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In loving memory of
Susie Holmes- |
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Hello everyone This page is dedicated to Susie Holmes. She was truly a joy to be around, and that is why I would like everyone who knows Susie to submit a funny story, happy memory or interesting fact about her. Also, if anyone has any good pictures of Susie, please email them to me, and I will put them up on this page. Thanks everyone! -Tracy (E-mail: tray6@uwm.edu)
When she was in Kansas for the SG's official visit, we had a serious
snow storm. Susie was afraid of the snow and all that goes with it.
One of our Kansas Job's Daughters (Ali Thomas) took Susie and her chair
and was pushing her across the sidewalk. Susie was so afraid that she
would fall or the chair would get stuck, Ali told her she would only
fall once and Ali would pick her up dust her off and put her and the
chair back to rights. Susie was not amused!!!!! Susie was worried that
her "tanks" would freeze and there would not be enough oxygen to get her
through the weekend. We just told her the old Kansas theory, "If you
don't like the weather right now, wait a few minutes and you will get
something you do like". That didn't happen but we had a few good laughs
trying to explain it to her. Her bright smile and sunny disposition will be missed in our Job's Daughters world.
-Judy Masters, PHQ |
During the Supreme Visit to Queensland, some of us locals took all the
foreigners to the zoo to cuddle a koala and feed a kangaroo. While walking
around the different enclosures, we passed a donkey. On the gate read a
sign to effect of, "Hi my name is....and I'm currently looking for my
perfect mate". When Mrs. Holmes innocently wheeled Susie a little too close
to the frisky donkey, he decided that Susie was the one for him! The donkey
ee-orred at the top of his voice and proceeded to sneeze all over Susie and
all those standing too close. Each time Susie looked like making a quick
exit, the donkey would sneeze, spit, or ee-orr a little more.
For the rest of the trip, Susie was the butt of many of our jokes. We still
reminisce about the experience and wonder if the donkey will miss her as
much as we all do. Susie's beaming smile lit up the Brisbane International Airport upon her arrival, and the city hasn't been as beautiful since the Supreme Guardian and her entourage left in March 2000. We love you Susie.
-Carmen Wilson PHQ |
Susie always had a smile on her face and something nice to say
to everyone. She would talk to anyone and make them feel
special. She was a true Job's Daughter.
-Sarah Broadaway |
Susie always could make me smile. She was a wonderful person!
-Victoria Starks |
When I saw Susie's pictures on the website, tears came to my eyes as I suddenly
realized that I had the pleasure of meeting Susie and Mrs. Holmes in Long
Beach, California, at Grand Bethel of California in June 1999. Susie thanked
me, as Bethel Guardian of Bethel No. 4, Sacramento, for the way in which our
Daughters had welcomed and encouraged one of our own Daughters who is confined
to a wheelchair. Susie had noticed that we had done everything possible to
help our Daughter participate in the variety show and every other part of Job's
Daughters. Susie appreciated that kind of friendship, love, and caring. In
spite of her own lifelong challenges and difficulties, Susie did not dwell on
them. Instead, she radiated the joy that comes from sharing the bond of Job's
Daughters. Farewell, Susie! Till we meet again.
-Donna Fairchild |
The Daughters of Bethel #9 of North Vancouver, BC, Canada, send our deepest
sympathy and condolences to the friends, family of Supreme Bethel Honoured
Queen SusanAnn Sky Holmes and to the Daughters of Las Vegas Bethel #5.
-Heather Kendrick |
Supreme Bethel Honored Queen - International Order of Job's Daughters Most folks remember Susie long after they meet her. At 90 lbs, just over 4-1/2 feet, pulling an oxygen tank, and armed with an infectious smile and incredible sparkle, Susie's positive attitude on life generates lots of smiles and laughter. Susie has been a member of Job's Daughters for five years and is 18 years old. She joined Job's Daughters at age 13, following in the footsteps of her mother and grandmother. She missed joining at age 11 due to her medical condition. She remembers declaring to her mother the night before her initiation that she, "wasn't going to join!" Two short months later, she confided that she didn't realize there were so many "good girls" in one spot. One of the Shriner's kids, Susie has Gaucher's Disease, a very rare genetic disease that results from missing an enzyme that allows old blood cells to be completely removed from the body. This "storage disease" has led to over 23 surgeries on almost every major organ of her small body and a stabilized spine, resulting in her short height. Currently Susie is receiving the missing enzyme through regular infusions and her condition has stabilized except for her lungs, thus the ever-present need for oxygen. Susie has progressed through school in regular fashion (in spite of the surgeries and classes through "homebound schooling" and a 50% reduced class schedule since junior high). She is a senior Graphic Design major at the Advanced Technologies Academy in Las Vegas, a public magnet school of limited enrollment, where she earned all As last semester. Currently, Susie is "on leave" from school so that she may travel and represent her beloved Job's Daughters' Order. She decided that she'd rather be a "Millennium Queen" than a millennium graduate. Other than Job's Daughters, Susie enjoys socializing with and supporting the DeMolays. She has served as Vegas DeMolay Princess and Oasis DeMolay Princess and Sweetheart. Oasis DeMolay recently honored her at their installation in July and she now proudly wears her beautiful Past Sweetheart pin on her Job's Daughters ribbon of special pins. While other teenagers are watching MTV, Susie's favorite shows are home decorating, home improvement, and the cooking channels. Her dream is to finish college, have an art-related career, and someday have a Martha Stewart Christmas. Susie is an only child in a family of "onlies." Her maternal grandparents and fraternal grandmother (all over 80) live with her and her parents. She jokes that when she drives her grandparents around she'll sport a "Seniors On Board" sign in her car window. She attends church at University United Methodist Church in Las Vegas. She states that it is her "church family" whose prayers have lifted her through all the surgeries. To be eligible for a Job's Daughter Supreme Bethel line office, a Daughter must be at least 16 years of age, a Past Honored Queen of her Bethel, and have submitted an acceptable letter of intent co-signed by her parents stating her desire and plans if chosen. At the Supreme Session, the name of the State is first drawn. Nevada had a one in 63 chance of being drawn. Susie then had a one in two chance of being drawn. Was she surprised? YES! Is it almost overwhelming? YES! Susie has now appointed her mother her official secretary/travel agent/banker. And traveling has already begun. The Supreme itinerary is very complete, extensive, and expensive. Couple that with the oxygen needs, planning gets very complicated at times. Susie is upbeat and is representing Nevada with a sparkle! She was initiated into Sunrise Chapter # 28, O.E.S., in Henderson on September 28th (sandwiched in between official visits to Salt Lake City and Phoenix) , just in time to be a new member at Nevada's Grand Chapter OES meeting in Reno on October 4th. For her motto for the year Susie has chosen "God chooses what you go through, YOU choose how you go through it " and the theme, "The power of dreams, the magic of youth, the joy of life!" When one looks at our Nevada teenager Susie, you realize that truer words were never spoken. - taken from the Nevada Grand Lodge's website (www.nvmasons.org/special.html) written right after Susie was installed as SBHQ |
In December, Susie was able to make the trip to Maryland for our
Supreme Visit weekend. She captured everyone with her bubbling
personality and her never-ending gift of gab. Susie was the center of
attention the entire weekend and we were honored to have her and Tracy
with us. After the Supreme Visit weekend, Susie stayed at my house an
extra evening, it was then I learned that she was Martha Stewart's
number one fan. Every conversation we had from that point on usually
ended with the phrase "And it's a good thing." in the monotone imitation
of Martha. Then we would giggle and Susie would start up the
conversation again. From that point on when ever our paths would cross
the "And it's a good thing" phrase would burst from our mouths at the
oddest times of the conversation. Hey what's a good laugh between
friends and Jobie sisters and it's a good thing. -Mom Kathy Morgan, PHQ, PGG of MD 1999-2000 |
I had the privilege of meeting Susie in Boise. We were
attending Supreme Guardian Valerie's Reception this past fall. I had heard
Bill Smith speak so highly of Susie through the years and felt as though I
knew her and had hoped that I would be able to speak to her. As I was
checking out she and Miss IJD Tracy were in the lobby and we then met. She was
tired, but gave me one of her "light up the room" smiles - a mental picture
that I'll always carry with me. This was at the end of the weekend's
festivities and Susie must have been exhausted, but there she
was, listening to me explain just why I wanted to meet her, and most
successfully hiding her exhaustion. Susie was a role model for all Job's
Daughters - Daughters as well as adults. We will all miss her. I count
myself fortunate that I was indeed able to meet her personally
- Dolly Maxwell, PHQ, MM |
During my term last year as Grand Representative to Washington, I met Susie
at Washington's Jobie Weekend. I always carried my Scrapbook which has
spaces for the Officers, Members, and Adults of Each Bethel in Washington
State. It also has spaces for the Grand Bethel Officers and Grand Guardian
Council members. It had no space for Supreme Bethel, so Susie very nicely
wrote on the Grand Bethel page:
"Supreme Bethel Honored Queen" drew a line next to it and signed on the
line. I will treasure meeting Susie, such a nice and fun person.
-Elizabeth M. Lehrman |
Susie was one of the nicest people I ever met. She was
always smiling and happy to be around the guys. She
was one of the best Sweethearts Oasis Chapter ever
had. Susie always knew how to brighten your day
whenever you felt down. She was a great person and we
will all miss her.
-Billy Harris |
I have wonderful memories of Susie, I have been truly blessed to have known
this wonderful young woman. Tracy and Susie attended Minnesota's Grand
Bethel Fall Inn, in Willmar Minnesota. With all of the work we had to do for
the Miss Minnesota Pageant, Alida and I had very little sleep. Sheryl Miller
was very worried about me driving home, she was afraid that I would fall
asleep. When I told her that I was driving Susie to the airport all of her
worries faded, she knew that her quick wit and flare for the dramatic would
keep me awake. We were about 45 minutes from the Minneapolis airport when Susie realized that she had forgotten the key for you oxygen tank. Alida panicked and we stopped at a gas station where they were nice enough to borrow us a pliers to change her tank. I was worried about the layover that she would have on the way home, so I stopped at an emergency room and asked for help. They sent out a very good looking intern to look at her tanks. Susie's response at seeing this young man was " Wow Alida, you were right, your Mom does find all the good looking men for you." She then proceeded to ask him to join us for lunch at the airport. He said he would have been delighted to if he didn't have to work. Susie made the best of every situation. She brightened my life. The Bican Family will truly miss this wonderful young woman. I will always have warm and loving memories whenever I think of her. -Linda Bican, BG #85 Shakopee, Minnesota |
My name is Heleena Jorgensen from Bethel#2 Chermside Australia, I met Susie
briefly when the Supreme Team came out here, I had to poem sent to me and when
I read it, it reminded me of Susie. Those Who Touch Our Lives
Every special person who touches our life,
We can take on their expressions and such,
People who we have met throughout our life,
We laugh about spending too much time together,
Those special people who can touch our lives,
She was an inspiration to all who met her. |
Susie was one of the most genuinely kind people I have ever met. She was
diagnosed with a fatal disease, and she choose to make the best of it. I have
never seen Susie in a bad mood, have one bad thing to say, to tell you the
truth, I don't think she was capable of thinking bad thoughts. She always knew
how to brighten you day with her smile. She was a good friend with an
immeasurable amount of courage, and will be missed.
-Athena Harris, Grand Immortality and Jr. GEC, Daylite #22, International Order of the Rainbow for Girls |
I am Alan Brown, Associate Grand Guardian of Job's Daughters of
Kansas. During the Supreme visit to Kansas in January 2000 we were
priviledged to present Susie with her first ever snowfall. It wasn't
much by our standards, only a dusting, but she was so awed and thrilled
that it really made all of us marvel at the joy that the simple things
and the things that we take for granted can bring to our lives if we
just "stop to watch the snow fall".
- Alan Brown AGG of Kansas |
I had the pleasure of meeting Susie on three different occasions. The first
time was at Jamboree. She was smiling and laughing all the time. Her face
really lit up the room.
The second was at Grand Bethel Fall-In, in Minnesota. She had come with Tracy to see Alida out as Miss Minnesota Job's Daughter. I remember trick or treating at her room. She and Tracy got into a whipped cream fight. It was all over the room. She got Tracy covered in whipped cream. I laughed so hard. The last time was at Alida Bican's reception as Miss International Congeniality. Susie shared stories about Alida's fear of the airplane bathroom and how much fun she had traveling with her. After the dinner, Susie became the queen of the dance floor. Susie gave each of us a part of her self, each time we met. she was an inspiration to anyone that met her. her smile and laugh will be with me forever. She was a girl that no one will ever forget.
- Carolyn Duven |
I remember her coming to the Virginia Heritage Weekend. Susie, Alida, and
Tracy did a little skit and a cute song! I also remember that she liked
lemonheads. When we went bowling, she was in my lane and since she couldn't
actually bowl, she "blessed" the ball by rubbing it or something like that.
She was a beautiful, sweet person, inside and out.
- Jobie Love, |
The Officers and member of the Order of DeMolay of Canada send there
condolences to the family, friends of Supreme Bethel Hounred Queen Miss
SusanAnn Sky Holmes. When I had first learned of this news I became very
sad to what had happend That evening the members of Golden Ears Chapter had
a moment of Silence for Susie. If there is anything that myself or any
member of Candian DeMolay can do please do not hesitiate to ask us.
- Nicholas Biss Canadian DeMolay Parliament Master Councillor Order of DeMolay of Canada |
I'll never forget Supreme Session last year when Susie gave her
report. All the things she pulled out from behind the podium. She had
us all rollin' on the floor with laughter. She will be very much
- Laura Jordan |
I first met Susie at this last Supreme Session in Grand Rapids, Michigan. I
was there representing British Columbia as Miss BCJD. Susie and I were
introduced following the Supreme Bethel Installation. It was amazing to
learn about the struggles that Susie had overcome, and made her way to being
the highest Honoured Job's Daughter. She was a wonderful person and I hope
that all Job's Daughters across the world will use Susie's life and
accomplishments to so strengthen their own lives, with the courage to know
that the sky is your limit no matter what your obstacles may be.
Till we meet again Susie,
Jobie Love
Jen Williams, PHQ #36 Victoria, BC |
I was not fortunate enough to meet Susie, but I feel that the International
Order of Job's Daughters has lost a wonderful young lady that has represented
our organization with diginity, honor, and grace. She didn't let her oxygen
tank stop her in any way. She just kept on going and going! Kinda like the
energizer bunny! She sent a message to all of us..that no matter what..don't
let something so small as an oxygen tank hold you back. She inspires me to
continue to do everything that I have ever wanted to do and not to let
anything stop me. - Brandy James, Jr.PHQ #39 Newton Falls, OH |
I am a PABG of Bethel 3 in Las Vegas and
Had come to know Susie. She was the hit of Nevada Grand Lodge last November
and Grand Master Jeff Steubin helped Susie to aquire some adult help for
the Bethel, though I think Susie did pretty well on her own.
I had the following sent to me tonight and think that it really applied to Susie.
HOW DO YOU LIVE YOUR DASH? I read of a man who stood to speak At the funeral of a friend He referred to the dates on her tombstone From the beginning...to the end. He noted that first came her date of birth And spoke the following date with tears, But he said what mattered most of all Was the dash between those years. (1981 - 2000) For that dash represents all the time That she spent alive on earth... And now only those who loved her Know what that little line is worth. For it matters not, how much we own; The cars...the house...the cash, What matters is how we live and love And how we spend our dash. So think about this long and hard... Are there things you'd like to change? For you never know how much time is left, That can still be rearranged. If we could just slow down enough To consider what's true and real, And always try to understand The way other people feel. And be less quick to anger, And show appreciation more And love the people in our lives Like we've never loved before. If we treat each other with respect, And more often wear a smile.. Remembering that this special dash Might only last a little while. So, when your eulogy's being read With your life's actions to rehash... Would you be proud of the things they say About how you spent your dash?
- G. William Casteel, PABG#3 |
I first officially met Susie when I traveled to Nevada as Miss
International Job's Daughter 1997-1998. Susanna Alley, SBHQ 1997-1998 and I
had a sleepover with Susie in her own bedroom. Just by looking at her bedroom,
no one would doubt what a dedicated Jobie Susie was. She had her Honored Queen
statue on her dresser and her Jobie afghan draped over her bed. Susie and I shared a few short jokes, and laughed at our height challenges (I'm only 5 ft tall). Then we shared all kind's of Jobie stories. Susanna Alley and I also had a wonderful time trying to find Susie in her house when she would suddenly dissappear. All we had to do was follow the oxygen tubes and sooner or later we would find her. Hide and seek wasn't exactly Susie's strong suit. We were all giggling the entire time. At one particular time Susie made a comment that made me bowl over with laughter while at the same time gave me a new respect for Susie's optimism. She said in jest, "My worst reality is that I will have to live with my parents for the rest of my life." As any teenager would know, living with parents when you are going through the teenage years is not exactly an easy accomplishment. It's probably not easy for the parents either. During our Supreme Visit , the Holmes' family wanted to make our stay very memorable. They took us to see some of the Las Vegas sights. Because Susanna Alley was such a Star Trek fan, we went to see the Star Wars exhibit at one of the casinos. After looking through all of the memorabilia, we got on to the star trek ride (one of those little bus looking things that closes and shows a video on the screen while tossing you in every which direction). Susie couldn't go on the ride, but she was right there when we got off of it on the other side. She was acting like she was our special tour guide and requested that we exit and follow her. The entire time that we spent with Susie was a blessing. When I became tired and lacked drive to smile and greet people on my travels, all I had to do was think of Susie Holmes. I believe that in some way she gave me some of her own strength. I knew that Susie had a great drive and wanted to accomplish great things. That is why I was so excited when she was drawn as the SBHQ at the 1999 Supreme Session. I was sitting just a few seats down from Barbra Holmes when Susie's name was drawn. I had tears in my eyes and a huge smile on my face when I asked Barbra if she was prepared for what lie ahead. She said something to the fact that she was sure that Susie was probably more prepared than she was. Susie was a great blessing to all whom she came in contact with. She was energetic and inspiring as well as strong and corageous. She looked no older than a new initiate, but held more maturity and wisdom than a Supreme Guardian. I feel blessed that I knew her and was inspired to be better because of her.
In loving memory, |
I first met Susie in Australia at Supreme Session. I was just picked as
the new Supreme Bethel Junior Princess and she was one of the first people
to come up to me and congratulate me. Her smile was one of her best
features and she always spread positve energy to everyone she was around. I
know she's still here in spirit and she will always be here. She had a lot
to offer and I'm sure the things that she did will live on through eternity.
She was very special and everyone in Job's Daughters should be proud to
have met her!
Job's Love, |
I wanted to take the time to share my own personal Susie story. I met Susie in
April at Utah's Grand Session. I was in charge of keeping time during the
drill competition and Susie came and sat with me on the stage. During the
breaks between drills we got to know eachother. She told me all about Nevada
Jobies and I told her about Utah. She knew that I was to be competing the next
day for Miss Utah Job's Daughters and as we were going our seperate ways for
the rest of the day she wished me the best of luck in the pagaent. The time I
knew Susie was brief but she touched my life deeply. I know that I will never
forget the lessons taught by Susie. She taught us all about the power of
dreams and now, every time I look at her Supreme Bethel Honored Queen's pin on
my sash I will remember that lesson and know how privileged I was to be able to
have Susie touch my life
- Christa Nickas |
I frist met Susie at the Grand Lodge of Nevada when she and Miss
Nevada Job's Daughters made a plea for two Master Masons to come forward
to be the Associate Guardians for two of the Bethels or the Bethel would
have to close. Being the "crazy" Grand Master from Minnesota, I assured
her that before the Grand Lodge closed, she would have two Master
Masons. You'll have to talk with the Jobbies in Nevada to find out how
it happened and how it turned out. Since that day, Susie and I became instant friends and I was excited to see her when she came to Minnesota and when I saw her at the Imperial Shrine and Conference of Grand Master's. She said many times that she wanted to kidnap me from Minnesota and I'm sure she would have figured out a way to do that. As Grand Master, I had the opportunity to meet many fine people from all over the world, but I can not remember one person who had such an impact on me as Susie. Her constant positive attitude and great sense of humor were an inspiration to me and I'm sure everyone who had the pleasure of meeting her. A wonderful young lady who I will be looking forward to seeing again in heaven.
- Jeffry N. Lewis |
To my Susie Q...
The Brightest Star in the Night
There exists a bright star in the night,
A rainbow of colors for all who see,
For inside lies something much greater
And as hard as it may seem,
-by Jenny Thomas, member |
I had the great honor of meeting Susie 2 years ago at Supreme Session. I was
retiring as Supreme Bethel Junior Princess and Susie was chosen to take my
place. I remember being amazed at her dedication and her positive outlook on
life. I went to her room to give her some things and talk to her about some
things and we sat there so long with our moms and talked about Job's and
school and our families. I will truly miss Susie, but I can say that her life
will be such an inspiration to everyone!!! I think this world is a much
better place because of Susie Holmes. My prayer is that we could all possess
one half of the strength and courage that Susie did, just think of how
wonderful this world would be.
- Melissa Hampton |
My Grand Master, M.W. Bro. Emmanuel Anthony, P.S.M., has asked me,
on behalf of the brethren of this jurisdiction, to pass on our sincerest
condolences in relation to the passing of Susan Ann Holmes, Supreme Bethel
Honoured Queen, on 7th June. We were all very impressed by this young lady when she visited us here in Queensland earlier this year and we have been greatly saddened by her loss. It would be appreciated if you could pass on the condolences of our Grand Master and the brethren of this jurisdiction to your Supreme Bethel at the first possible opportunity. With best wishes, Yours fraternally
Graham R. White, O.A.M, P.A.G.M.
Sent by Valerie Downes |
I had the pleasure of meeting Susie at the Conference of Grand Masters and
Grand Secretaries of North America in Savannah Georgia last February.
Although she was obviously very tired she still had a big smile and a kind
word for everyone.
She is indeed someone that every young lady can look up to.
-George H. Stablein Sr. |
I met Susie at Supreme Session in Michigan. Her light truly shone for the good of all!
Matthew 14:2-3 He Only Takes the Best
God saw she was getting tired
With tear-filled eyes we watched her
A golden heart stopped beating,
Stephanie Lynn Bray |
Hi, my name is Becky Herman and I am SB Rep to Montana. I was lucky enough to meet Susie at Supreme and at a few Supreme Visits like the one in Montana when she said that her and Tracy Dahl needed to switch bodies so she could have the adult body and a maturity to match while Tracy could have the little kid body with a maturity level to match (and like the Backstreet Boys). And the time I bought the Las Vegas Minnie Mouse and Tracy and Alida said that it was Susie. I treasure that Minnie Mouse because it reminds me of her. She was the most remarkable person I have ever known.
Jobie Love, |
I have a wonderful story about Susie Q. I am a majority member of Susie's
bethel. When I was HQ she was my Senior Princess. When it came time for
Susie's Installation we knew that the HQ cape would be way to long, so Susie
and her mom had a special one made just for her. Before the Installation
started we folded up the cape and set it next to the alter. When I went down
to give her the cape and the crown I had to take of my cape and fold it next
to the alter and pick hers up, then I had to take off my crown and set it on
the cape and pick up one that fit on her head. It was definitely a very
different Installation.
I also remember one time when her mom had to go on a school field trip (Barbara was the dean at the school), and Susie had to go with her. She asked me to go with her, so we got in her mom's mini van and drove to ST. George, Utah. We got to our hotel room and it was small and nasty. We spent the weekend at a wrestling competition. Every chance we got we would go shopping (you know Susie). We had stopped at Claire's, Susie was in her wheel chair and we were looking around. She would just pick up something she wanted and put it in her basket. There was one bracelet she really wanted, so she was wearing it so it wouldn't fall out of the basket. When we were done and getting in the van, Susie says to her Mom, did the lady ring up the bracelet? Her Mom went back in to see and the lady behind the counter thought she had stolen it and was trying to put it back. We were all so embarrassed that we just left without the bracelet. For the longest time after we always had to laugh every time we past a Claire's store. Susie was one of the greatest people I have ever met. I feel truley blessed to have not only known her but to have been really good friends with her. - Alicia Calvert PHQ, MM Bethel # 5 Las Vegas, NV |
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Susie with the Daughters from Texas when she came
to visit with us at the Third Annual Masonic Youth Weekend, April 28-30,
which is sponsored by the Grand Lodge of Texas. Sent by: Donna Warren, MM,RP Vice Jurisdictional Guardian of Texas |
Center - SusanAnn Sky Holmes, surrounded by her supporters (from left) Nicole Handley (Marshal #5 LV), Jessell Hoch (Honored Queen #2 Reno), Julia Gritton (Miss Nevada, Job's Daughters), Becky Evans (Senior Princess #2 Reno), Robyn Moore (Junior Princess #2 Reno) from the Nevada Grand Lodge's website (www.nvmasons.org/special.html) |
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Susie Holmes Sent by: Barbara Holmes (Susie's mom) |
Sent by: Mollie Petersen, HQ, PHQ #65, Missouri |
Dear Tracy Apps,
Thanks so much for your kindness in developing a dedication page to
Susie. She would be pleased by your tenderness and so are we. Susie
loved Job's Daughters so deeply and believed in all the good things that
are taught through our ritual. The compassion of you and all the folks
in Job's Daughters has been felt in our lives even as our hearts feel
like they have been broken into a million tiny pieces. We miss her with all our being.
In lieu of flowers, two memorial scholarships in Susie's name have been
Again, thank you! |
SusanAnn Sky Holmes Born Sunday, May 10, Mother’s Day 1981, Sunrise Hospital, Las Vegas, Nevada Church Family - University United Methodist Church, Las Vegas, Nevada - Baptized at First United Methodist Church, San Francisco, CA, October 16, 1981 - Confirmation at University United Methodist Church Education Hill and Dale Developmental Center, age 6 months through elementary years Doris French Elementary School - Dynamite Dolphin award (Outstanding Student-of-the-Month) - President of USA Academic Fitness Award for Extraordinary Effort Helen C. Cannon Middle School - National Junior Honor Society - Excellence in English Departmental Award - Finalist Nominee for American Legion Award - All “A” Recognition Advanced Technologies Academy, magnet high school, graphic design major - All “A” Recognition - Scholarship award winner from Daylite Masonic Lodge, May 22, 2000 - Diploma awarded June 2, 2000, bedside ceremony, 3.4 cumulative GPA Masonic Affiliated Groups International Order of Job’s Daughters - Baby Dedication, Bethels 1 & 3, Supreme Official Visit, November 15, 1982 - Initiated into Bethel # 5, Las Vegas, September 17, 1994 - Offices held: Librarian, 2nd-4th-5th Messengers, Recorder, Chaplain, Guide, Junior Princess, Senior Princess, - Honored Queen (April - November 1997) - Supreme Bethel Representative to Missouri, 1996-1997 - Nevada Rally Honored Queen, May 1997 - Supreme Bethel Junior Princess, 1998-1999 - Supreme Sessions 1995-1999, over 20 awards for art-related competition entries - Supreme Bethel Honored Queen, 1999-2000 Order of DeMolay - Oasis Chapter Sweetheart, Oasis Chapter Princess, Vegas Chapter Princess Order of Eastern Star, Sunrise Chapter # 28, Henderson, Nevada - Initiated September 28, 1999 -- Susie was looking forward to being active and serving as Queen Esther for the next term--the beautiful crown had a special appeal :). Medical History -- Susie adored her health-care givers! Thank you for your compassion and care! - Gaucher’s Disease (pronounced “go-shays”), diagnosed at age one Storage disorder, missing an enzyme that allows old red bloods cells to be completely metabolized out of the body, compromising body systems, 10 years of regular enzyme infusions. - 23 trips to operating room, spine stabilized in two spots with fibia bone from mother’s leg (With a sly smile, Susie noted that her mom was truly a “pain” in her back!) - Femurs broken four times, rods in both femurs (long bone in thigh) - By age 14, the length of all her incisions exceeded her height, which she found amusing - On continuous oxygen since 2nd grade, first CCSD student on oxygen while at school - Pulmonary rehab at Sunrise for last three years Risen Wednesday, June 7, 2000, 12:10 PM Sunrise Children’s Hospital, Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, Las Vegas, Nevada Susie was admitted to the hospital on May 25, 2000, for routine tests. Parents David Leo and BarbaraAnn Krajkoski Holmes, Henderson, Nevada Grandparents Frank J. and Estella M. Krajkoski, Hannah M. Holmes, Henderson, Nevada Godparents Ron and Vicki Martin, Indianapolis, Indiana Our Joyful “Susie” SusanAnn Sky Holmes May 10, 1981 - June 7, 2000 |
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This page developed and maintained by Tracy Apps, PHQ & MM #6, PGBHQ of WI, Director of Epochs #5, Wisconsin Job's Daughters webmaster, Assistant Supreme IOJD webmaster, and friend of Susie Holmes.
Questions/comments/concerns? Please email Tracy (Email: tray6@uwm.edu) with them. Thank you!
Tracy Apps