In 1990 315,000 horses were murdered in slaughter houses in the United States. There were 20 operational equine slaughter houses at this time.
In 1995 the number of horses killed had dropped to 77,000. And there were only 4 equine slaughter houses in the U.S.
Obviously, progress has been made. But that progress has only taken place in the decrease of victims. There are still nearly 100,000 horses killed each year. And these creatures are killed very inhumanely.
Horses who end up as victims in slaughter houses are ex-racehorses who cannot reach the speed, ex-rodeo horses, family pets, and just about anything else. These equines are sold to auctions. And at these auctions lurk the dreaded "killer buyers." These people buy horses for slaughter houses. A slaughter house can get an average of about 51 cents per pound for horse meat.
The trip to the slaughter house is enough to make you cringe. Horses are crammed into tightly packed decker trucks (usually made for smaller livestock such as cattle). They are driven to the slaughter houses, sometimes more than 1000 miles, with no air, no food, and no water. The more agressive horses often injure the less agressive animals.
Horses who are injured in this trip to the slaughter house are not put down. They may have a broken leg, a large wound, or even missing an eye, but they are not euthanized. Apparently, the drugs used to euthanize a horse release toxins into the animal, and then the meat cannot be sold. So these creatures must suffer through intense pain.
When they finally reach the slaughter house, they are crammed into small, crowded pens. Again, the more agressive horses will often injure the more passive ones. And once again, the handlers refuse to euthanize the animals.
Horses are kept in hideous conditions. They are kept in filth, are are denyed water, food, and fresh air. The stench in very strong.
When the times comes for the horses to be killed, they are shot in the head with a nail. The nail is supposed to stun them, before they are hung in the air and their throats are slit. However, more than often, the horses are NOT stunned, and they are simply tied, hoisted into the air, and thier throats are slit while they are conscience.
Is it fair to treat an animal, who has devoted it's life to pleasing human beings, like this. Is it fair that they are killed like this, treated like this, forced to live in such conditions. The reality is that these horses HAVE devoted their lives to us. And they deserve to die humanely.
The public needs to be made aware that this does exist. They need to know the details, need to see the horrifying photos. They need to know so that they can stop sending their loving horses to auctions. They need to realize that there are alternatives. There are retirement homes, and societies dedicated to ex-racehorses.
The other reality is that 77,000 horses were slaughtered in 1995. Until industries, such as racing and showing, decide that money is NOT everything, there will continue to be unwanted horses. Sure, every horse lover out there would love to adopt these animals, but they are expensive.
So horse slaughter will continue to exist. It is sad, and unfortunate, but it exists, because some people have a need for money and no respect for horses' lives.
Since horse slaughter will exist, what needs to happen is that these equines need to be put down HUMANELY!!! They should get fresh water, food and air. They should be allowed to go outside. And they should not live in filth, nor in crowded pens.
Are you with me on this?? Has this issue touched anybody else? Send your emails my way, and help fight horse slaughter! California has already passed laws that horse slaughter is illegal!! If we fight, we can do more. This loving, devoted creatures DO NOT deserve to die this way.
They cannot fight for themselves. So we must be their voices. We must stand up for them.