~Amber*s Asylum~ Your daily dose of
insanity ~8P
Slip on a straightjacket and stay a while =)
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...To himself everyone is immortal; he may know that he is going to die, but he can never know that he is dead...
Greetings followers, today is
Updated: 11-22-05
An update after a few months of ignoring this page: Ryan and I got back together...again...back in July. We're seeing how things go and so far it's been mostly civil hehe. We're helping eachother along and learning not to push eachother's buttons. I'm still working at Mao*Mart (see whitehouse.org) and it's getting crazy due to the oh-so-commercial holidays coming up. I wish people would just stay home and knit eachother sweaters or something. I finally got to my only real show of the year...Strapping Young Lad in Milwaukee @ The Rave. I'm on Effexor XR to get me through the inevitable winter depression. I'm also learning relaxation techniques to help me cope with human interaction (as unpleasant as it often can be) etc. Everything is going smoothly for the most part. I'm hoping to apply for school sometime in the spring. I'm not sure what we're doing for New Year's this year, so if you've got some ideas, lemme know. I've got slightly more time on my hands this winter, because I'm down to one job, so hopefully I'll get around to updating this fucker more than twice a year :) Happy Yule, Solstice, and New Year!
What's pissing me off now?! Hollywood and their spending habits! Not just Hollywood, but sports stars and rich people all over the world...but mostly right here in America. $2,500 for a purse...$300,000 for a car...$10,000 for some rims...$6,000 for a pet Kinkajou for Paris Hilton to carry around while she shops...only to be discarded next week when she discovers that Kinkajous are sooo last season, and now it's all about the minature hairless hybrid giraffapotomus. It's rediculous! Who needs this shit? Do they even have time to wear 400 pairs of shoes? Well, of course, since they change clothes 15 times a day! I mean, really, you can't be seen in the same boots at both brunch and pre-lunch! It's nice that many celebrities spend (some of) their money on charity...but please! You do not NEED to have handfuls and neckfuls of faaabbuuullooouusss diamonds. You do not NEED gold-plated toilet-paper dispensers and ivory tusk toothpicks. There are people all over the world who will die today because they have no food and are riddled with disease. There are people in our own country living with rats, 10 people to a room. There are thousands of homeless in the U.S., everyday...not just after a hurricane. I have respect for some celebs like Angelina Jolie who spends time really making a difference by standing up for children living in poverty, and talking to law-makers in an effort to pass legislation to help the planet. There are many other people with money out there who do try to make a difference....but they are outnumbered by those who would rather put new rims on their Escalade and more ice on their fingers than covers the Antarctic. It's sad...shame...shame on you, Hollywood...pfft.
If you have any comments about my page please direct them to the Psychiatric Ward at....oh wait...just e-mail me hehe. My address is at the bottom there =-P
Thanks for committing yourself to the asylum.
Amber Schrab
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