You Have Just Entered Rere's Homepage
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You Have Just Entered Rere's Homepage

Hi and welcome to my homepage. My name is Theresa and I am very glad you stopped by today. To those of you that have visited before, well OK... I don't keep it as updated as I would have liked to. Hey, you gotta remember, I have two little kids that need me to take them to the toy store, the park and just places in general. Well anyway, I have updated Christopher and Morgan's home pages recently. There are even new pictures on their photo pages. I am in the process of selecting photos and updating all of our pages so stay tuned. To all of you that we don't see often... we miss you. {{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}} to you all!

Please join the campaign to rescue
"The One and Only Q-tips Homepage" from extinction by the hands of Chesebrough-Ponds' corporate lawyers. Faith has worked diligently for a year to produce one of the most popular parody sites on the Internet. Show your support by clicking the above Q-tip, sign her guestbook, and copy a Q-tip from her page and place it on your own homepage to show your support. I plead with ALL WEBMASTERS to do what I have. Please help save this site! We must join hands in this fight, and we must plant those Q-tips! DO IT!!! If you don't own a website, or even if you do, contact Chesebrough-Ponds at the following address:

Make your letter attention to either "Consumer Affairs" or "Public Relations"

Thanks for your effort to save this wonderful site, and perhaps the chance to instill sanity in a corporate giant.

Please don't leave without signing my questbook.
Smile and have a great day!

Wanna see some pictures

My Favorite Links

My Daughter Morgan's homepage
My Son Christopher's homepage
Jokester homepage
Blue Mountain Arts E-Cards

Poem "Blossom" in honor of my Son
Christopher Ryan Davis

I never dreamt
that tender blossoms
would be brown
or precious angels
could come down
to live in the garden
of my giving heart
But here you are
brown angel

--Written by Walter Dean Myers

Prayer in honor of my Daughter
Morgan Rachelle Davis

Shout my name to the angels,
Sing my song to the skies,
Anoint my ears with wisdom,
Let beauty fill my eyes
For I am dark and precious
And have such gifts to give,
Sweet joy, sweet love,
Sweet laughter
Sweet Wondrous life to live.

--Written by Walter Dean Myers

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This page created and maintained by Davis, Davis, & Vance!
Last Updated 8/30/97.