemp/(re)2 = (h/2pvmax)(h)(1/(h-squared)/[Ö(1/2pvmax)]2

= Unity! Regardless of the system of units used!

What is going on here? It is simple dimensionless fluid space rhythm for the inverse square law. Because G = h(radius of the MDCOG) = hRmd, and when re = ÖRmd, unity is the result! The atom as we measure it has an MDCOG radius that varies from 1/2pvmax to 1/2pc. That is, from ten to the minus 14 to ten to the minus 12 centimeters, supported by the measured average of ten to the minus 13. That means that the electron is always going to be measured in the range from ten to the minus 7 to ten to the minus 6 or greater centimeters; outside the atomic envelope, and generally defining the molecular envelope with speed less than c.

One now looks at electrostatic force in a dimensionless way. That means without getting totally confused by the long history of development and manipulation of the systems of electrical units that are necessarily reflected in the development of the Standard Model. With the above amazing result in place for a supergravity unified force view, one merely needs to return to the original plain language definition of charge. That is, Charge = q = that quality of an infinitesimal point sphere of matter which when a unit of it is set one centimeter from another unit of it, they repel one another with one unit of force. Point unit spheres are then defined to be either positive (missing an electron quantum) or negative (having an extra electron quantum). Then the corollary definition that two unlike (one positive like the proton, and one negative like the electron) unit charges placed one centimeter apart are attracted to one another with a unit of force. The unit of force was and is the dyne for the cgs system of units originally used. These definitions of charge were and are fundamental to the concept of electrical force.

Per Coulomb's Law, one can then write as a matter of elementary definition using either cgs or cgs-compatible Gaussian System units of measure,

Fe = q1q2/r2 = (1)(1)/(1)2 = Gmemp/(re)2 = Unity!

The rhythm, the isomorphism and reflective symmetry of universal harmony (UH), allowed electromagnetism as well as Relativity, to grope successfully; using clever fantasies that satisfy the middle by creating false ends. Ends for small and big cannot exist by prima facie proof; if simplicity, beauty, A implies B, and the idea of order are to have meaning at all.

When a consistent set of dimensions and units of measure are introduced, unified force must relate as charge-squared divided by distance-squared. With mass no longer a dimension, one can show that charge squared is a math operator that stands for quantity of energy transport potential over a standard unit of distance, G. or NeG, or an amount of energy Ne, multiplied by unit distance, G, which is arbitrarily assigned a value of unity and can therefore be represented by the unit distance vector, d. The apparent dimensions of charge squared is then simply Ned, or unit energy times unit distance times the number, N, of minimum quantums of energy. That is, N is the number of Planck's Constant minimum energy quantums, h, comprising the energy of transport potentially produced by the repulsion or attraction force. Thus once sees again why the unit charge turned out to be an electron whose energy is 1/h minimum energy quantums or an energy transport of one unit of electric and chemical energy; the energy of the electron with a mass equal to h.

The unit of distance is numerically sublimated as a dimensionless dielectric or permittivity constant, m0, of unity. The constant in the numerator of the gravity-Coulomb equation is unity and invisible as long as one stays in the original cgs units. Dimensionless and otherwise, h is clearly both quantum electromagnetism and quantum gravity!

Charge polarity is a matter of relative spin direction. The spin characteristics of the electron, though not understood in a mechanical sense and poorly explained by QED concepts, are nevertheless well established as necessary to achieve precise experiment design and measurement consistency. Electron spin will be addressed in depth in the next chapter and shown to be consistent with and fully explained by the fluid space model. For now one needs to see clearly that while all measurement of energy density change at the level of Planck's Constant is necessarily statistical in nature, it can be mechanically visualized in very satisfying deterministic detail. 

The electron as described herein is a helical string segment of 1/h visible R-size mass pts that are pulsing h amount of excess energy in a closed loop that goes from one end of the string to the other and back again. In effect, the electron in so called free space is a helical radiating dipole. The mass pt carriers of the electron energy flow are of course spinning maximally about one axis during a pulse, and one must see the spin of the helix as synchronous with that maximal spin in two planes; the along centerline electrical field plane and the transverse plane of the magnetic field. The local string-milieu of radiation in free space is one of spinning mass pts with MDCOGs = math pts = chained together segments of electron energy, all have net spin whereby any touching of separate strings, between their outer helical surfaces, results in either phased combining of energy of rotation, else phased cancellation. The math of mechanical optics must then dominate in some fashion in developing the quantum state behavior of the electron and the associated measurable display of electromagnetic phenomenon.  

Since all intervening space between highly charged visible matter objects is filled with an interactive, literally immersing dark matter mass pt fluid, electron quantum sized exchanges of energy between matter objects is the well known electrostatic spark of electricity that is also plain and simple, pulsed radiation. Whether one is talking about temperature as thermal force or Coulomb's or Ampere's Laws as forms of electrical force or mutual influence, pertinent energy is transported the same from Point A of visible matter to Point B of visible matter. In a unified force theory, waves, whether called electromagnetic or gravity, are Higgs particle kinetic energy exchanges involving helical string passage around a chain of visible matter mass pts.

QED is likely to remain a practical tool for the statistical measurement of how UH mitigates, in a mass pt chaining, fluid-gear way, the temporary gravity field imbalances due to significant energy density change. And as a spherical array of little shell surface ring-embedded helical vortexes of higher speed motion around a maximum density (MDCOG) center, the statistical fantasy of pt charges are in reality an imaginative attempt to maintain registration of the pertinent changes in energy storage in two interacting spherical replacement sphere surfaces. Surfaces that are currently defining the tangible boundaries of the two objects involved. Supergravity as unified force provides the same pertinent view of change without the abstract fantasy.

Via contiguously intervening, spinning, dark matter mass pts as gravity fields, all objects are forever "touching" and influencing one another in an integral space sense as described by (1) Standard Model Quantum Electrodynamics as a statistical approximation technique (2) Planck's Principle, (3) Bell Theorem Synchronicity, or (4) unified force theory fluid as a visible matter immersing, energy giving dark matter. 

Quoting from Feynman's Volume II Heading 12-7, "The underlying unity of nature", his "little X-ons" that would nicely explain and tie everything together are none other than Higgs field particles = dark matter mass pts in absolute motion about the centers of gravity which are ubiquitously everywhere. The growth spiral fractal circular motion gradient structure of the Higgs dark matter field is in mutual reflective symmetry and reversible causal relationship with the MDCOG stirring paddle.

One cannot resist writing with original meaning and great excitement, "QED" = it is proven = A implies B! = one last old fashion Eureka for getting rid of the notion of charge!

Now one can see that the constant ratio of energy measured as a constant mass ratio for the proton and the electron as detected outside the MDCOG, is merely a statement of the underlying unity of UH as a required ratio of orbit radii and speed-square values for the atomic gravity field. From Eq.(3) written for both the proton and the electron as measured, one finds,

(vp)2/(ve)2 = re/rp = 918.076377 = (1836.15275)/2. The ratio of

kinetic energies [m(v-squared)] is the familiar constant ratio value but it is divided by 2 when using the Moment of Energy (MOE) form of Eq.(3), because the real constant mass of the electron is half that of the proton as measured kinetically. The constant ratio is numerically dependent on a harmony that is inherent to the atomic gravity field as fundamental building block of all material existence including ourselves. It is also yet another Universal Story Teller; and represents Feynman's "underlying unity" and Leon Lederman's God Particle = Higgs particle.

It is manifestly evident that UH structures the fluid motion of the entire closed but infinite universe of touching, mass pt gravity fields such that all boundaries are at once and forever that precise size required to mark that always-positive energy density ambience for the space volume they enclose; by simplest definition of an underlying mechanical sense of space as "a living and life-giving fluid energy".

Conclusions from seeing Electrodynamics as Gravity

Holding the speed of radiation constant at c in so call open space, for beaded helical strings of Higgs particles, results in confusing energy with mass, and time with space (distance). There is no space free of matter when Higgs particle dark matter is included; and we really must include it in a complete model. All directly measurable energy is Higgs particle kinetic energy and radiation. Kinetic with respect to what? One must see the helix of Higgs particles as continual orbiting the uniformly distributed black hole maximum density centers of gravity (MDCOGs) of the visible mass pts around which they turn in a chained, re-radiation sequence to form a beaded light ray. Then one can also see that every measurement tangible location in space is and must be a spinning, variable radius black hole with an "event horizon", c-boundary, around it that is tailor made for our limited measurement capability.

Confusion of mass and speed began when Einstein adopted the Lorentz transformation. By insisting that the speed of radiation be constant to all observers regardless of where the "observer" might be math-located, one had to attribute kinetic energy change as visible matter approached c, to a change in rest mass rather than increased speed. The mind's eye sitting on a Higgs particle at the forward end of a helical string of them, knows better; it indelibly sees that the built-in coordinate system, the rhythmic math pt = mass pt granularity of fluid space, is non-linear in just the right way to make c appear as a magic constant.

Since mass is indeed stored internal energy just as Einstein suggested, it turns out that energy storage is such that distance winds up being stored as time. In not realizing the proper relationship between space and time as contained in mass, the very notions of time, distance, and mass not only had to be joined at the hip, but they all had to dilate in the direction of very high speed motion. It ain't really so guys, no matter how many times it is measured that way by experiment, and by theory that does not recognize dark matter. All measurable energy transport is via dark matter Higgs particles traveling helical paths around visible matter mass pts at vmax = Ö1/3h » 236c. We did not back then and do not now have the wherewithal to measure Higgs particles and thus radiation speed inside or outside the envelope of the atom.

We can safely assume c for the speed of radiation only as it travels in the c-boundary interstice spaces between dark and visible matter mass pts as they contiguously fill intra and inter galactic space. The notion of "Particles" as currently defined and mechanistically described, are all variable length and radius helical strings of dark matter Higgs particles. For any given clearly identified particle, the centerline length of the mass pt beaded string and number of Higgs particles comprising it, is not being correctly guessed or measured experimentally. Mass and speed that kinetically determines energy are thus being confused because one does not have a proper definition and firm conceptual hold on either. That they are tightly coupled by UH such that M = energy-squared = speed to the fourth power, is all that saves us from our scientific crudeness. We can wrongly believe particle speed to be something other than it is, and as long as we are consistent in our wrongness, we can make things work quite nicely for everything except gut level mechanical understanding.

There is so much evidence that things move faster in the small regime below the size of ten to the minus 14 cm, it is ridiculous to hold onto present dogma another day!

One here defines in logical detail, an expansion mode of gravity than can do every thing that quantum electrodynamics does with greatly improved understanding. In holding onto the notion of charge and remaining consistent with Einstein's prodigious predictions during development; QED incorporated the same fundamental confusions about mass, energy, time and space. The focus at first was directed to the regime of small where Einstein's theory failed. Then with the misinterpretation of the Hubble data and background radiation, one had to make the end of small somehow meet up in time with the beginning of big. How could those serious about science get so commercially caught up in the silly idea that there could be an "end" to that which is endless in all directions, including inward, by any logically palpable definition of "Universe"?

Please to those lost in and dependent on complex dogma held only by rote, quit reserving scientific truth to small-group consciousness! It will soon unravel in a way that cannot be denied. The mechanical universe still lives and can be visualized clearly by everyone. Gut-level understanding will then be easily stored as non-rote muscle memory in the brain; like learning how to crawl and run; as just other ways to swim in a fluid space!

One can now turn with the utmost confidence to a more easily understood Periodic Table of the Elements; one that works better for prediction and provides formal and intuitive detail without limit on the atom's mechanical behavior as gravity field and Max Planck mass pt oscillator.

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