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Kailee's Illness

What is it you ask? I can not even prounce it, as spell it. All I know is it causes me and my family a lot of pain and anger. I was born with this illness. I did not ask for it to come. My older cousin Kari was also blessed with it. Since I was dianosed, I have had 2 surgeries to stop my hearing loss. You see my illness eats away at thingys in my little ears. (some of that causes the pain I feel every day) It also causes these little bells in my ears.. called tinnitus (which there is no cure for). Actully there is not cure for my illness eighter. How do mommy and daddy deal with it? Well, I take shots of pain meds, 2 times a day. I go in and get fluid sucked out of my ear with a big needle about once a month. My sugery helped my ear drum, and so I can hear well. The doctors say they might have stoped the loss!! To bad the surgery did not work for my cousin Kari. She means a lot to me.. I love her so much. My Kar Kar. You know what?? someday I want to be like her. So strong. She don't let anything get in her way. She is proud of herself, hearing impared and all. Kari has taught me lots. I know one day I will be as wise as her. You can see her page by the link on my link list. I know someday, that I may be deaf. You know what? I don't care. I am to young to worry about this stuff right now. As of now, I want to have fun, to grow up! I am prepared to ask for help if I ever need it. I am glad I have people who care for me, as much as they do. People that understand what I am going through. I am happy I have Kari.
Front Page

Deaf Links

Kari's Page
Deaf Linx Page
List of Schools For the Deaf and Hard Of Hearing
Deaf Wacth
Deaf Nation
Self Help For the Hard Of Hearing
A Chat For the Deaf
Hearing Disorders Links
Learn about Tinnitus
Tinnitus Treatment Centers
So you have tinnitus.. here is a page of links to help you
Deaf Source
Hip ( a mag. for the deaf kids)
Honey Bear Helps Deaf Kids Learn...
What is Deafness???
Cindy's Deaf Culture Page
Genetic Causes of Deafness
When your perfect child is deaf (a families story)